Means Blockbuster from bedbugs

Bed bugs - parasitic insects, the fight against which is relevant even in the modern world. And sometimes coping with pests is very difficult. Measures for the removal of bloodsuckers require not only special knowledge, but also compliance with certain rules, as well as the acquisition of a whole list chemical preparations. And given the fact that for many insecticides, parasites have already developed a strong immunity, the task of combating them is complicated by times.Today, the Blockbuster anti-parasitic anti-bed bug series is very popular with consumers.

Achieve effect in fight bedbugs It is not always possible due to the fact that many drugs are designed for contact exposure. Insects, on the other hand, usually try to hide in hard-to-reach places, where they lay the eggsfrom which after a certain time will appear maggots. Resulting in achieving complete destruction of parasites quite difficult. Will help to cope with this problem means Blockbuster against bedbugs, which are available in different variations.


Gel blockbuster
Gel blockbuster

Blockbuster Gel is an antiparasitic agent that includes fipronil, an insecticide used in many preparations, and auxiliary substances that serve as bait for pests. Gel is in great demand among consumers, as it acts not only on bugs, but also on cockroaches, and even ants. The pests, which are saturated with insecticidal substance, turn into distributors of the poison, thereby infecting their relatives. The result is obvious the next day after treatment.Mass defeat of bedbugs can be observed after 2 days.

Blockbuster gel has the appearance of a colorless, odorless mass. It does not pose a danger to people, since it does not incorporate harmful evaporated substances. Therefore, the drug can be used in the house where young children live. The presence of bitrex gel in the composition - a component with a bitter taste, makes it safe for pets.

To use Blockbuster is very convenient due to the fact that the tool is available in special tubes-syringes. This makes it possible to apply the gel even in the most inaccessible places. One tube is designed for processing rooms up to 90 square meters. m. A transparent emulsion is applied in a dotted manner at a distance of 2 cm along the skirting boards and in places of possible accumulation of bedbugs. Particular attention is paid to the cracks, the joints in the wallpaper and tile. For maximum effect, blockbuster gel flat treatment should be repeated after 3 months.

The insecticidal substance applied on the surface does not lose its properties, since it does not dry out and does not deteriorate for a long time.The low price of Blockbuster remedies for bedbugs (up to 100 rubles) is another advantage of this gel.


We live in a hostel. Therefore, all kinds of insects there are not rare guests, but permanent inhabitants. When the bugs appeared in our room, they did not know which means to choose, because we have a small child. After reading a lot of reviews on the Internet, we decided to give preference to the Blockbuster gel, and the seller highly recommended this tool. The drug really turned out to be effective: for more than a month we have neither bugs nor cockroaches. I also liked the fact that remedy for odorless bugsthat is very important to us. I advise blockbuster gel to anyone who has encountered such a problem.

Galina, Hot Key

Spray can

Spray Blockbuster
Spray Blockbuster

Blockbuster aerosol is another anti-parasitic drug in this series that destroys all crawling insects, including bedbugs. It contains potent insecticides (tetramethrin, cypermethrin and synergist piperonylbutoxy), as well as excipients as a solvent and fragrance.

Blockbuster aerosol is designed for the treatment of residential and industrial premises.Economic use is provided by a long spray tube, which also enables the most hard-to-reach places to be treated (baseboards, crevices, various cracks and joints).

Many consumers leave positive reviews about the Blockbuster from bedbugs, as the aerosol has a lot of advantages:

  • efficiency, which provide potent components - one of the main advantages of the drug;
  • no peculiar smell;
  • upon contact aerosol means with bedbugs, an instantaneous action is observed, resulting in paralysis and then death of the insect;
  • low price makes the drug affordable: cartridges of 270 cm. cube. cost a little more than 100 rubles., bottles of 600 cm cube. about 280 rubles.

The disadvantages of funds include:

  • aerosol consumption - 1 small cartridge is enough to handle a room up to 26 square meters. m, in connection with which there is a need for re-processing after a week;
  • lack of prolonged protective action.

Instructions for use of Blockbuster for bedbugs indicated on the back of the bottle. The principle of use is quite simple:

  • it is only necessary to spray contaminated surfaces and areas of the greatest accumulation of insects by spraying;
  • then close the room and leave it in this state for 1 hour;
  • after this time, the room is thoroughly aired and a wet cleaning is done in it.


We bought a sofa to the cottage, and with it a problem like bedbugs. In the beginning they thought it was mosquito bites. Having examined the internal folds of the sofa, we were convinced of the presence of parasites. Then the Blockbuster aerosol came to our aid. Such a "gas attack" did not like the new tenants at all. Arriving at the cottage next weekend, we did only cleaning. More parasites did not bother us, that's how we just managed get rid of bedbugs in the couch. I recommend the Blockbuster aerosol, as a proven tool.

Nikolay, Aksay


Blockbuster Concentrate
Blockbuster Concentrate

Blockbuster Concentrate is another product from this manufacturer. The question whether the drug in this form helps from bedbugs interests many buyers. According to consumer reviews, it is recognized as one of the best antiparasitic agents. The blockbuster from bugs includes malathion - an insecticide, which is an organophosphorus substance.When ingested, it blocks the nerve receptors, causing paralysis and, subsequently, death of the pest.

The principle of application of this tool is very simple. The concentrated composition is diluted with water in the ratio specified in the instructions:

  • to destroy bedbugs and cockroaches, 10 ml of the substance must be diluted in 0.5 l of water;
  • for getting rid of fleas, mosquitoes, flies, 10 ml of the preparation is diluted in 1 liter of water.

The resulting solution is treated with places of possible habitat of parasites: the back side of furniture, carpets, paintings or mirrors, as well as cracks and cracks. Particular attention should be paid to the resting place of pets: the lower part of the litter or rug, where the animal sleeps, is also treated with a solution. After 3 days it is necessary to carry out a wet cleaning of the room, to expose textiles to washing or cleaning.

You can order a blockbuster on the Internet or purchase it at any specialized store in Moscow. A bottle of 10 ml worth a little more than 100 rubles.


Processed apartment from bedbugs Blockbuster concentrate. The drug is very effective, the result was already evident the next day. Recommend.

Oleg, Sochi

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Bed bugs

