Best Gels for bedbugs: Global, Absolute, Fipronil, etc
- Gel application
- Globol gel
- Gels from bedbugs
- Gel blockbuster
Fight against blood-sucking insects has its own characteristics. The bug does not lure in trap, food bait does not attract him. Aerosol preparations differ in their limited duration on parasites, and dust powders ineffective.Therefore, gels from bedbugs took a strong position in the category of goods against crawling, blood-sucking insects. Pasty tools are easy to use, safe for people and pets, do not exude unpleasant odors and are affordable.
How gel destroys bedbugs
The gel from bedbugs is a substance with a jelly-like consistency, packed in a bottle with a long tip. The composition of the drug is an active chemical substance that has a contact-intestinal action. Once in the body of an insect, it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes paralysis and subsequent death bed bug.
The death of the bloodsucker does not occur immediately. He manages on his paws to bring poison into the nest and infect a few more individuals. In addition to the active substance, the composition is represented by auxiliary additives that prevent the drug from drying out and the safety of its structure. Acts gel for 3-4 weeks.
In case of a weak infestation of an apartment, a decrease in the population size occurs at 3-4 days after application, this fact is confirmed by reviews of gels from bedbugs.The total extermination of parasites is observed 10-15 days after application, since the agent does not affect the bedbug eggs and it takes some time for the embryos to appear maggots.
On a note!
Most manufacturers add bitter ingredients. If a curious child or pet decides to try the tool to taste - it simply will not be able to eat it because of its characteristic bitter taste.
Gel application rules
To fully get rid of bedbugs and forget about their existence, the mere application of the drug is not enough. Even the best gels from bedbugs are effective in combination with the following activities:
- Wet and dry cleaning of the apartment.
- Visual inspection of rooms, furniture for identify nests of bedbugs. With particular care should inspect the beds, as well as recently acquired interior items. Often, blood-sucking guests penetrate into the house with used furniture.
- If the complex uses sprays, aerosols, you should pay attention to the composition of the drug. You should not buy products with the same active substance, since bugs are resistant to chemicals.
The principle of applying gels from bedbugs, regardless of the manufacturer, is the same for everyone:
- processing is carried out in rubber gloves;
- must first prepare a room for pest control;
- the bottle is opened just before drawing;
- the tool is applied dotted around the entire perimeter of the room, special attention should be paid to the space near the beds, along the baseboards, near the departed wallpaper, paintings, carpets;
- Often the gel is pre-applied on small pieces of paper, and then laid them out.
Review of effective gels from blood-sucking insects
The tool in the form of a gel is produced by many well-known and little-known brands. The most popular are presented in the table.
Title | Price in rubles | Weight, g | Area of impact, square m |
Global | 350 | 75 | 50 |
Absolute | 87 | 125 | 30 |
Blockbuster | 64 | 30 | 25 |
Forssite | 80 | 30 | 20 |
Combat | 300 | 80 | 30 |
Pasta Global (Globol)
Global gel from bedbugs is produced by a German company. The active ingredient is an insecticide of the contact action of chlorpyrifos. One tube is enough to handle an apartment of 50 square meters. m. The duration of the funds 30 - days. Before using the tube, it is recommended to stretch your arms or hold for 1-2 minutes in warm water.
Bed bug Global is used to kill all types of crawling insects.The death of the parasite occurs 2-3 hours after its contact with the gel. The composition of the drug added chocolate flavor, which attracts the smell of cockroaches and ants. But this trick does not work on blood-sucking arthropods; therefore, to ensure direct parasite contact with the gel, the agent should be applied linearly or with short intervals between dashes.
On a note!
The manufacturer advises to use cardboard backing for gel drops in order to simplify the procedure of washing off the drug after the expiration date.
Means Absolute
Absolute bedbug gel is available in 30 ml tubes or 20-75 ml syringes, filled with white or yellowish, odorless substance. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. The tool is low toxic, its use is permitted in children's institutions, in everyday life for the destruction of crawling insects.
Like all helium preparations, the Absolute is distinguished by its prolonged action and retains its properties for 30 days. To avoid reinfection, it is recommended to re-process after a specified period.
Gel from crawling insects Combat
Gel from bedbugs and cockroaches developed in South Korea. The rather high price in comparison with analogues is due to the formula funds Combat, which includes 2 insecticides: tsifinotrin, imiprotrin. Insect contact with poison provokes a chain reaction and an epidemic of the entire population.
Blockbuster Remedy active against all synanthropic insects and is a colorless gel. Fipronil from bugs, which is part of the drug, has a contact-intestinal action and is effective even in cases where the parasites developed resistance to insecticides of other groups.
Adult mortality occurs 2 days after application. The stability of the funds is maintained for 30-45 days.
After the discovery of bloodsuckers in the apartment, they thought for a long time what to poison bugs. Allergic wife and aggressive chemicals did not want to use. Bought German gel Global. The package indicated that he was against cockroaches and ants, but the consultant recommended him for the destruction of bugs. Gel inflicted in solid lines in the bedroom, even around the bed.In the first days, the activity of parasites decreased, and after 2 weeks we stopped noticing them.
Vladimir, Moscow
All the neighbors on the landing began to complain about bedbug bites. Carefully inspected the bed, bed, walls, but signs of the presence of pests in the apartment not found. Maybe I was saved from the penetration of bedbugs by the Combat gel, with which I had recently processed all the rooms so that get rid of cockroaches.
Lily, Borisoglebsk
Bedbugs grass Raptor tool and paste Absolute. Before going on vacation, I used 2 syringes of the Absolute and thoroughly sprinkled from a can. Returning after 10 days, the parasites no longer noticed.
Igor, Gukovo