Where to go for tick bites
- Actions for tick bites
- Ways to extract a tick at home
- Tick study
Where to go if bitten by a tick, there are several options. In a public clinic, to private owners, call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, clarify information about tick infestation in a certain area, to determine the degree of risk. Not all ticks are carriers of borreliosis, encephalitis, and other dangerous diseases. Simply get rid of it, sanitize the bite site.
Danger of infection
Ixodic mites, potential carriers of dangerous diseases, are ubiquitous. The virus is transmitted to them from sick wild animals during a bite through the blood. In the future, the tick itself is not sick, but is a carrier of infection. Borreliosis is transmitted through saliva during a bite, tick-borne encephalitis - in the case of blood ingress of an unsuccessfully extracted parasite into the wound.
Outwardly, it is impossible to determine whether a tick is infectious or not, as immediately after the bite. The duration of the incubation period depends on the strength of the immune system, an average of 14 days. Before the first signs of the disease appear, it is useless to donate blood for analysis, the results will be incorrect. However, the fact of the bite should be reported to specialists in order to respond to the problem in a timely manner.
The only way to prematurely find out whether the parasite is infectious or not is to take it to a laboratory for research. Within a few days there will be a known result. The service is in most cases paid. Approximate cost is 900 rubles. You can find out the address of the laboratory by calling the hotline or to the sanitary inspection room of the local hospital.
What kind of doctor to contact with a tick bite
In the absence of an epidemic, a tick bite does not pose a danger to the body, health, does not even affect the general well-being. After the parasite is extracted, redness, swelling, and itching remain. Within a week, the skin is completely restored. This happens in most cases; therefore, only urban residents, who are less likely to encounter parasites than the rural ones, start to panic. The reason for the panic takes place. In the blood of the villagers for many years of life in the wild, antibodies are produced in the wild, the disease does not develop.
If an allergic reaction occurs after a bite, contact a dermatologist or allergist for help. The treatment is carried out with antihistamine pills, antiallergic ointments, topical. With minor manifestations of an allergic reaction, the site of the bite is treated with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine type Fenistil-gel. Inside from a bite allergy take the drug Diazolin, Elzet, Eden to choose from.
On a note!
With the threat of the development of the disease, to calm their nerves, seek help from an infectious diseases doctor.It is this specialist who provides treatment in the event of subsequent infection with borreliosis, encephalitis, or another disease transmitted by ticks.
For yourself, you should find out where to turn when a tick bites - go to the reception to a private trader or a state hospital. In the first case, information about the location of the clinic, the time of work is specified via the Internet, in the second - by phone to the registry. In Moscow, the addresses of clinics are available on the Internet.
Removing the parasite after the bite independently
The pest initially crawls onto clothing. Within 30 minutes examines the body, digs into places where the skin is thinner. The moment of the bite is not felt by the person, since the parasite injects a special secret with an analgesic effect. So invisible pest can remain for several days, if the skin is not very sensitive. Then the affected place begins to gradually redden, inflame, swell, there is a strong itch.
Having found the parasite on one's own body, one should solve the problem of whether to remove the tick - at home or in a hospital. If a tick is stuck shallowly, you can handle it yourself. Several options.Initially, you need to treat the skin around the parasite with medical alcohol, any alcohol tincture.
- Gently pick up at the base with tweezers, twist the tick clockwise or counterclockwise. After a few scrolls, the parasite will be outside. Place the bite again sanitized. Use iodine, brilliant green.
- Throw a thread on the body of the parasite, tighten the loop, turn it clockwise.
- From the syringe cut off the lower part, where the needle is attached. Lubricate the edges with petroleum jelly. Place in such a way that the body of the parasite is left inside. Pull the syringe over. The pest under the force of air pressure gets out.
According to the folk method, initially the skin around the parasite should be treated with vegetable oil. The pest will begin to choke, will get out itself within 10 minutes. However, the opposite may occur. The tick will begin to choke, in the process will release a large amount of saliva into the blood, in the presence of a virus, the infection increases the risk of infection.
Removing the tick in the emergency room, clinic
With the wrong action there is a risk of separation of the head from the body in the process of stretching the parasite.Therefore, experts advise to contact with a tick bite to them. You can go immediately to the sanitary inspection room or to the point of traumatology. In a public institution, the service is free. Remove the tick in the same way - with forceps or tweezers, by twisting. If the head remains under the skin, make a small incision. The proboscis is removed like a splinter.
Removing a tick in the medical center costs from 500 to 1000 rubles. The only difference is that the pest is immediately taken for analysis, also for a fee - from 300 rubles. In the emergency room only advise where to turn. In private clinics, ticks are removed in a similar way with forceps, tweezers, and a needle.
After the parasite is extracted, private traders will be advised to inject immunoglobulin or inoculate. The course of vaccines will cost about 1,700 rubles. Comprehensive examination after a bite in 10-14 days within 4500 rubles.
On a note!
Immunoglobulin is banned in European countries, because it is recognized as dangerous and inactive. In our country, it is used as the main means after a tick bite to prevent a dangerous disease. However, in the presence of infection, immunoglobulin stabbing is useless. There is no special medicine for tick-borne encephalitis,symptomatic treatment. Increase the degree of protection of vaccines, made in advance, but do not exclude infection completely.
Where to handle tick
To find out whether a contagious pest or not, it should be taken to a laboratory for analysis. It is better if the specialist will extract, since only an intact tick is used as a material. If the head is torn off, the material is not subject to analysis.
On a note!
After self-successful extraction of the parasite, it should be placed in a humid environment. In a glass jar at the bottom put a water-soaked cotton wool. On it lay a tick, close the lid. In this form, you need within 48 hours to send to the laboratory. You can find out the addresses via the Internet or by calling the state hospital registry.
It should also be borne in mind that many clinics take only a live parasite for research, there is no dead. If a tick bit at work, you should notify the authorities, to go to a specialist to extract the parasite.
Signs of illness
The first symptoms of the disease may appear within 14-30 days.In most cases, the clinical picture is pronounced, but may be mild, with the threat of becoming chronic.
- fever;
- increase in body temperature from low to 40 degrees Celsius.
- muscle pain;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- general weakness;
- headache.
Originally reminded of flu symptoms. Symptoms disappear on their own in 3-7 days, but in the absence of adequate therapy, it is repeated again, but with a new force.
What is done with a tick bite in a hospital depends on the type of illness. With borreliosis, antibiotics are prescribed, with encephalitis antivirals. In both cases, immunoglobulin is administered. The remaining drugs are prescribed depending on the complexity of the symptoms. There is no special treatment regimen, but when referring to specialists, there is an increased chance of a quick recovery, the absence of complications. If there are painful symptoms, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance, if the patient is difficult to move, is not able to go to the clinic.