Means Averfos from bedbugs
- Means Averfos
- Means Averfos
- Means of protection
Living in the house, insect pests create many problems for its inhabitants. They can not only spoil things, but also attack a person. As a result, the probability of infection is high. Finding out signs of the presence of bedbugs or other insects in your apartment, you must immediately begin to exterminate them. Will help in this modern insecticidal drugs, one of which is Averfos from bedbugs.
Features of the drug
Averfos against bedbugs is a chemical agent that includes chlorpyrifos (an insecticidal organophosphorus compound, the percentage of which in the preparation is 48%). Solvents, fragrances and emulsifiers act as auxiliary components.
Insecticidal composition of Averfos from bedbugs affects the nervous system of insects, the consequence of which is their death. In addition, the drug has a wide spectrum of action, destroying not only bed bugs, but also cockroaches, flies, ants, fleas and even mosquitoes. To achieve the maximum result is easy with proper use and compliance with safety measures.
Concentrated dark yellow shade emulsion has a rather pungent odor and is sold in plastic, hermetic-closing containers of 0.5 l, 1 l, 5 l, 10 l. The price of the Averfos remedy for bedbugs varies depending on the volume of the container, on average it is about 1,000 rubles per liter.
Anyone who is faced with the problem of finding an effective means to combat parasites, wonders if this concentrate helps with bedbugs.Many consumers have already appreciated the effectiveness of the emulsion, leaving positive feedback about Averfos from bedbugs. This is confirmed by the widespread use of the drug. disinfection services for the destruction of parasites.
Efficiency - the main advantage of the tool, which is achieved through a long period of protection. The sprayed solution retains its properties for 1.5-2 months, which contributes to the destruction of not only adult individuals, but also hatched from eggs larvae. As a result, re-processing is not required. A simple method of application and low cost make it available for use by a wide range of people.
Terms of use
Using Averfos is quite simple: the concentrate must be diluted with water in a certain ratio. Instructions for use of Averfos from bedbugs provides for various proportions and special application techniques for different types of pests. So for the destruction of bedbugs it is necessary to dissolve 5 ml of emulsion in 1 l of water.
To prepare the solution, the concentrate Averfos is mixed with water at room temperature just before processing.Such a mixture is not subject to storage, as over time it loses its properties. The prepared solution is sprayed with a spray. Consumption means quite economical: 1 square. m of solid surface requires only 50 ml of the finished fluid, for the treatment of carpets or upholstered furniture you will need a double dose (100 ml).
The extent of the treatment procedure depends on the degree of contamination of the room. To cope with the problem, when the insects are still a little, it is easier - just enough to process those places, where bugs prefer to live in an apartment.
With excessive infection of an apartment, the task becomes more complicated, since poison bugs with their large clusters is much more difficult:
- First, the internal parts of the bed are treated (the underside of the mattress or the internal folds and soft elements of the sofa);
- after which they proceed to the processing of the sleeping area, carefully sprinkling window sills, baseboards, radiators, doorways and window frames, as well as the back side of carpets, paintings or mirrors;
- if possible, move the furniture away from the walls in order to spray the baseboards and other possible bedbug habitats.
The sprayer is kept at a distance of 0.3 m from the surface to be treated. With an excessive number of insects, all rooms in the house are subject to processing. Otherwise, to achieve the effect will not succeed. At the end of the procedure, the room is thoroughly ventilated. Then you can start the wet cleaning with detergents. The applied agent is washed off only in those places where touch of hands is possible. Sites where contact can be avoided, it is preferable not to touch for about 2 months. And only after this time do a spring-cleaning.
It is strictly forbidden to spray bedding with Averfos from bedbugs. In order to disinfect it is subjected to washing in hot water and heat treated by steam generator or iron. To get rid of bloodsuckers pillows and blankets, they must be brought to the cold or use the services of dry cleaning.
Since an insecticide acts not only on insects, but also on humans, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules when using it.
- Due to the toxicity of the Averfos solution, the use of personal protective equipment (gloves, mask, goggles and a bathrobe / suit) is required.
- When processing the room it should not be attended by children and pets. Potted plants are best covered with foil.
- At the end of the process, you need to wash your hands and face with soap.
The concentrate can be purchased at specialized stores in Moscow, but it is not always available in the free market, as it relates to professional tools. Therefore, it is much easier to order Averfos via the Internet.
The child began to appear red spots on the body, and with each passing day their number increased. When I looked and saw blood stains on the sheet, I realized that these were not mosquitoes, but bedbug bites. She was shocked to find parasites under the mattress. Turning over the entire Internet, she chose the means of Averfos and did not regret it. Only one treatment was enough to bring out completely bedbugs. Very effective drug. Recommend.
Irina, Vorkuta
When the bugs appeared, friends advised to buy Averfos. It was enough to use it only once to get rid of bedbugs. Very strong drug. The only negative is an unpleasant smell. But in order to achieve the result, I consider that this is not such a problem. I recommend a proven tool.
Yegor, Gelendzhik