How to pull a tick head if it came off

What to do if a tick's head remains in the human body, there are several options for behavior - extract it yourself, seek help from specialists, process it with medicine, wait until it comes out. At home, you can carefully carry out the operation, but if the wound had time to fester, it is better to go to the clinic.

What happens if a tick's head remains in the human body?

On this occasion, there are several opinions. One part of people is sure that there is nothing terrible. After a few days, it will reject itself by the body. The other part of the victims insists that if the head of the tick remains inside the wound, it must be removed. In the future, this situation is dangerous development of a purulent process, infection.

On a note!

Borreliosis viruses are concentrated in the salivary glands and are transmitted to humans when they are bitten. If it was not possible to pull the tick out completely, the head remained in the skin, the infection process continues. The main difficulty of the situation is that a part of the pest can no longer be submitted to the laboratory for analysis, to find out if there is a virus in the body, you need to wait 2 weeks.

How to pull a proboscis

After unsuccessful extraction of the parasite under the skin may remain the head or proboscis. If there is a black dot at the bite site, it is a proboscis. To get rid of it, you can do the same as with a conventional splinter.

  • Treat the skin around with medical alcohol, any alcohol tincture. Disinfect the sharp needle, gently pick up, pull out the tick sting.
  • Lubricate the location of the particle body, head with iodine. In a couple of days, the proboscis mite will come out on its own.


If the tick's proboscis remains in the wound, there are signs of suppuration, swelling, making incisions in the skin to remove particles, removing the parasite is prohibited. Such an operation should be done by a specialist under sterile conditions.

Removing a tick from under the skin
Removing a tick from under the skin

How to pull a tick head if it came off

To remove the parasite that has adhered, it is recommended to lubricate the skin around it with medical alcohol. After a few minutes, pick up at the base with tweezers, turn against or clockwise. After a few turns, the parasite will be outside. However, it is not uncommon for a part of the tick to remain in the body.

To determine the presence of the head of the tick at the site of the bite, you can either immediately, carefully examining the parasite, or understand after a few days, when there is swelling, redness. In the center of the depression, a black dot. Further there is a photo of a similar situation.

To get the head of a tick in several ways.

  • Wipe the bite with cotton swab dipped in alcohol to clearly see the location of the head.Disinfect the sharp needle or ignite it over a burning candle. Pick up a piece of the parasite, pull like a splinter. Treat skin with iodine, green paint.
  • If a head and a part of the body remain under the skin, they are removed with forceps and tweezers. Clamp at the base, gently unscrew in any direction. The basic rule of a successful operation is not to change the direction of scrolling, not to make sudden movements, not to rush.
  • Fold the gauze in several layers, apply abundantly Vishnevsky ointment, apply to the sore spot, fix, leave overnight. The next day, a piece of the parasite's body will come out along with accumulated pus.

If independent actions do not give proper results, you need to seek help from specialists. Under sterile conditions, the doctor makes an incision, removes a foreign body.

Is it possible to pass the head on the analysis

The study of mite and its particles
The study of mite and its particles

Ticks are carriers of dangerous diseases - borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis. The first virus enters the human body with saliva when it bites, the second infection enters along with the blood of an infected parasite. This happens when the pest is improperly removed, the head is pulled off, when the body can burst.

On a note!

Panic ahead of time is not worth it.You can call the sanitary-epidemiological service, get information about the epidemiological situation in the area, the village. The probability of infection is there, but, if not registered cases, it remains at a minimum level.

For full confidence in the absence of infection, the body of the extracted tick should be placed in a jar, where a wet cotton wool is placed at the bottom, carried to the laboratory. A few days later, experts will make a verdict - a contagious tick or not. Otherwise, you can find out about the presence of the disease within 14-30 days. That is how long the incubation period. To make tests until this time it makes no sense, they will not meet the reality. For prevention after a bite, experts recommend vaccinating or injecting immunoglobulin.

Bring to the laboratory should be alive or dead tick. The main requirement - it must be whole. The parasite must be placed in a humid environment, moistened with a cotton wool. The body or the extracted head to carry on the analysis does not make sense.

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