Hot mist treatment for bedbugs
- Hot mist from bedbugs
- Hot mist
- Hot mist treatment
The destruction of bedbugs with hot mist is one of the most common and progressive methods used by sanitation workers. Such processing allows you to totally eliminate all crawling insects in a short time. However, due to the relative novelty of the method of getting rid of parasites, many questions ariseregarding the safety and effectiveness of the method.
Fog processing - procedure description
First of all, it is worth figuring out what a hot fog from bedbugs is. This method involves the mandatory use of professional equipment - a hot mist generator. A working solution consisting of several insecticides is poured into the apparatus, which is heated to a temperature above 50 ° С and sprayed indoors. Heating takes place within a few milliseconds and a stream of gas escapes from the nozzle of the device under pressure.
A kind of cloud is formed in the treated room, consisting of splitted tiny particles that are in suspension for a very long time, from 3 to 8 hours. Like air, they penetrate the most inaccessible cracks, microcracks. Given the high temperature of the mist, a significant portion of insects, including the eggs, die instantly, as exceeding the mark of 45 ° C for bedbugs is detrimental.
As it cools, the insecticidal cloud settles on the surface, forming a thin film. Surviving parasites in contact with her receive a dose of poison, which leads to their further death.Absolutely all horizontal, vertical surfaces, interior items are covered with a film, so insects have no chance of survival.
On a note!
Hot fog treatment for bedbugs lasts from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. The duration of the procedure depends on the area of the apartment and the power of the generator. In industrial areas, time can be increased.
Method effectiveness
Destruction of bedbugs hot fog gives a good result if several conditions are met:
- The treatment is carried out by professionals using the most effective insecticides and their corresponding concentration.
- Upon completion of the work should strictly adhere to all the recommendations of disinsectors.
- The room should be closed for exactly as long as necessary for the complete settling of insecticides. Most often, the process lasts from 5 to 10 hours.
- It is possible to subject the room to airing only 2-3 hours after the gas cloud settles. How quickly the hot mist disappears depends on the chemicals selected.
- Wet cleaning after disinsection It is provided in 10-14 days to ensure the safety of the insecticidal film.On the first day, only those surfaces are treated with a soap or soda solution, with which constant contact of the inhabitants of the house takes place.
On a note!
If before applying to the sanitary service there were independent attempts to eliminate bedbugs or disinsection was already carried out by another company, these facts should be reported to the manager or the disinsector. As a result of unsuccessful bullying bed bugs could develop resistance to a number of chemicals. Awareness of specialized service workers will allow them to select effective means that will destroy adapted insects.
When wound up bed bugs in the couch, without hesitation, I turned to the sanitary service - I wanted to quickly get rid of nasty pests and forget about their existence. I was offered a choice of cold and hot fog from bedbugs, but for some reason the latter inspired me with more confidence. Apartment processing lasted just over an hour. It took much longer preparation for the arrival of disinsectors: removed carpets, moved furniture. I was given a protective suit and respirator during the pest control, so I could watch the process without hindrance.The technology was called a hot fog for a reason, and that’s what it looked like. At the end of the work, the worker of the sanitary service gave detailed instructions and warned that it was impossible to air the apartment earlier than after 8 hours. They had cases when people immediately after the departure of the brigade began to open the windows, and then also wondered why the bugs did not die. He did everything in strict accordance with the recommendations of the exterminator and was satisfied with the result. After treatment, all parasites disappeared and for more than a year I have not seen them.
Vitaly, Moscow
How much does the treatment of the apartment with hot fog
The destruction of bedbugs with hot mist is the most expensive method. In the capital, the processing of a one-room apartment will cost 4000 rubles. Most specialized companies provide a guarantee for 2-3 years and hold barrier protection For a present. Preparatory work and cleaning after baiting are not included in the price. Some companies offer cleaning services for an additional fee.
In the regions, the treatment of an apartment from bedbugs is not significantly different from the capital prices. Disinfection cost predetermined by demand and competition between the health services.
However, despite the fact that the destruction of bedbugs by fog requires significant financial expenditure, the method has several undeniable advantages:
- short duration of processing;
- the rapid destruction of all parasites, which is ensured by the hot heated insecticide and its high penetrability;
- lack of strong, persistent odors;
- hot mist at the same time allows you to get rid of mold, fungi, microorganisms.
Among the shortcomings, the impossibility of carrying out the treatment itself stands out, since in order to use the equipment, certain skills are required, and the cost of the generator itself amounts to tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles.
On a note!
The use of hot fog is advisable only in apartments, houses with a high degree of infection. With a small population, pest control recommends a less expensive method - cold fog from bedbugs.
With the advent of bedbugs, my life has been reduced to regular trips to household chemistry stores and the subsequent testing of purchased purchases.I used to hang out on culinary sites, but now I’ve become a frequenter of forums about the destruction of domestic pests. What I have just not tried: dry, fresh herbs, and all sorts of liquid substances from vinegar, turpentine, other folk remedies, gels and emulsions. All in vain - my bugs were extremely tenacious and were not going to die. I also tried to process the apartment aerosol Dichlorvos - The smell was terrible, it is impossible to erode it, but for these parasites even that. After reading the reviews on the treatment of hot mist from bedbugs, I decided to seek help from the professionals. It was a pity for the money, but it was also unbearable to live with bloodsuckers. The disinsectors asked in detail what I had to do. poison bugs, agreed on the date of processing. At the appointed time, a brigade arrived, one guy in his hands had a very impressive unit, resembling a gun. I did not want to leave strangers in an apartment alone, so I expressed a desire to be present during the processing, and it was curious to look at this hot fog. Literally in a few minutes the whole room was filled with such thick smoke that there were no objects at the opposite end. After 50 minutes, the procedure was completed and I was advised to take a walk for 10 hours.For the sake of reliability, I spent the night with a friend. The next day, the corpses of bedbugs swept away with a broom and washed only the most necessary surfaces. The hot fog was not in vain praised, now I have not a single insect in my house, but about bedbug bites still remember with a shudder.
Marina, Perm
How to prepare for the pest control
Before processing the apartment, the house should hold a number of preparatory activities:
- To hold in the apartment wet and dry cleaning.
- Move furniture away from walls so that disinsectors have access to all corners.
- If possible, remove the mattress and disassemble the frame of the bed, sofa.
- Toys steam generatorpack in packages.
- Food hide.
- During processing to ensure the absence of households and animals. If there is an aquarium, move it to another room, or turn off the compressor and cover.
Insecticide vapors are serious harm to humans, so the observer is given a protective suit and respirator.
After settling the new tenants in the next apartment found a bug, crawling along the wall in the bedroom. I didn’t want to do amateur activities, and never in my life fight bedbugs, therefore, turned to the sanitary service. The main criteria for choosing a method for me were efficiency and safety. After inspecting the apartment, the exterminators advised to treat the apartment with cold mist. To use hot animals in my house was not enough. I agreed, I am also better - pest control will be cheaper. At the same time she advised her neighbors to process the apartment, they agreed. As a result, we received a discount, our homes were processed in one day and now we don’t even remember the bugs.
Elena Petrovna, Sumy