Fufanon remedy for bedbugs
- Fufanon from bedbugs
- Fufanon from bedbugs
- Means of protection
Bed bugs in the house - an unpleasant phenomenon. It is associated not only with numerous bites on the body, but also with the danger of contracting dangerous diseases, given that the insect menu consists entirely of blood. Therefore, a person seeks to get rid of blood suckers as soon as possible, choosing the most effective drugs. One of such effective means is Fufanon from bedbugs, which in parallel will allow to destroy from other insects living in the apartment.
Drug description
Fufanon has a wide spectrum of action, destroying colonies of synanthropic insects over large areas quickly and efficiently. It is often used special services for the treatment of apartments, production areas, basements and attics. Developed and patented tool company "Keminova A / S", located in Denmark. Externally, the drug is a liquid oily substance.
Fufanon from bugs in its composition contains derivatives of dithiophosphoric acid. The main active ingredient is the phosphorus-organic compound malathion, which is a safer analog for humans. Karbofos. The poisoning component, entering the body of the pest, is converted to the more toxic drug malaoxon. Contact insecticide penetrates into the body of the insect almost instantly. It acts on the bloodsucker as a neuro-paralytic poison, as a result of which the activity of the nervous system is blocked and the pest dies.The product is safe for humans, warm-blooded animals and plants.
The indisputable advantage of a chemical is its prolonged action, which lasts for 2 weeks. This allows for one treatment to destroy a whole population of synanthropes, since the newly hatched maggots also get their portion of poison, and the change of generations will not happen. Positive reviews about Fufanone from bedbugs confirm its high efficiency.
The insecticide is packaged in 5 ml ampoules and small bottles of 10 ml. For disinsection of large areas, the manufacturer manufactures chemicals in canisters of 1 and 5 liters.
Calculating the required amount of the drug, you should not take into account the residential square of the room, and the area of the treated surfaces.
The price of Fufanon from bedbugs is quite affordable. The cost of the drug in 5 ml ampoules averages about 10 rubles, a liter package costs about 500 rubles, a five-liter canister - 700. You can buy the drug from direct suppliers in Moscow and other localities, as well as in veterinary pharmacies and specialized stores.
The manufacturer offers consumers two versions of the tool:
- Fufanon is new;
- Fufanon super.
They differ in the concentration of the active substance. The “new” modification contains 44% of the poisonous component and its use is mainly focused on the treatment of agricultural crops from various pests. However, in the absence of the desired drug, it can also be used in fight bedbugsOnly dilute in less water.
The tool with the “super” mark consists of 57% of malathion, and its formula also includes additional components safe for humans, which enhance the action of the insecticide and prolong its residual effect.
Advantages of the Danish bedbug remedy
Fufanon against bedbugs belongs to the 3rd class of danger and due to its qualitative characteristics it makes it possible to instantly kill synanthropic insects almost instantly. The manufacturer identifies the following advantages of their corporate means:
- the uniqueness of the chemical formula, which ensures high efficiency of the fight against parasites living next to humans;
- lack of resistance in bedbugs and other pests to organophosphorus substances, which are synthetic chemicals;
- the ability of the agent to evaporation - the fumigation effect allows microscopic particles of the agent to penetrate into hard-to-reach places and overtake pests, and also serve as a deterrent to the invasion of new bugs;
- the quality of the drug does not decrease in a wide range of temperatures;
- Fufanon from bedbugs can be combined with other insecticides to enhance the overall effect, but it is not recommended to use alkaline preparations containing copper, sulfur and various sulphides.
Thanks to these properties, the tool allows you to quickly and efficiently, but with the accurate implementation of the recommendations of the instructions, get rid of synanthropic insects.
Preparation for disinsection
Before proceeding to the destruction activities, it is necessary to carry out the preparatory work, as well as the instructions for the use of Fufanon from bedbugs should be carefully studied. It is recommended to do this in order to protect oneself and households from the negative consequences of using the funds, as well as to achieve the maximum positive result in the fight against parasites.First of all, before the destruction of bedbugs, such manipulations should be done:
- identify places where do the bugs live in the apartment;
- carry out general wet and dry cleaning with the use of a vacuum cleaner;
- move furniture away from walls and provide access to baseboards and other hard-to-reach places;
- remove food and dishes from the room or put in the refrigerator;
- pack personal items and home textiles;
- as much as possible to release furniture from contents;
- remove from the premises of people, as well as pets, tightly close the aquarium glass.
All these actions will allow disinsection in the most thorough way.
Security Measures and Processing Technique
Processing of Fufanon from bedbugs should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the instructions and compliance with the rules of personal safety. Disinsection works should be carried out in a special protective suit with long sleeves, gloves and a headdress. The presence of a respirator and goggles will protect the respiratory tract and eyes from toxic fumes.
On a note!
The working solution is prepared immediately before use at the rate of 1.5 - 3.5 ml of product per liter of water.Concentration depends on the level of contamination of the treated space. It should be noted that in 1 square. m of the average surface takes about 50 ml of solution.
It is possible to work with means by means of a spray or a wide painting brush. After completing the procedure, the room should be left, windows and doors tightly closed. In this state, it should remain for a day. After a specified time, the apartment should be well ventilated, so that the unpleasant smell disappears. All surfaces with which you constantly have to contact, you must rinse with soap and soda solution. In inaccessible places, the tool can be left to provide a residual effect, and it also repels bedbugs and protects against other pests.
Fufanon User Reviews
Consumers quite often share their impressions about the means used to fight bedbugs and other synanthropic insects. In this case it concerns the Danish insecticide.
Very good drug Fufanon, only he helped us get rid of bedbugs. Previously used different folk remedies, but the result was deplorable. Processed apartment once.At first they were frightened, because after Fufanon bugs were poisoned, they began to crawl during the day, possibly under the influence of the drug. But after a few days the bloodsuckers disappeared completely. For prophylaxis Soon we repeat the procedure, as advised by the manufacturer.
Svetlana, Kostroma
Bedbugs in the apartment appeared suddenly, maybe brought in with something or they could crawl from the neighbors. At first they tried wrestle with an ultrasonic bug repeller. But it helped very little. On the advice of friends and from the reviews on the Internet learned about the tool from bedbugs Fufanon. Lit the drug and treated the apartment. The very next day, they began to sweep out dead individuals or those who could not crawl. For the past 3 months we have been living in peace. Decent tool, you can use.
Ivan, Tomsk
I decided to leave a review about the Fufanone from bedbugs. Very good and effective tool. The price is affordable, and the result exceeds all expectations. More profitable to buy one liter packaging. Useful in the case of re-processing, which will finally remove bedbugs and scare off the "new settlers." Recommend.
Konstantin, Astrakhan