Instructions for use and reviews of Medilis Zipper from ticks
Medilis from ticks refers to the insectoacaricidal professional preparations of a wide spectrum of action that destroy many pests: cockroaches, bedbugs, ticks, etc.Instructions for its use, components and toxicity class - this information will be useful for those who are going to use it at the dacha or in the room.
Description and composition
The main active ingredient of Medilis is cypermethrin at a concentration of 25% in solution, as well as emulsifiers and perfumes. This insecticide belongs to the pyrethroid group with contact-intestinal effects. When a small amount of the solution gets on the body of the insect, the poison is absorbed through the chitinous membrane and negatively affects its nervous system. The resulting destruction leads to the death of the pest.
It is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion, has a yellow color, an oily structure, has an unpleasant odor.
On a note!
After preparation of the solution, the color changes to light milky.
Purpose and Action
Medilis Tsiper is effective against the following pests:
- ixodic, scabies and rat mites, lice;
- mosquitoes and their larvae;
- synanthropic arthropods, domestic parasites: fleas, ants, cockroaches, bugs, flies;
- It is widely used for disinfection of premises in the centers of pediculosis and scabies.
On a note!
Medilis is versatile and can be used not only in residential premises, but also in vehicles, in medical institutions, on the street or at subway stations, railway transport facilities.
Advantages and disadvantages
The remedy for ticks Medilis is widely used to kill pests and has many advantages compared with other similar drugs:
- destroys not only adult insects, but also their eggs and larvae;
- prolonged destructive effect that persists in the air for 1–1.5 months, and indoors for up to 3 months;
- under the action of sunlight its efficiency does not decrease;
- the price is quite budget and low compared to similar means.
On a note!
The main disadvantage of the active component of cypermethrin is its resistance, i.e., the addiction of insects. Therefore, it is recommended to apply Medilis only after processing by other means.
Packaging and prices
Medilis Ziper comes to sale in hardware stores or on the Internet in several types of packaging, differing in volume and price:
- ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml cost about 10 rubles;
- bottles of 10 ml, the price of 80-100 rubles.;
- plastic bottles of 50, 100 and 500 ml, cost, respectively, from 380 to 1200-1500 rubles;
- a canister with a capacity of 5 liters - 9-12 thousand rubles.
Application features
Treatment with Medilis Ziper for the destruction of ticks is usually carried out over a large area: in the places of detection of parasites or possible contamination with encephalitis. It is used to treat the area in children's camps, parks, most often in preparation for the summer season.
The consumption rate in this case is 100 liters of Medilis per 1 hectare.
Stages of tick area treatment:
- Preparatory: to free the territory from people and put special warning signs along its perimeter; all along the paths and paths they collect high grass and thickets of bushes, where ticks are most often waiting for their prey.
- Processing - is carried out only in dry and windless weather, using a prepared solution of Medilis Ziper and water, it is poured into the sprayer and treated with the probable habitat of mites. Also consider the weather conditions and the absence of rain in the following days so that the product is not washed off with water.
- After processing, a visit by people to this area is allowed only after 3 days, during which time the preparation has time to crystallize, and the ticks die. After 3-5 days, the terrain becomes absolutely safe for humans and animals.
- The time during which the tool Medilis acts detrimental to ticks, is 30-45 days.
It is recommended to carry out the treatment of the dacha for ticks in the spring-summer period, having planned it so that after the procedure there are no people on the territory for 3 days. The prepared working solution is treated with grass, shrubs, using a sprayer with a uniform distributor.
On a note!
Be sure to spray the area around the perimeter in order to prevent ticks from neighbors from entering the future. The average consumption of the solution is 120 ml per 10 acres of territory.
Instructions for use from ticks
Dilution of the emulsion should be carried out immediately before treatment, because the working solution can be stored for only 8 hours, and then loses its toxic qualities.
When preparing the solution should be diluted from ticks in the proportion of 5 ml of Medilis per liter of water. With a small population of pests, the concentration can be reduced by half.Consumption of the resulting solution on the treated area: 50 ml per 1 square. m, and it is necessary to process all surfaces in the room, including hard-to-reach ones: baseboards, frames, floor slots, legs of sofas and chairs, etc.
The use of Medilis Ziper for the treatment of personal clothing or linen is not recommended, it is better to wash them in hot water.
Medilis-comfort: spray from ticks
The tool is also available in the form of an aerosol with a volume of 100 ml, which can be used to protect against ticks and other harmful insects. The main active ingredients are alpha-cipermethrin (0.25%) and DETA (19%). After treatment, the protection effect lasts for 15-20 days. The price of the bottle: 230-240 rubles.
On a note!
With the help of a spray, it is convenient to spray products onto clothes, in which you can then go into the woods, on a picnic or fishing.
Instructions for use:
- Fabrics (curtains, mosquito nets, camping tents and equipment) and clothing can only be processed outdoors.
- Spraying from the bottle should be made from a distance of 20-25 cm from the clothes.
- Spray hold in the outstretched hand.
- Consumption rate: for 1 pressure, a 10x10 cm section is processed.
- On the clothes, those areas through which the pincers can make their way to the human body should be treated more thoroughly: trousers near the chin, knees, thighs and shins.
- Clothes must be dried for 2 hours, then it becomes suitable for wearing and does not have a local irritant effect on the skin.
- Re-treatment can be carried out after 15-20 days or after washing.
Protective Equipment and Security Measures
Medilis Ziper is a moderately toxic means of hazard class 3, its use requires caution and safety measures:
- During processing it is necessary to remove from the territory of unauthorized persons, pets, fish and animals.
- Special protective clothing is necessary, one-time overalls, which completely covers the whole body, are better, wear gloves on your hands.
- A respirator and goggles are used to protect against toxic fumes, which can cause intoxication of the human body or irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and organs of vision.
- It is recommended to do wet cleaning before treatment and after it.
- During the spraying procedure it is forbidden to smoke, drink liquids and consume food.
- In case of accidental contact with the skin, the solution should be quickly washed off with clean water.
- If the drug gets inside, it is necessary to immediately flush the stomach and intestines, in case of deterioration - go to the hospital or call an ambulance.
According to reviews of Medilis Zipper for ticks, this tool is universal and is widely used by tourists and outdoor enthusiasts, gardeners for tillage, and SES services for treating the area where pests are found that pose a danger to people as carriers of infectious diseases .
He used Medilis Tsiper to treat the dacha from ticks, which in recent years have multiplied greatly and have become a problem for pets and children. I did everything as indicated in the instructions. I sprayed the plot, bushes and the bases of the trees, the lower parts of the walls of the buildings. For a couple of days, all the mites disappeared, and mosquitoes also died. I was satisfied with the action of the drug.
Victor, Moscow
Medilis helped me get rid of ticks on the territory of the suburban area.After processing, a month has passed, pests do not appear. I hope there will be no more ticks by the end of the season. The only drawback of it is a sharp unpleasant smell, which must be endured during spraying.
Igor, Smolensk