Means Forsyth from bugs

Anyone who has ever faced an invasion bed bugs, knows how difficult this kind of breeding. Insects are very secretive, hiding in the apartment under the upholstery of furniture, under the plinths, for interior items. During the daytime, they do not betray their presence, and only at night, like vampires, go on a bloody hunt. Disinsection tools for domestic use do not always show a good result in the fight against parasites.Professional disinsectors use more powerful drugs, one of which is Forsyth for bedbugs. Until recently, it was not in free sale for the population and it was sold exclusively for sanitary services.

The composition and principle of operation

The Forsythe bedbug remedy comes in the form of a slightly golden emulsion with a pronounced specific odor. Prepackaged drug in cans and bottles of different sizes. In the smallest vial, 50 mg of concentrate, which is diluted with water before use.

Forsyth from bedbugs
Forsyth from bedbugs

The composition of the product is represented by the following components:

  • fenthion 25%;
  • perfume;
  • stabilizer;
  • Excipients.

Fenthion, an insecticide of a new generation, acts as an active ingredient. After contact of the bug with the poison in the parasite, the work of the nervous system is blocked, paralysis occurs, which leads to its death. The drug Forsyth is used for disinsection in medical, school institutions, which confirms its safety. The tool is effective not only in relation to bugs, but also ants, cockroaches, fleas.

Forsyth does not destroy bedbug eggs and acts only on adults and larvae. This disadvantage compensates for the prolonged effect - the tool retains its properties for 3-4 months, thereby ensuring the death of the younger generation.

According to reviews of Forsyte from bedbugs, the drug has several advantages:

  • reliable result - in case of severe contamination of an apartment or house get rid of bedbugs succeed in 10-14 days;
  • long residual effect, which allows to avoid re-treatment;
  • ease of use - it is enough to dilute the means of Foresight with water in accordance with the instructions and the working solution is ready;
  • does not emit toxic fumes, so its use is possible even in the house where young children live.

However, the drug is not without flaws:

  • The price of Forsyth for bedbugs is quite high compared to household insecticides;
  • does not have an instant effect;
  • persistent unpleasant odor, which disappears only after several hours of continuous airing of the room;
  • does not affect egg laying.


Correct writing means - Forssayt with double "with". However, thanks to the placed insect on one letter "c",she was safely forgotten and the drug became known as Forsyth. It is under this name that it can be found in the catalog of insecticidal products.

Price and places of purchase

Initially, it was possible to purchase the tool only if there were appropriate permits in the SES. Now it is available for a wide range of consumers. You can order Forsyth in online stores or buy them in specialized hypermarkets.

The cost of a 50 mg vial ranges from 240-300 rubles. This amount is enough to handle 20-25 square meters. m square. It is more profitable to buy larger canisters. So a liter capacity will cost 1600 rubles. When ordering in online stores, the price of the funds may differ slightly depending on the delivery conditions.

How to apply Forsyth in everyday life

Each bottle comes with detailed instructions for using Forsyth from bedbugs. Only a strict adherence to the recommendations of the manufacturer will allow you to get the desired disposal of annoying insects. Despite the fact that the concentrate belongs to the low-toxic drugs of class 3, during the work it is necessary to follow the basic safety regulations.


Room preparation:

  1. In order to avoid re-invasion, you should review things and clothes for the detection of bedbugs. Steam steam generator or wash in hot water. Processed items, bedding, curtains pack in sealed bags. It is also recommended to do with toys.
  2. Food removed from the treated area.
  3. If possible, disassemble the frame couch, beds, remove the mattress so that you can treat your favorite habitat for bedbugs.
  4. Furniture, blocking access to baseboards, move.

How to dissolve Forsyth from bedbugs:

  • the working solution is prepared in a ratio of 50 mg and 1 liter of water;
  • with a weak contamination of the room and a small amount of interior items, one bottle of 50 mg is enough;
  • in case of numerous accumulations of parasites, 2 bubbles with emulsion are necessary;
  • Dilute Forsyth should be immediately before use and only with cold water, warm liquid reduces the effectiveness of the drug and increases the smell;
  • after thorough mixing, the working solution is poured into a spray bottle.


  • during processing it is necessary to ensure the absence of people and pets;
  • a person who conducts pest control should be dressed in a protective suit that covers clothing and a respirator;
    Means of protection
    Means of protection
  • the tool is sprayed on the furniture body, in the joints and gaps between the structural elements, on the door and window openings, baseboards, floor, rear carpet walls;
  • after processing Forsyth to leave the room for 5-10 hours;
  • on returning home, air and clean the surfaces that you have to contact daily.


In case of contact with the skin, wash the affected area with running water. If the insecticide gets on the mucous eye, you should also gently wash the solution with water and consult an oculist.

Feedback on the results of the use of Forsyth

To us bedbugs crossed from neighbors. They love to collect all the rags and all the trash dragged to his home. At first, I had a hope that I could do without popular safe ways. But somehow brooms from tansy and acetic solution not scared my newcomers. I had to use heavy artillery. In order not to process the apartment many times with chemistry,I decided to buy a professional tool - just to poison and forget once. Choice stopped at the Foresight facility, since it is used by the SES for processing apartments and government agencies, which means safe and effective. Dilute the solution was not difficult, and the processing itself did not cause difficulties. The only thing that did not like is the smell that the agent left behind. It weathered out of the apartment for two days, so these days I tried to stay at home less often. Along with the scent, the bugs disappeared, since I never saw them again.

Olga, Torzhok

I decided to leave a review about the Forsyte from bedbugs. Where did the parasites come from?, I still do not understand, but it is not so important. I was more worried about the question how to get bugs. Folk remedies I do not trust, and even more so ultrasonic scarer, therefore, planned to contact the health service. When monitoring companies involved destruction of bugs with a guarantee, I came across an ad that it was possible to purchase a professional concentrate for home use. This idea inspired me.It is not necessary to pity the eyes of neighbors with the arrival of exterminators, change their plans while waiting for work. Therefore, I purchased Forsyth and performed a pest control at a convenient time for me - at night. Bedbugs began to climb from all the cracks. Apparently they prepared for the next meal, and I prepared an insecticide for them. Some fell to the death of the brave right in front of their eyes, others began frantically waving their paws. All the insects that came across, I dared and sent to the toilet. A couple of days were still half-dead individuals, and then the bugs completely disappeared.

Anton, Moscow

Before, I even dimly imagined who are the bugsand last year they attacked our holiday village. Than they liked the country houses, I do not know. However, they did not avoid our modest cottage and annoyed every night with their bites. Experienced neighbors suggested that you should not conduct experiments, but it is better to spend money on acquiring effective remedy for bedbugs. In their opinion, such was Forsyth. Together we purchased a liter bottle, it turned out to be much cheaper and the cost of processing did not exceed the cost of purchasing quality aerosol. All mattresses, pillows, blankets hung out on the street, and processed the room according to the instructions. I was satisfied with the result and really want to hope that the bugs will no longer encroach on our territory.

Catherine, Kaluga

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Bed bugs

