Medilis: Anticlope, Tsiper, Super from bugs
- Medilis Antiklop
- Medilis Tsiper
- Medilis Tsiper
- Medilis Super
- Medilis Super
- Medilis Super Strength
The Russian company Medilis Laboratory LLC (Moscow) is one of the largest in Russiathe market of suppliers, developers and distributors of chemicals for combating synanthropic insects in everyday life, medicine and veterinary medicine. It produces more than 60 types of products. The most popular product of the company Medilis - Anti-bugs from bedbugs.
Comparative characteristics of drugs
According to the rating, Medilis - Antiklop, Tsiper and Super from bedbugs are the best disinfectants on the domestic market. Working closely with specialized research institutes, MedILIS carefully conducts toxicological studies of all types of its products and can guarantee its safety for people.
All products have quality certificates and are approved by domestic physicians, exterminators, veterinarians, as evidenced by awards and letters of thanks from national associations and organizations representing these specialists. Consider the advantage of the means of Medilis.
The product of Medilis Antiklop from bugs comes in the form of a spray, ready to eat. It consists of three insecticides belonging to the 3-4 hazard class:
- permethrin;
- its two synthetic analogues are cypermethrin and tetramethrin.
The components of the Antiklop are insecticides of contact action. They actively penetrate the chitinous coat into the body. bed bugby blocking the ionic channels in the membranes of nerve cells, changing its polarization and, thus, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the fibers of the muscle tissue of all organs of the insect. The drug has an instant (“knockdown effect”) paralyzing effect on the pest.
Characteristics of the means Antiklop
A single treatment is enough for the bugs to disappear completely, regardless of the size of their colonies. Means Antiklop retains its properties after application to the surface for 2 months. The prolonged effect guarantees the death of not only adults and their larvaebut their hatches eggs young insects.
Reviews about Medilis Antiklop mostly positive, which indicates the high effectiveness of the tool. The only drawback indicated by consumers is an unpleasant odor that persists for a long time, especially on absorbent surfaces.
I bought an apartment from an old housing stock already populated by hordes of bedbugs, cockroaches and other "neighbors". Before doing the repair, I decided self destroy bedbugs and all parasites. I looked through ratings, reviews on the Internet and chose Medilis anticlope. Everything went well - the corpses of bedbugs swept out in the corners for another week. The only drawback, in my opinion, is the strange smell of the drug, which I felt for a long time before the repair began.
Vladimir, Saratov
Instructions for use Medilis Antiklop
Instructions for use Medilis Antiklop, located on the back of each bottle, describes in detail the algorithm of actions in the processing room:
- prepare rooms for pest control - move furniture away from the walls, remove carpets and textiles, remove pets from the apartment, take out aquariums, bird cages, personal hygiene items, food, cutlery;
- carry out wet cleaning;
- tightly close the windows and doors, avoiding drafts;
- placing the pump nozzle on the bottle at a distance of 10-15 cm from the surface to be treated, spray the product onto the back side of the furniture, paintings, carefully fix the attachment points, legs of the bed, sofa and other furniture - the surface to be treated should be wet;
- using a spray bottle on the bottle to handle joints, seams, baseboards, floor and walls, starting from the far wall and moving to the exit from the apartment;
- to create a barrier against the penetration of bedbugs into the apartment, it is necessary to process the slopes of the windows, the bottom of the window sills, the door frame and the ventilation grilles;
- leave the room for 2-3 hours;
- after this time, open windows and doors for airing for 30 minutes;
- Wash contact surfaces with soap and soda solution;
- places of accumulation of bedbugs are not recommended to be wet treated for 2-3 days
Despite the fact that the tool is not toxic for warm-blooded animals, it is worth protecting yourself by protecting the respiratory organs with a respirator, eyes with glasses, and the surface of the body and hands with rubber gloves and clothing that completely covers the body.
Medilis Tsiper for bedbugs is available in plastic containers of 50 and 100 ml, as well as in 1 ml ampoules and 10 ml bottles. Means - a concentrate in the form of an emulsion containing 25% cypermethrin. The advantage of Medilis Ziper is its long-term effectiveness, which is about 3 months.
Description of the tool Medilis Tsiper
The drug is economical, cheaper analogues and is not subject to destruction when exposed to sunlight.
There are not many disadvantages:
- an unpleasant smell that cannot be neutralized even by an odorant added to the emulsion;
- low efficacy against pyrethroid resistant insects.
Cypermethrin is one of the most popular insecticides used in most funds from synanthropic insects. Its prolonged use leads to the emergence of cypermethrin-resistant populations of bugs. This property is inherited by all insects that live in an apartment and is transmitted to their offspring. Therefore, it is not recommended to constantly use pyrethroid based preparations in the same apartment.
Reviews of Medilis Ziper are different. Many users note the sharp smell of the product, some complain that the solution needs to be prepared. But the majority notes its efficiency and convenience of packaging.
Last year I got a place in a working dormitory. The room is wonderful, but along with me the living space was shared by the bugs. They were left with the old furniture "inherited" by the former tenants. I tried to bring different insecticidal preparations, but Medilis Tsiper helped to win. I took it because my friend recommended it. He used it in the country and responded well. I purchased a 50 ml vial for treatment of the entire premises and reserved several vials in order to carry out prophylaxisAfter all, parasites can “come” from neighbors. Very comfortably.
Evgeny, Vologda
Instructions for use Medilis Ziper contains a description of the preparation of the solution and treatment rules.
How to use Medilis Ziper
Medilis recommends preparing the solution immediately before the treatment of the room. Store the mixture can not be. For the disinsection of the room you will need one bottle of 50 ml. Means Medilis need to be diluted in a ratio of 5 ml of the emulsion to 1 liter of water.
