The best drugs for dogs from ticks and fleas

It is difficult to find pet owners who would not face the problem of protecting their pets from ticks in the spring. This problem is especially relevant for dog lovers.Parasites are carriers of dangerous diseases that can lead to the death of pets. Today, in veterinary pharmacies, you can purchase effective drugs that can protect the animal from the bites of bloodsuckers. The variety of forms and price offers allows you to buy the preferred remedy for ticks for dogs. Let us consider in more detail which drugs are considered the best, according to experts and pet owners.

Basic methods of protection

Before the owners of large and small dogs, sooner or later the question arises, what to treat your pet to prevent the attack of parasites. After all, Ixodes tick bites do not always pass without consequences for four-legged friends.


Diseases with which ticks are “awarded” to dogs are fast-flowing, especially piroplasmosis. If you do not promptly identify the symptoms of the disease and do not start treatment, then in 98% of cases death is recorded, because the main “stroke” is taken by the blood and nervous system of the animal.

After prolonged treatment with antiprotozoal drugs, the dog's body needs recovery.It is necessary to normalize the work of the kidneys and withdraw free hemoglobin. In this case, come to the aid of the ringer - a special saline solution, which is used for subcutaneous droppers.

It is possible to protect a pet from peddlers of dangerous infections with the help of modern, effective veterinary drugs. Not all of them are able to kill ticks or fleas, many have a paralyzing effect on parasites. However, this ultimately leads to their death.

Modern insecticidal agents for dogs against ticks can be divided into specific groups. The classification is based on the method of poisoning. There are:

  • drip preparations on withers;
  • shampoos;
  • collars;
  • sprays, aerosols and solutions for the treatment of wool cover;
  • pills;
  • injection solutions.

On a note!

Many owners believe that the best remedy for tackling ticks and fleas in dogs is dry powder or powder. They are rubbed into the animal's fur and are not used for prophylaxis, but to combat the existing parasites. The main active ingredient is pyrethroid.

Preparations for protection against ticks
Preparations for protection against ticks

Medicines for ticks for dogs differ in the duration of exposure. Depending on this parameter, insecticides can have an instant or prolonged effect on parasites. If we summarize all the classification signs, then the chemicals produced by the chemical industry for dogs from ticks are divided into three large groups:

  1. The compositions of repellent action - they do not destroy the parasites, but reliably deter them from pets.
  2. Insektoakaritsidny means - kill ticks. This group includes organophosphorus and chlorine-containing dosage forms.
  3. Acaricidal-repellent - insecticides have a complex effect on arthropods, which is to scare away and destroy existing individuals.


Use of insecticides is necessary after consultation with the doctor. Especially when it comes to weak or lactating animals.

Most modern insecticidal drugs are contact, that is, do not penetrate the blood of the dog. They are distributed over the surface of the skin of the animal and paralyze the tick, who wants to bite through it.To decide which best means from fleas and ticks for dogs to use to protect your pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts and reviews of the owners of four-legged animals.

Drip Drugs

In specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies presented an extensive line of effective means of dealing with ticks in the form of drops. They are packaged in plastic pipettes, which greatly facilitates the processing of the dog. Without exception, all means are provided with detailed instructions, which provide all the necessary information for the owner of the animal. Manufacturers pay attention to how the drops act, warn about possible adverse reactions. Drugs do not penetrate into the bloodstream, and accumulate in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin. The dosage of any means should be selected depending on the weight, age of the dog or consult with a veterinarian.

Most of the drugs of domestic and foreign production on the market are distinguished by safety and the absence of negative consequences.Their toxicity is reduced to a minimum and can not harm the health of pedigreed and, not only, the dog. Problems arise only with the direct hit of the drug on the mucous membranes of the pet or person.

Drops for dogs from ticks
Drops for dogs from ticks

How to use:

  1. It is recommended for treatment with drops to use a dot coating on withers or inaccessible for licking the area along the spine. Due to the thick consistency of the substance does not spread over the body of the dog.
  2. During treatment, ensure maximum access of the drug to the skin.
  3. Rubbing into the skin is not necessary, as it is quickly absorbed.
  4. Within 2-3 days it is advisable not to wash the animal and limit walks in the rain.

On a note!

If walks are associated with swimming in a pond, then moisture-resistant insecticides should be selected for treatment.

The most popular in the line of medicines for ticks and fleas in dogs are such drugs.

