
Dichlorphos from bedbugs

Habitats of bedbugs in the house

Dichlorvos against bedbugs was first released on the Soviet market around the middle of the 20th century. At that time, it was a worthy response from the domestic chemical industry to the release of an aerosol insecticide from the Bayer concern. A convenient form has determined the popularity of insecticidal acaricidal agents.

The composition and properties of dichlorvos

The action of Dichlorvos, which has firmly won the favor of consumers in the Soviet era, was based on the effects of insecticides from the group of organophosphates.The drug effectively destroyed not only synanthropic insects, flying, crawling and jumping, but also used in the fight against pests of the garden.

Dichlorvos has several disadvantages:

  • high toxicity to mammals - dimethyldichlorophenyl phosphate belongs to the I-II class of danger, the substance can penetrate the epidermis and cause poisoning;
  • unpleasant chemical odor that lasts a long time after processing;
  • when spraying directly on the leaves of the plants they withered and turned yellow.

Dichlorvos Manufacturers


Consumers are accustomed to trust Dichlofos, so modern manufacturers have retained the usual name, but changed the composition of the means. Modern Dichlorvos is a completely different drug produced by different companies. Each of them makes its own changes to the tool. Let's compare the most popular of the updated bed bugs called Dichlorvos and find out if they are so different from each other.

  • Dichlorvos Eco from bugs is made by Arnest (Russia, Moscow). The drug includes a complex of synthetic pyrethroids and a natural extract of Dalmatian chamomile.The tool has a pleasant aroma of lavender, which has a repellent effect on insects.
  • Dichlorvos Neo from bedbugs produces the same company Arnest. It differs from the previous preparation in that, in addition to synthetic pyrethroids, it contains an organophosphate insecticide and a synergist - which ensures the penetration of a complex of toxic substances through the chitinous cover of parasites. Neo-free odorless dichlorvos from bedbugs is chosen by people who have flavors cause an allergic reaction to treat the room. There are flavored varieties - with the smell of mint and lemon. The duration of the damaging effect is 15 days.
  • Dichlorvos Terminator from bugs from LLC Aerosol Novomoskovsk (Russia). The product contains pyrethroid isomers (cypermethrin and tetramethrin) and a synergist. The effectiveness of the drug when spraying onto surfaces that do not absorb liquids is 36 days. At processing apartments from bed bugs - 28 days.
  • Varan dichlorvos is produced in several versions: Universal, Anticlop and Varan Forte - products with a pleasant lemon scent, last for 20-23 days.Anticlop Dikhlofos Varan from bedbugs reviews, about the effectiveness of which is positive, was created for bed bug control the famous Russian aerosol manufacturing company Sibiar OJSC (Novosibirsk).


Bed bugs got into our apartment with a new upholstered furniture. I do not know how they got there, but they caused a lot of anxiety. The seller advised to poison the parasites odorless Dichlorvos Eco. He did not stink, as the one that was sold in Soviet times, so you could sleep on the new sofa right away. The bugs crawled like drunk for several days, but then they all disappeared. One bottle was enough - and the problem was solved.

Vladislav, Moscow

Manufacturers from other countries also release Dichlorvos with various prefixes in the title:

  • Dew Tox (Dew Tox) Turkey - perfume with a variety of fragrances;
  • Buntox (Turkey) - odorless product.

The variety of drugs from synanthropic insects under the trade name "Dichlorvos" proves that the drug has not lost its popularity and, having got rid of its shortcomings, successfully competes with other aerosols against insects.

On a note!

Consumers are interested in how much Dichlorvos costs if its composition is almost the same among different manufacturers. The price of Dichlorvos depends on the volume of packaging and the rating of the company that produces it. On average, it varies in the range of 60-200 rubles. Domestic funds are cheaper, while imported ones are more expensive, although there is no difference in efficiency.



I bought a new Dichlorvos Terminator from bugs. I processed according to the instructions not only the bed, but all the places where bugs can hide in an apartment. Despite the fact that the seller assured that the smell will not be felt, but it smelled of chemistry, although not so much. After airing, even the memories are gone. It was possible to destroy the bugs at a time and it took not so much. The amount was small. But I was ready to pay and more expensive - restful sleep is more important. However, a consultant at the store said that you should not overpay for import - our Dichlorvos will help just as well. I was convinced of this from my own experience.

Svetlana, Rostov

Consider whether Dichlorvos helps from bed bugs and what is the mechanism of its action.

