Diagnosis code for ICD 10 with a tick bite
- Tick bite
- Tick bite reaction
To streamline and systematize the available diagnoses, a special handbook was compiled. It consists of ciphers and codes by which various diseases are meant. The International Classification of Diseases 10 revision has been introduced in the Russian Federation since 1999 and is relevant to the present. The system also has the ICD 10 code for a tick bite, as well as complications that arise as a result of a parasite lesion.
The main provisions of the classifier
All diseases in the classifier are systematized and divided into multiple blocks and rubrics. That is why it will be easy to determine the diagnosis code by ICD 10. Ciphers are used when filling in medical documents. These are cards, sick-lists and other references. The purpose of entering the code instead of the capital name of the diagnosis is also to preserve medical confidentiality regarding the diagnosis of the patient.
In total, ICD 10 has 21 classes of diagnoses. Ciphers consist of Latin letters and Arabic numerals. In the classifier you can find a person's disease with codes A00-Z99.
In the classification system according to ICD 10 there is also class 22. It is used exclusively for research purposes, and it is not the main one.
In printed form, the ICD is 3 volumes:
- Notation and decoding.
- Rules for the use of ICD.
- Alphabetical Index.
All diagnoses in ICD 10 are grouped according to the following principles:
- epidemic;
- are common;
- anatomical localization groups;
- human conditions that are associated with developmental problems;
- injuries.
A tick bite can cause infection in the human body and cause the development of a dangerous disease.The bites of animals, insects, as well as likely complications after them also have their own code.
Designations in the classifier
ICD tick bite B88.8. The full hierarchical list is as follows:
- Class I. Parasitic and infectious diseases.
- Section Pediculosis, acariasis and other infestation.
- B Other infestations.
- B8 Other specified infestations.
- B88.9. Investigation unspecified. Tick infestation without additional specifications.
The consequences of a tick bite are fraught with diseases such as borreliosis and encephalitis, which represent a direct danger not only to health, but also to human life. They also have their own cipher in the international classification system.
Lyme Disease
A person can get an infection after being bitten by a tick that has parasitized on the body of an infected deer. Borreliosis is widespread in Central Asia, Europe and North America.
If the parasite was infected, then the following reaction to the tick bite is observed:
- From the place of suction of the tick, a rash of red color begins to spread. The shape of the rash have the shape of circles. The center remains clean.
- Chills.
- High body temperature.
- Joint pain.
- Headache.
- Weakness.
If a person has noticed these symptoms, you should immediately seek help from specialists.
Human Borreliosis belongs to the group of infections caused by spirochetes and has the code A69.2
Tick-borne encephalitis
Symptomatology has many similarities with the manifestation of the classic flu in humans. If you do not take into account this fact and begin treating the common cold, it will begin to progress rapidly. Encephalitis affects the nervous system, the work of the brain. Damage is quick and leads to irreversible effects and even death. The greatest danger is its diagnosis in children.
Tick-borne viral encephalitis by ICD is in viral infections of the central nervous system and is a separate group of tick-borne viral encephalitis A84.0.
Other ICD codes
Also, the development of a dermatobiosis and tick-borne acarodermatitis may also result from a tick bite.
Dermatobiosis is a parasitic-type disease. The source is the eggs of gadflies, which their females lay in the body of the tick.After being bitten by eggs, the larvae hatch and begin to parasitize in the human body.
Acrodermatitis is expressed in the appearance of an allergic reaction against the background of a tick bite.
Acarodermatitis is listed in the first class of the section of pediculosis, acariasis and other infestation. ICB code B88.
Dermatobiosis code B89 is defined in a first-class group called pediculosis, acariasis, and other infestations.
Thus, the parasite bite is a serious danger, so you need to know the rules of behavior in this situation. Appealing to specialists will help to avoid serious complications and start treatment of the disease in a timely manner.