Frontline Combo Tick and Flea Drops

Branded French drug ranks first in popularity rating. Active substances are fipronil and S-methoprene.Differs in high efficiency in fight against adult individuals of parasites, and also their eggs. The action of the agent begins one day after application. Acaricidal properties are retained for a month for ticks and up to 60 days for fleas.

Drops from fleas for dogs are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. They are suitable for all breeds. You can handle pregnant and lactating females. For puppies under the age of 8 weeks, the drug is contraindicated. Cost - 670 rubles.


After the walk, I found several ticks on the dog. On the advice of a doctor, I bought Frontline drops. Processed her pet. He feels fine and, after walking, he no longer noticed parasites on him. Very good tool.

Elena, Kaliningrad

Drops for dogs from ticks
Drops for dogs from ticks

Drops from fleas and ticks Leopard

An effective remedy of domestic production is prescribed for the defeat of Ixodes arthropods and other blood-sucking. The active ingredient is fipronil, which has a neuroparalytic effect on mature individuals and larvae of parasites. The product is produced in a convenient package, in which 3-4 ampoules are placed, equipped with a convenient pipette.It has a long repellent and insectoacaricidal effect.

Drops from fleas and ticks are well tolerated by animals and are approved for use for pets weighing more than 2 kg. The protective effect of the active substance lasts for 6-8 weeks. In rare cases, the dog may be re-treated after a month. Price - 120 rubles.


I regularly process my dog ​​with an inexpensive but effective domestic remedy Bars. Very pleased with the result. The animal is well protected from bloodsuckers.

Svetlana, Kirov

Advantiks from the company Bayer

The drug has a broad spectrum of action. Resistant antiparasitic effect is achieved through a combination of imidacloprid and permethrin. The tool not only destroys ticks, but also does not allow new parasites to approach the dog. The effectiveness of the drug is maintained when interacting with water. The protective effect lasts for 6 weeks. It is forbidden to use insecticide sick animals, nursing females and puppies under 7 weeks. 4 types of dosages are designed for different weight animals. The tool is not cheap, but the price - 1500 rubles is justified by its high efficiency.

Hartz Ultra Guard

One of the best American products. The active substance Phenotrin reliably protects four-legged pets from parasites for 30 days. The company offers 4 types of dosage for dogs weighing from 7 to 13, 5 kg. Treatment of weakened, pregnant and lactating animals is contraindicated. The cost of funds - 650 rubles.

The list of effective drugs is not limited to the above means. In veterinary pharmacies there are a large number of insecticides to protect dogs from ticks. Which drug to give preference, selects the owner after consulting with a doctor.

"Children's" drugs

Drops for dogs from ticks
Drops for dogs from ticks

For puppies can not use products containing potent insecticides. When purchasing preparations for treating a baby, the owners should carefully study the instructions and consult on the dosage and method of treatment with the doctor. Manufacturers offer the following tick remedies for small dogs:

  • Dana Ultra - the drug is effective against parasites on the body of the animal, and also has a long repellent effect. With strict observance of the instructions, it is possible to handle puppies that have reached 7 weeks of age, as well as dogs weighing up to 10 kg.
  • Frontline - destroys all forms of ectoparasites, regardless of their stage of development. The protective effect lasts for 3-5 weeks. Puppies over 9 weeks old are allowed. For dogs of small breeds provided a special dosage.
  • Stronghold. Drops on withers contain 12% Selamectin. Allows you to get rid of not only ticks, but also endoparasites. The maximum protective effect lasts up to 40 days after the first treatment of the dog. Veterinarians are allowed to handle puppies after six weeks of age, as well as dogs of decorative breeds.
  • Inspector Total S. Highly effective means of a new generation, with a broad integrated action. It is used to prevent and combat ecto-and endoparasites. The basis is a unique two-component formula based on fipronil and moxidectin. The drug causes instant paralysis of ticks and other parasites at all stages of development. The protective effect is guaranteed for 2 months with the destruction of 100% of parasites. The drug is recommended for dogs weighing less than 4 kg, as well as for puppies from 7 weeks of age.


Anyone who has small dogs, I recommend the Inspector.Regularly spend processing your baby, and there are no ticks on it. I advise.

Olga, Ufa


Tick ​​Shampoo
Tick ​​Shampoo

This type of insecticide is the best remedy for ticks and fleas for puppies and small breeds of dogs. They are quite effective, safe, have a soft, delicate effect, quite easy to use. Wool cleaners contain insecticidal components with a different spectrum of action. They protect the dog from ticks for 1 week.

On a note!

It should be borne in mind that the flea and tick shampoo is an auxiliary and not the main tool in the fight against parasites.

