Man itch Tick
- Man itch Tick
- Symptoms of scabies
- Actions in the treatment of scabies
- Medications for Scabies
The scabies mite provokes a serious dermatological disease - scabies. It is characterized by numerous rashes on the fingers, abdomen, back, chest, buttocks, genitals. Mite scabies - itch, able to live for some time outside the human body, infection occurs through contact. The main symptom is severe itching, worse in the evening.
What does a scaby mite look like
Intradermal parasite has a microscopic size - 0.1-0.4 mm. The body is light, flattened. The female is always bigger than the male. Oval-shaped eggs are about 0.1 mm in length. Eyes are missing. Paws are equipped with suckers.
On a note!
The parasite digs passages under the skin of people, many animals. Most often settles on the hands, between the fingers, axilla, perineum. The moves look like stripes of a dirty brown color. Clearly visible picture, if we consider the affected area under the microscope. A photo of man itch mite is presented below.
Life cycle itching
Mating occurs on the skin surface at night. After completion of the process, the male dies, the female crawls under the skin, lays eggs. Every night, an itch reproduces an average of 4 eggs. Dissolves the keratin cover of the epidermis with its own saliva, obtained by the contents and feed.
After 2-4 days, larvae of the first age appear, which immediately begin to parasitize. Females build numerous moves, young males are only small branches. The formation of adult scabies mites lasts about 14 days, during which time the larvae molt several times, gradually increasing in size.After reaching puberty, they crawl out for mating.
Itch mite outside the human body lives from 3 to 14 days. Life expectancy depends on climatic conditions. The higher the humidity, the more comfortable the parasite feels. Dies at a temperature of +21 degrees Celsius, with humidity from 40 to 80% after 36 hours. On a human body, an itch lives for about a month.
The infestation of a tick occurs in several ways - through contact with a sick person, his belongings, and an infected environment. The parasite is active in the aquatic environment, so you can pick up scabies, swimming in a pond with standing water.
Contagious may be the larva of different ages, imago. But more often the disease is transmitted through the fertilized female. During the day the parasites are inactive, so the probability of infection is reduced. At night, the sexually mature individuals crawl out to mate, and then crawl away to different parts of the body. During the day, the female pulls a stroke under the skin 3 mm long. In the process of vital activity in humans, itching increases.
On a note!
The incubation period for scabies is 14 days. During this time, the first instar larvae appear, the parasitizing of which becomes noticeable. However, due to the individual characteristics of the organism, the disease goes unnoticed within a month.Often the question is, where does scabies come from, already at the moment of active development of the disease. To determine the location of infection is problematic.
Features of the transmission of itching due to their life cycle:
- itching inactive during the day;
- in the evening, at night, the matings mate, the larvae of different ages intensify their activity in digging the passages;
- It takes half an hour for a tick to penetrate under the skin.
The parasite focuses on the skin of a person, his personal belongings, clothing, bedding, towels. Infection also occurs through them.
Symptoms of scabies mites on the human body
The clinical picture of scabies is caused by the reaction of the immune system to the invasion of parasites. Manifested in the form of an allergic reaction to waste products of ticks. There is an itch that makes a person constantly itch. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into small, but numerous wounds; pustules and ulcers form on the surface of the skin. The longer a person delays with treatment, the larger the activity of the itching.
The bite of a scabies mite doesn’t cause an itch on its own, is not felt by a person.Only when the accumulation of excrement under the skin appears the immune response in the form of an allergic reaction. Over time, develop a kind of protection for itching. With repeated infection the number of parasites on the human body is always less than during the initial infection.
Main symptoms:
- It all starts with small transparent bubbles between the fingers or on the hands from the back side. Initially similar to the usual allergic reaction.
- In the evening, at night the itching intensifies. When combing bubbles burst, there are ulcers, wounds, crusts.
- After some time, the skin on the affected areas changes: it acquires a gray tint. Under the microscope you can see the moves of scabies mites.
- Within a few days, scabies spreads to other parts of the body: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, chest, genitals, neck, localized in the armpits, in the perineum. At night, the itch is so severe that a person wakes up and cannot fall asleep.
