Microcapsule preparations for bedbugs

In nature, there are many insect pests that are accustomed to live next to humans. One such representative is bed bug - A parasite that causes homeowners a lot of trouble. Having found the “uninvited guest”, people do not spare any means to get rid of such a neighborhood.Microencapsulated bedbug drugs are a new line of chemicals that have recently appeared on the market. