Bed Bug Ointment
- Remedies for bedbugs bites
- Fenistil gel
- Psilo - Balsam
- Elidel from bedbug bites
- Bepanten plus
- Folk remedies for bedbugs
Means to help from bedbug bites
In order to prevent bedbug bites and protect yourself from possible infection, preventive measures should be taken. Insects are afraid odor substances with alcohol content. Therefore, it is recommended to use colognes and perfumes before going to bed. They can be anointed with any part of the body.Can help repel insects from essential oils and fish oil. They smear open skin. Often people use repellents for these purposes - chemicals that repel insects, including bedbugs.
Creams, ointments and gels
In order to avoid bedbug bites, it is necessary to use special preparations. These are gels, ointments and creams for the bites of bedbugs that the industry produces. They differ in the form of medicines, but all these types contain in their composition the active substances dissolved in certain proportions.
- Ointment. This tool is a dosage form in which the active ingredients do not dissolve completely in the fat base. It is better to add to them those components that interact well with fats. They are slowly absorbed, so their action on damaged skin is quite long.
- Cream. Unlike ointments, they contain less fat, their absorption is faster than creams. Both of these remedies for bedbug bites leave greasy marks on garments and different surfaces.
- Gel.In contrast to the ointment, the active substance in it is well dissolved in the base, most often it is water. Therefore, hydrophilic substances are easily introduced into its composition. It is well washed off the skin and washed from the clothes.
If the skin is dry, crusts appear on it after bites. In this case, it is better to smear with cream or ointment. With normal skin and no peeling, you can apply the gel if redness occurs. It has a drying effect, so they can be smeared with weeping wounds. When choosing a gel, cream or ointment for bedbugs, you must carefully read the instructions, see the composition of the drug and its contraindications.
Effective drugs used for bedbug bites
Bedbugs belong to the group of blood-sucking parasites. Therefore, products designed to get rid of the effects of insects of this group can be used in the case of bedbugs. In order not to bite bed bugs, you need to use the following types of ointments.
It is a gel that has proven to be effective when itching occurs. It contains dimetinden maleate, an active substance that blocks the histomine receptors.They are responsible for the appearance of itching, pustules, painful discomfort, inflammation on the skin areas after insect bites. If the child is not yet one year old, this remedy cannot be used.
“I never thought that bed bugs would appear in our apartment. Therefore, I did not immediately understand that the bites of the “path” on my body and on my husband's legs were connected with these parasites. Once discovered nest, immediately became display bedbugs, and I anointed the bites with fenistil. He helped with insect bites in the country. And here, too, did not disappoint! "
Elena, Moscow
Psilo balm
In this gel, the active ingredient is diphenhydramine, which also blocks histamine receptors. As a result, swelling at the bite sites is reduced and the permeability of blood vessels decreases. Itching becomes less noticeable, and the cooling effect of the gel is felt on the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to smear this balm immediately after the bites of bedbugs. For the healing of pustules, pain relief and against itching, this tool is well suited. Balm is good to use for drying the formed crusts.
“Psilo-Balsam was advised by the pharmacy for bites from bedbugs. It helped us: it absorbs quickly, a pleasant smell. Now there are no bugs, but the balm was left just in case, as it may be necessary after field trips. ”
Irina, Krasnodar
Cream elidel
It should not be used immediately after bedbug bites, but only if it appears on the skin. allergic reaction in the form of eczema or dermatitis. Pimecrolimus is the active ingredient contained in the facility. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. The cream can be used for adults and children, if they have already turned 3 months. But if there is a wound on the skin and an infection is observed in it, you cannot use this tool.
“The appearance of bloodsucking parasites in the apartment was an unpleasant surprise. Now we know firsthand how bite bugs. In addition, the bites on the body of the daughter looked different than my wife and I had significantly more. After they were discovered, we anointed Elidel with bites. This has helped reduce swelling. And after visiting the doctor, we were prescribed treatment, as it was an allergic reaction.We all recommend this drug, but do not forget to consult a doctor! ”
Oleg, Perm
Bed bugs ointment contains the active substance - dexpanthenol. It heals, restores and moisturizes the skin after a bite. The advantage of the drug over other means is that they can smear the body of the newborn. It is generally recommended for babies to use for the elimination of diaper rash, streamers, the treatment of inflammatory processes and dermatitis in crumbs. Ointment is effective after insect bites in the event that the body showed redness, swelling, scratches, cuts, inflammatory processes.
“We always have bepanthen, as it helps well with inflammation and redness. From bedbug bites also helped us. Parasites settled here unexpectedly, and while we were looking for ways how to get rid of bedbugs, the ointment took off the redness and itching. "
Svetlana, Vladivostok
Other ointments
On sale there are ointments with a high content of propolis. These should be treated with caution. They can cause allergies in people of any age.Therefore, if a child or an adult has an allergic reaction to pollen, they can reappear, but already on royal jelly, wax or propolis.
Sometimes in order not to bite bugs, use ointments, which include hormones. These include cream Alfroderm, hydrocortisone ointment, have anti-inflammatory effect, they reduce itching, relieve an allergic reaction. But they are not recommended to be used independently, as there may be contraindications. Do not use them for pregnant women and children who are under one year old. Only a doctor can make an appointment. When edema, itching, purulent ulcers that appear after a bite, the doctor may recommend to apply ointment with antibiotics, such as erythromycin. She actively opposes the infection that has fallen into the wound.
"Bugs to us switched from neighbors and immediately we noticed bites on the body. In the first few days, they used hydrocortisone ointment. She helped a lot. Then they decided to switch to another, safer drug. But as a "duty" means he rescued us! "
Olga, Omsk
What kind of ointment can be prepared by yourself
If there are bedbugs in the house, they will constantly bite the person until they are destroyed. Should not forget that bloodsuckers pose a danger and bites can not go unnoticed. They cause irritation, itching causes combing the bite and redness appears on it, wounds that need to be treated. In addition to ready-made preparations, you can prepare your own bugs ointment. To do this, use such tools:
- Aloe. This unique plant can relieve swelling, eliminate redness, relieve pain and reduce itching. Aloe leaves should be cut and pour vodka or alcohol. Within a few days, the resulting mixture is insisted, the result is a good ointment, which should be treated with the affected areas. Keep it in a cool place or in the refrigerator.
- Soda. Ointments from bedbugs bites can be made on the basis of soda. It is necessary to mix soda (5 tablespoons) with water. It should get the consistency, like a thick cream. Apply the ointment should be in place of the bite. Soda has a soothing effect, it can eliminate itching, heal wounds and is a disinfectant.
- In order not to bite bugs, use wild rosemary.For ointment, only ground shoots of this plant are suitable. First they need to be dried in fresh air for two weeks. After that, they are crushed and 2 tbsp. spoons of wild rosemary are combined with 5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. The prepared mixture is placed in a container, closed, left to infuse for 12 hours. After that, it can be spread. Treat the place after the bites need several times a day. To improve the effect, the mixture can be prepared with the addition of chamomile, calendula and plantain. You should be aware that this ointment can not be used by pregnant women and people with hypersensitivity of the skin. If you decide to smear a child with it, it is better not to do this, as the wild rosemary is a poisonous plant.
“I do not trust modern medicine. Too much chemistry is found even in the simplest formulations. Therefore, from the bites of bedbugs decided to use a soda-based ointment. Helps well! It is cheaper than a pharmacy and definitely safer for the health of adults and children. ”
Alexandra, Moscow
If the ointment does not help
Not all ointments and folk remedies can help from bedbug bites. Usually they are used for redness, itching, small swelling.If, after the bite of bedbugs, symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, general weakness, a rash that occupies a large area of skin, large swelling, fever, chills, you should immediately call the doctor. The human body can react in completely different ways to the bug bite. In addition to these symptoms, you may experience shortness of breath, pain in the joints, increase or decrease blood pressure and other manifestations. To do without qualified medical assistance in these cases is impossible. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.