Means Fas Double and Super Fas from bedbugs

If bugs have appeared in an apartment or house, then for some time the attention of the owners will be directed only at solving this problem. Fighting them is not an easy process. Blood-sucking parasites adapt well to any conditions of life, are very hardy and, even in an unfavorable environment for themselves, remain viable for up to 1.5 years.Therefore, to combat this scourge, all means are good, especially if used in combination.

Forms of release

Recently, a large number of effective meanswho successfully cope with bed bugs, insects and other parasites. Manufacturers are trying to produce insecticides, which are not only high quality, but also absolutely safe for humans. Such means include Fas Double and Super Fas from bedbugs.

Fas Double from bedbugs is a dry fine powder of double action, which is sometimes called dust, previously used insecticide based on DDT. But modern dustsLike Fas Double, they have nothing in common with DDT except for the name and the form of release, which in English “dust” is translated as the finest powder.

Fas Double
Fas Double

On a note!

Today, the tool is available not only in powder. For processing is widely used and tablet form of the drug. Fas tablets from bedbugs should be dissolved in water, after which the treatment of infected surfaces is carried out.

The composition of the drug

The main active ingredient of Fas is cypermethrin - a synthetic pyrethroid, low toxic to animals and humans, but poisonous to insects.The chemical characteristics of the synthetic agent are similar to natural pyrethrum, which is synthesized from chrysanthemum flowers, but has a more pronounced long-lasting effect. Cypermethrin has a depressant effect on the nervous system of insects, taking it through the chitinous membrane and digestive tract, causing paralysis and death of parasites.


This is a dual-action universal drug. The composition of Fas from bedbugs includes substances that have different effects on different types of pests. Therefore, its effectiveness increases after careful processing of various surfaces. Fas is also an acaricidal agent and can be successfully used by gardeners to control plant pests, therefore the range of its use is quite wide. It is very effective in combating such pests:

  • bed bugs;
  • fleas;
  • flies;
  • cockroaches;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • caterpillars, aphids;
  • whiteflies;
  • ants, etc.

Drug use

Before starting the disinsection, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the premises and identify the main localization of bedbugs. After that, you can start using Fas.For the destruction of parasites, the tool is applied evenly with a thin layer on the floor, especially where there are cracks, walls, sprayed on the baseboards, on the back of the rugs, carpets and the back surface of the furniture.

Habitats of bedbugs in the house
Habitats of bedbugs in the house

Insecticidal means Fas against bugs can be processed not only the premises in the house, but also the production area. In medical institutions this drug is also widely used. The resulting feedback from Fas Double from bedbugs is always positive, as the effect is quick and reliable. The tool is an indispensable tool for prevention in the case of migration of parasites from neighboring rooms.

Maximum protection of the surfaces treated with the product is ensured by the combination of the special shape of the powder particles and its chemical components. Fas is economical to use, thanks to a well-designed packaging-duster. For processing 40-60 square meters of space, one pack is required.

Precautionary measures

All about the remedy for bedbugs Fas Dubl can be found on the Internet, but it must be remembered that this is a drug of a group of chemical reagents,therefore represents a danger to humans. When using this tool, you must apply precautions:

  • the drug should be tightly closed and stored in an inaccessible place;
  • clean hygiene products and food in a safe place;
  • leave the room after the procedure;
  • wipe treated surfaces with a composition consisting of soda and soap solution, do not touch them for three to four hours;
  • air the room before continuing to stay in it;
  • during disinsection works, wear work clothes (gown, gloves, aprons, respirator);
    Processing protection
    Processing protection
  • Do not allow a child or animal to wet treated surfaces;
  • the procedure should be carried out strictly according to the rules of personal hygiene.

Expiration date means 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Fas powder from bedbugs can be purchased in Moscow in shopping centers or specialized stores. Since it is now very popular to use the Internet to buy various goods, it is easy and simple to order a Fas through it with home delivery.

Super face

It is a gray powdered agent, perfectly soluble in water.Super Fas from bedbugs is one of the most effective insecticides used in everyday life. Available as soluble tablets. The active substances in it are thiamethoxam and Z-cypermethrin. The first is a neonicotinoid class insecticide. It has an active effect against many species of insects living on plants, therefore crops are often treated with this preparation. The chemical composition of the product is similar to nicotine. Compared with other toxic substances, it is less toxic to birds and mammals. Once in the body of the parasite, it violates the conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to death.

Super face
Super face

Since it acts only on adults and larvaewithout affecting eggs, then to obtain a lasting effect, the treatment must be repeated. It goes on sale in packages containing 10 grams. up to one kg.

Action and application

The spectrum of the drug is very large. Therefore, it helps in the fight against such parasites:

Many buyers do not knowhow to poison insects with powdered means. Instructions for use Fas from bedbugs help to properly prepare the solution necessary for processing. In work with this means the spray is used. The drug acts during the week, so it is recommended to repeat the procedure to destroy the newly emerged larvae. Reuse should not be earlier than one week after preprocessing.

Despite the fact that this insecticide does not immediately destroy all living in the room of parasites, it is very effective in combating not only bugs, but also with garden pests. Positive reviews about Super Fas from bedbugs help many buyers to correctly determine the choice of drug and to understand whether this tool helps from bedbugs.

Precautionary measures

Using the tool, you need to remember that it is toxic not only for insects, but for people and animals. In accordance with GOST, its active ingredients do not have a strong effect on the skin, it is undesirable for it to enter the gastrointestinal tract, but the drug is especially dangerous if inhaled. Therefore, working with him, you need to adhere to security measures:

Super Fas application
Super Fas application

  • use rubber gloves and goggles;
  • remove all extraneous animals and animals from the treated room;
  • take out or close the food well;
  • use a respirator or gas mask in the process of spraying the drug;
  • Ventilate the premises for 10–15 minutes 1–2 hours after treatment;
  • after that, carry out a wet cleaning in the house;
  • wash hands thoroughly after pest control.

You can purchase Super Fas in specialized stores or in the departments of household chemicals for gardeners. Price Fas from bedbugs will pleasantly surprise all buyers who want to use the tool to successfully combat parasites.


We had a rest in the village last summer and brought blood sucking parasites from there. It turned out that remove bedbugs not as easy as getting. We suffered for a long time, tried different folk remediesthen bought this remedy. True, we had to process the apartment several times, but we are satisfied with the result. Worth buying. Our bugs are gone and we think forever.

Timofey, Bryansk

We noticed by chance on the wall of the bedroom bedbug. Immediately reviewed all the beds, computer desk, chairs. True, they didn't find anything, but decided to do it anyway prophylaxis: bought Fas Double on the recommendation of the seller. The whole room was processed. A few days watching, if there will be more guests. Did not notice anything, you can see moved from neighbors. But we think that everything will be all right with us, as we did the processing in a timely manner. It is good that there are now such effective means.

Maria, St. Petersburg

I had to buy Fas Double remedy on the recommendation of my friends, because I was tortured bedbug bites. To the surprise of the drug helped quickly get rid of bedbugs. The effect was very good. Buy Fas, he helps.

Tatyana, Moscow

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Bed bugs