- Large inflamed bumps appear on the skin, the lymph nodes are enlarged, the body temperature rises slightly, and fever appears.
On a note!
Experts identify several types of scabies - nodular, cortical, Norwegian. The overall symptoms are identical in all cases.
It is possible to determine the presence of scabies on the basis of pronounced symptoms, however, to confirm the diagnosis, you should seek help from specialists. Scraping on scabies mites taken in the office of a dermatologist. After receiving the results, the doctor prescribes therapy.
On a note!
Itching can be clearly seen if the skin is treated with a weak solution of iodine.
Scabies Tick Treatment
Therapy is aimed at the destruction of the parasite, the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. For uncomplicated scabies, special preparations are prescribed for external use in the form of a spray, ointment, lotion. If a person has a strong allergic reaction, additionally prescribe antihistamines. When joining a secondary infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
Features of the fight with scabies mites:
- Before starting therapy, you need to take a shower, shortly cut your nails, change bedding, and underwear.
- Treat the skin, except the face, head.Even if signs of infection are only on hand.
- After processing the skin can not take a shower, swim in the bathroom for 3 days. After this time you need to wash, change bedding, re-process the skin.
- To kill the parasite on clothes, it must be washed in hot water or boiled. Then iron iron with steam.
- In the house you need to carry out wet cleaning, wipe the furniture, door handles with a solution containing bleach.
- Hands should be treated with ointment after each contact with water.
On a note!
The course of therapy is 7-14 days. In the presence of unpleasant symptoms continue to treat scabies for another week.
How to get rid of scabies mites
For the treatment of scabies at home are available in old and new remedies.
- Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion. An effective drug after a single treatment destroys the parasites of any stage of development. However, it does not affect the eggs. Re-treatment after 2-4 days is required. For the extermination of scabies tick enough action ointment for 10 hours. Unpleasant itching disappears almost immediately. Suitable for treating babies.Among the shortcomings - the characteristic specific smell. The price of the bottle is 17 rubles.
- Medfoks. The active ingredient is permethrin. Destroys adult individuals, larvae, eggs. For complete therapy of uncomplicated forms of scabies, just one skin treatment is enough. Parasites die after 2 hours of exposure. During this time, itching increases. Change bedding before spray application and after completion of treatment after 3-5 days. The cost of funds about 110 rubles.
- Spregal. Combined effective drug of French origin. In the composition of several active components. Neurotoxic poison - esdepalethrin, synergist - piperonyl butoxide. It is produced in the form of a spray. Treat the skin on all areas except the face, head. The procedure should be carried out in the evening. After 12 hours of exposure, take a shower, change bedding, clothes. Kills larvae, imago, eggs. The price of the drug is 980 rubles.
To consolidate the effect, prevent re-infection, if you can not use professional tools from scabies mites in humans, use a popular recipe - tea tree oil.Add to the shower gel, shampoo, process the affected areas of the skin after water treatments. The duration of scabies getting rid is from 2 to 20 days.
On a note!
If at night a strong itch does not allow you to sleep, you have not yet acquired remedies for scabies, you need to take a cool shower or just wipe the body with cold water. In this way, you can reduce the number of mature individuals on the body, reduce the activity of parasites for a while.
What scabby tick is afraid of: high temperature, humidity over 80%. Protect yourself from an unpleasant disease by following the simple rules of personal hygiene.
- After returning from public places, wash hands thoroughly with soap and a shower.
- Wash clothes regularly.
- Change bedding every 2 weeks, wash at high temperature, iron with steam.
- Avoid handshakes, contact with untidy appearance personalities.
- In the trains to buy new bedding.
- To carry out wet cleaning in the house every week. Carefully wipe the door handles.
Infection can occur anywhere, it is impossible to protect yourself 100%.In the presence of the first signs of scabies, you should immediately begin treatment. The uncomplicated form is treated quickly, it requires only a few body treatments. In the absence of a qualified treatment, complications arise.