The most effective, according to consumers, are such detergents:

  • Bolfo from the German company Bayer.
  • Domestic Phytoelite shampoo on the infusion of medicinal herbs with the addition of permethrin.
  • Dr. Zoo has a completely natural composition and is approved for use for two weeks puppies. The price of the tube is within 100 rubles.
  • Beaphar is an expensive, but effective and safe bathing facility for adult dogs. The price of the bottle is about 500 rubles.

In specialized stores there is always a safe shampoo for all age categories of dogs.

Tick ​​and flea collars

Remedies from ticks for animals in the form of a plastic strap impregnated with an insecticidal preparation are quite popular among owners of four-legged pets. The principle of their operation and use is quite simple. Boss enough to unpack the tape and put it on the pet and properly fit to size. Ammunition does not guarantee complete protection of the animal against ticks, therefore the collar against ticks for dogs is used as a prophylactic agent and is supplemented with more effective means.

On a note!

The straps are designed to combat only superficial parasites. Before use, you need to clarify the duration of the action and change the tape in time. Collars help protect the head, ears, withers, neck, and partially the chest of the dog.

The following products are considered the best:

  • Foresto from the Bayer company. The price of polyvinyl tape is within 1800 rubles, but the pet will be reliably protected from ticks and other parasites for 8 months. Available in two types of collar - for dogs weighing less than 8 kg and large animals.
  • Riltix (Bayer).Insecticides of the latest generation - flumetrin and propoxur will provide a protection effect for 7 months. Polyvinyl tape costs about 800 rubles.
  • Collar Hartz, depending on the model, can protect the dog for 3-7 months. The price is about 500 rubles. Can be used for one and a half puppies.


In the summer, my dog ​​spends a lot of time on the street, as we leave for the country. Our rescue from parasites - collar Hartz. Very effective adaptation.

Pavel, Moscow

Aerosol remedies for ticks in dogs

Mite spray
Mite spray

Spray is very popular with owners of large breeds of dogs. The bottle allows you to spray the drug on the entire body of your pet, providing full protection for the animal. The duration of action of this dosage form is maintained for 4 weeks. Spray means necessary in the fresh air and control that the animal does not lick insecticide.

The tick mist contains powerful toxic components that provide an instant effect. Many drugs have a deterrent effect. Before direct application of tick agent, you must carefully study the instructions.Such drugs are popular among consumers:

  • Leopard;
  • Beaphar;
  • Frontline, price - 1700 rubles;
  • Bolfo, a bottle costs 350 rubles.

The list is not limited to the named means. Effective protection against fleas and ticks for dogs can be provided by drugs of domestic and foreign production.

Vaccination and pills

Tick ​​tablets
Tick ​​tablets

Protect the dog from ticks and the effects of their bites by using vaccinations. In veterinary clinics use the drug French production Pirodog. The composition is a kind of antidote to ticks and produces in an animal immunity against piroplasmosis. Vaccination should be carried out twice with a break of 1 month, starting at 5 months of age puppy. A complete immunity will develop in a dog 14 days after the injection and will last for six months. The high cost of Pirodoga - 2000 rubles, is justified by a good protective effect.

On a note!

Today, in veterinary pharmacies in Moscow and other localities, you can buy pills that provide 100% protection of dogs against ticks. The range of drugs is not great, as it is new in the practice of care for four-legged pets.Flavor additives facilitate the reception of funds.

Once in the dog's body, the composition mixes with the plasma and is carried by the blood. Long-term circulation of the drug in the dog's body contributes to the extermination not only of external parasites, but also protects it from other parasites.

Tableted medicine for ticks has a universal and gentle composition. It can be given to older dogs, nursing and pregnant females, as well as puppies from 3 months of age. Experts know 2 types of tablets for ticks:

  • Bravecto. The Austrian drug from the company MSD ensures complete death of the parasites after 12 hours. The cost of 1 tablet is 1300 rubles. The preventive effect lasts for 12 weeks. Means should not be given to puppies younger than 2 months, as well as small breeds of dogs weighing up to 2 kg.
  • Frontline NexgarD. Chewable tablets with a pleasant taste are used to fight ticks and fleas. The drug begins to act 30 minutes after administration and after 2 days all parasites will be destroyed. The effect of protection lasts for a month. Cost - 1600 rubles.

The range of veterinary pharmacies is constantly updated with new effective drugs.What means to choose, decides the owner of the dog, taking into account the recommendations of the veterinarian.

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