To put ready solution with the help of any spray in locations of the estimated localization of bedbugs and insect accumulations. If necessary, the drug can be used for re-treatment no earlier than a week.
Medilis is not recommended to handle bed bugs clothes, soft toys, bedding and linen. To disinfect them, it is better to wash them in hot water and iron them with iron.Washing and wet cleaning reduces the effectiveness of the drug and shortens its duration. But if it is necessary to process the carpets or upholstery of upholstered furniture, the solution is applied to the fabric, moistening it evenly and then dried in the sun or draft.
On fabrics, the effectiveness of Medilis Ziper is maintained for 2 weeks, and on solid surfaces - for 2-3 months. For the prevention of infection requires even less emulsion. Enough 1-2 ampoules per room. It is necessary to plant them at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water.
Medilis Super differs from bedbugs from the previous remedy by the active substance and the addition of synergists that indicate the activity of the insecticide.
Characteristic means Medilis Super
The emulsion includes 24% of fenthion - an insecticidal acaricidal substance belonging to the group of organophosphorus compounds. The tool inhibits the synthesis of cholinesterase-mediator intersynaptic transmission of impulses. In its absence, the functions of all organs are blocked, and insects die. The drug belongs to the 3rd class of danger and is allowed for the treatment of industrial, residential premises, child care facilities and hospitals.
According to research, fenthion has cumulative properties, is able to penetrate the body through the skin, with inhaled air and oral. To avoid poisoning, you should carefully observe the safety measures when working with solutions and use personal protective equipment. The substance has a pronounced poisoning effect on birds and fish. Therefore, they must be removed from the premises during processing.
The agent penetrates into the organism of ticks and other insects:
- through chitinous cover, in contact with the treated surface;
- in the form of vapor through spiracles;
- into the esophagus when absorbing food.
The method of penetration depends on the type of insect and the form of transformation. In relation to bedbugs, Medilis Super is active for 1 month, which is quite enough for the destruction of parasites at all stages of development.
The emulsion is produced in the same packaging as Medilis Ziper:
- 1-2 ml glass ampoules;
- bottles of 10-25 ml;
- capacity of 500 ml and 25 liters.
Reviews of Medilis Super different - praise the effectiveness and curse the garlic flavor, which lasts a long time, despite the airing.
Medilis Super bought on the recommendation of a consultant in the department of chemistry. Long chose and watched - could not decide what to poison bugs. I'm not a chemist and I do not know the properties of insecticides. The guy advised to take exactly Super, because in the old house, which was abandoned after the death of my grandmother, there were different parasites. What did the bugs eat - I do not know, but all the furniture was marked by bugs, cockroaches, and God still knows who. I wanted to restore and use it, but in such a state it is simply impossible to make it.
In order not to find out who lives in the house, she bought a tool that destroys crawling, flying, jumping creatures. Diluted according to the instructions, generously poured everything, the benefit was a large capacity - more than enough! The smell was disgusting, but the house is uninhabited and it was not the main thing. And the effectiveness was beyond all praise! A week later, I arrived and raked mountains of corpses! So I advise - if you are not afraid of the smell, buy.
Tatyana, Simferopol
Instructions for use Medelis Super
Instructions for use Medilis Super contains a table indicating the concentration of the prepared solution for the destruction of different types of synanthropicinsects, taking into account their stage of development and consumption rate per unit area of the processed premises.
On a note!
For fight bedbugs the solution is prepared at the rate of 5 ml of emulsion per liter of water with strong infection and 2 ml / l with moderate and weak. It is desirable to use ready mix within 6 hours from the moment of preparation.
Pouring the emulsion into the water must be well mixed, since fenthion is poorly soluble in water. Spray the prepared product in places where bedbugs accumulate and in supposed shelters: crevices, behind plinths, under wallpaper.
The novelty developed by the company - Medilis Supercyla. This remedy for bedbugs in the form of a spray, which is designed to combat the population of insects that are particularly resistant to insecticides.
Description Medilis SuperSil
The drug is based on two components - cypermethrin insecticide from the group of peritroids (0.25%) and imidacloprid from the group of neonicotinoids (0.2%). This is a relatively new and small group of insecticides based on natural raw materials - tobacco and tobacco. Does not form habituation in insects, so the tool and eliminates all parasites.The manufacturer has released Medilis SuperSil under the motto: “It helps where there is nothing that helps.”
The rules of application are similar to the treatment of the spray Antiklop. New remedy for bedbugs Medilis SuperSila has already gained its fans, although it is only one year on the market.
I constantly use drugs from different types of insects, which are produced by the company Medilis. They kill cockroaches and bedbugs, ants and fleas well and quickly. In terms of efficiency, they are not worse than imported ones, and they are much cheaper. And since I have to process a large area, this is a significant savings for me.
In my kennel for dogs constantly need to do sanitation. But recently he noticed that the time-tested drugs had ceased to function with the same destructive force. I read that the parasites form addiction, and they are partially experiencing treatment. I read about the new product from my favorite manufacturer and immediately ordered wholesale. Super Force did not disappoint!
Gregory, Kolomna
Prices for funds from bedbugs Medilis depend on the volume and form of release. So the average cost is:
- Medilis Tsiper:
500 ml - 1162-1533 rubles;
50 ml - 143-190 r; - Medilis SuperSil - 599 rubles;
- Medilis Antiklop - 389 rubles;
- Medilis Super - 212-265 rubles.
Medilis company produces competitive foreign counterparts. High quality and low price contribute to the fact that the popularity and sales volumes are growing every year. There are all new drugs to combat insects. Medilis did not forget about the children. Especially to protect the child from the blood-sucking insects was created line of aerosols. The fight against synanthropic parasites does not stop, and the company actively uses the results of scientific research in creating new types of products.