The mechanism of action of drugs

To understand how dichlofos acts on bedbugs, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. Insecticide-acaricidal agent includes synthetic pyrethroids and similar natural peritrines. Their mechanism of action is similar. Insecticides of contact-intestinal action penetrate the inside of the insect through the cuticle or into the digestive system. Substances block the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles of the organs. The result is an over-stimulation of the nervous system and muscle spasm, which leads to the failure of the main organs and the death of the parasite.

Adding synergists pyrethrins provides enhanced action of the latter. Does Dichlorvos kill bugs - due to the combination of the effects of the components of the complex, it has a pronounced acute effect against pyrethroids sensitive and resistant to the main insecticides of synanthropic insects.

Dichlorvos from bedbugs
Dichlorvos from bedbugs

On a note!

The effectiveness of the anti-bed bug is noted when locally applied to the clusters of bugs and their larvaeThe residual effect does not differ in duration. On the eggs the tool does not work, because the embryos are protected by a dense shell.


Klopov discovered quite unexpectedly.I have bed bites did not cause any discomfort. Separate specks blamed on mosquitoes. But when his grandson came to visit, then after the first night he was very much bitten. Began to look and found in the couch and in bed the whole family. I decided to try to get rid of bedbugs Dichlorvos. She sent her grandson to the store for an aerosol, and he brought three bright cans. It turned out that it is also Dichlorvos Varan. We were ready to leave for relatives - I remember how, as a child, a long and unpleasant stink after insect harassment. But the drug pleasantly smelled of lemon, and acted even more efficiently than the old one. So just a few hours walked with his grandson and returned home. The bugs are gone.

Galina Ignatievna, Minsk

Due to multidirectional action and balanced composition, aerosols can be used against flying (flies, midges, mosquitoes, moths), crawling (bugs, cockroaches, ants, kozheedy) and jumping parasites (fleas).

These drugs belong to the 3-4 class of danger - they can kill insects, but are safe for warm-blooded animals and humans. Sensitizing and skin-resorptive effects on humans have not been identified.

Reviews of dichlorvos from bedbugs are different. Most of them are positive, but there are also negative ones. Their appearance is associated with improper use and non-compliance with the processing rules recommended by the instructions for use.

Application of Dichlorv from bedbugs

The pest control algorithm is pretty simple:

  • before using Dichlorvos to etch all bedbugs, the room must be freed from textiles and carpets;
  • furniture move away from the walls;
  • remove all small things - hygiene items and cutlery, food;
  • remove pets from the apartment, take out the plants;
  • close windows and doors, eliminating drafts;
  • all tenants must leave the premises;
  • start processing from the opposite wall from the entrance - processing the surface, retreat to the door of the apartment;
  • the destruction of parasites hold in all rooms;
  • to poison the arthropods is necessary not only in the bed - carefully treat the secluded places where bloodsuckers can hide - baseboards, crevices, joints and crevices of the furniture, places under the wallpaper;
    Habitats of bedbugs in the house
    Habitats of bedbugs in the house
  • spray the drug, placing the cylinder at a distance of 20 cm from the treated surface;
  • remove bed bugs from bedding should be by washing in hot water and a hot iron;
  • stand flat closed for at least 2-4 hours;
  • air the room through the air flow for at least 30 minutes;
  • All surfaces, which are often touched, wash soap-soda solution.


Dichlorvos from bedbugs bedding, clothing or soft toys can not be treated.

Modern preparations for bedbugs They represent a negligible danger to the human body, but disinsection of the apartment should be carried out in personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, glasses, a respirator. The body should be completely covered with long-sleeved clothing and trouser legs.

Choosing a familiar and affordable tool, many are wondering if Dichlorvos can bring out bedbugs. According to the results of studies of the effectiveness of drugs, it was found that as a result of a single treatment, 89% of bugs are destroyed. Secondary treatment, carried out in a week, eliminates the remaining bugs.

Each consumer himself chooses a good remedy for synanthropic parasites, but an analysis of the feedback from real users gives an affirmative answer to the questionDoes Dichlorvos help from bedbugs?


My daughter brought the "bloodsuckers" from a business trip. Long time since the whole family did not itch! Experiment with folk remedies There was no time, so I considered only chemical preparations. He remembered how before all insects in the house were poisoned with an aerosol. On the shelf was an old dry Dichlorvos, from bedbugs there was no point in using it. Bought a new, with the scent of lavender. Processed the entire apartment according to the instructions. After the first time there were still some representatives. I thought that it would not help - the former, though unbearably smelled, but destroyed all cockroaches and bedbugs the first time. But after a week, when he was going to apply a new portion of poison, it turned out that the bugs disappeared completely, and with them the small midges from the pots with his wife's houseplants.

Vladimir Petrovich, Kostroma

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Bed bugs

