Tablets Bravekto from ticks for dogs

Bravekto's pills for ticks for dogs - a drug of systemic action, of American origin. The tool is known worldwide, is actively implemented in Europe. In Russia there is a representative office. On the packaging you can see the manufacturer - USA, Canada, Russia.The drug protects animals from fleas, ticks and other blood-sucking insects. Collects numerous reviews on the Internet, both positive and negative.

Drug description

The remedy for ticks for dogs Bravekto is made in the form of chewable tablets. Attracts pets with aroma, has taste of meat. It is eaten by dogs as a treat. The package has only one large tablet of a certain dosage - 5 types. Each chewable tablet, respectively, 112, 5 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg, 1400 mg. The drug is intended for dogs weighing from 2 to 56 kg or more, as protection against fleas, ticks.

On a note!

A chewable tablet provides an instant effect, death of fleas is observed within 8 hours, ticks - 12. After a single dose, it provides protection for 3 months without additional efforts. Recommended by many veterinarians. Positioned as a safe, effective tool.


Bravecto tick tablets act on the basis of a modern insecticide-acaricide substance of systemic action - fluralaner. Belongs to the class of low-risk, subject to the dosage causes a minimal amount of side effects.It is well tolerated by animals in most cases, sometimes there is a temporary appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

After entering the stomach, the floralaner is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation. The therapeutic effect begins after 4 hours. The maximum effect is observed during the first day. Partially excreted in the urine, feces. A day later, the dosage is set such that does not harm the health of the dog, but destroys the parasites for 12 weeks.

On a note!

Auxiliary components flavors, flavorings to attract the attention of the animal, ensuring normal swallowing. Before using the product it is not recommended to chop it apart, if the pet refuses to eat differently, it is mixed with food.

Tablets from ticks for dogs Bravekto
Tablets from ticks for dogs Bravekto

How does Bravekto on ticks

The principle of action of the tablet Bravekto from ticks for a dog is extremely simple. The blood accumulates an acceptable dose of a toxic substance, in other words a poison. When ingested, the parasite provokes a breakdown in the nervous system, causing muscle paralysis, and immediate death.In the case of fleas, it all happens swiftly quickly, ticks fall off within a few minutes.

On a note!

Bravecto from fleas and ticks does not possess a deterrent, contact action. The death of parasites occurs only after a bite. This approach is not entirely clear, since dangerous diseases are transmitted from it during the bite. For complete confidence in the protection of the pet, it is necessary to use additional means of repellents or preparations with contact action. Since in this case there is a risk to human health in the event of ingress of several active ingredients, it is advisable to use folk remedies.

Instructions for use

Chewable tablets are given to the dog during meals or 30 minutes before meals. For convenience, manufacturers immediately release the drug in the right dosage, starting from the weight of the animals.

  • 112.5 mg - 2-4.5 kg;
  • 125 - up to 10 kg;
  • 150 mg - up to 20 kg;
  • 1000 mg - up to 40 kg;
  • 1400 mg - up to 56 kg.

For dogs weighing more than 56 kg, the dose is calculated independently. Per 1 kg of body weight accounts for 25-56 mg.

On a note!

Re-Bravekto give dogs after 3 months. For the year for the full protection of the pet requires only 4 tablets.If, after taking the drug for several hours, vomiting occurs, you need to give the pills again the next day. Processing should be carried out for 11 hours before possible contact with the tongs.

Tablets from ticks for dogs Bravekto
Tablets from ticks for dogs Bravekto


Manufacturers indicate the minimum number of contraindications based on the safety of the drug:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • puppy age up to 2 months;
  • body weight less than 2 kg.

However, due to the systemic action of the drug, tablets should not be given to dogs with:

  • severe diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • heart failure;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • weakened, ill;
  • in the period of recovery;
  • problems with the stomach, intestines.

On a note!

It is impossible to verify individual intolerance in advance; there is no special antidote. If there are signs of allergies, immediately show the animal to the veterinarian. Allergy is manifested by rashes on the skin, a general deterioration of health - vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cramps, loss of appetite, weakness, anxiety, increased salivation, etc.

Side effects

There are some contradictions.Direct contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance, which is often manifested by vomiting. However, manufacturers indicate in the manual if the gag reflex appears within 2 hours after taking Bravekto, you need to give again in the same dosage.

In individual cases appears:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • blood in urine, feces.

The normal situation is when undesirable effects disappear within the first 3 days. Symptomatic treatment.


The cost of Bravecto is quite high. Depends on dosage. The tablet 112.5 mg costs 975 rubles, 1400 mg - 1330 rubles. sold through a network of veterinary pharmacies, it is possible to order via the Internet. Shelf life - 2 years from the date of manufacture. Keep away from direct sunlight in a cool place.

Reviews of Bravekto tablets from ticks for dogs

Tablets from ticks for dogs Bravekto
Tablets from ticks for dogs Bravekto

On forums on the Internet there are conflicting reviews regarding the actions, the effectiveness of the funds.

Dear - does not mean safe. I found out about this when it was too late.She gave her sheepdog on the advice of a veterinarian. There was vomiting, diarrhea, terrible weakness. For several days the dog did not get up. Three months in hospitals, could not be saved.

Irina, Moscow

I give pills to my labrador for 3 years already. The age of the dog is 4 years old. No side effects are not observed. All perfectly. Eating medicine with pleasure.

Anna, Saint Petersburg

Has given Chihuahua Bravekto year. Protected well from ticks, fleas. Of the side effects - a few days lack of appetite, increased salivation. Everything goes on its own without special treatment. From other drugs, the dog had a side effect.

Ksenia, Tver

I have a samoyed husky with big huge fur. No collars, drops on the withers help this dog. Bravekto became our salvation. It is well tolerated, I give for the prevention of almost 2 years. In parallel, it saves from parasitic diseases.

Igor, Voronezh

After a year of taking Bravekto, my sweetheart died of heart failure. It is worth thinking not about the primary side effects that manifest themselves weakly or absent, but about the cumulative intoxication of the body. Inside gets poison, which the liver, kidneys, heart confidently fights.No more pills. And yet, the drug of American manufacture and domestic - completely different means, and the price is one. To use or not, each owner decides for himself.

Inessa, Perm

Reviews of veterinarians about Bravekto for dogs in most cases positive, but everyone can have their own personal opinion about the actions of a drug. When choosing a suitable remedy for your pet, before using it, you must first examine the animal, get advice from an experienced doctor, visit a clinic.

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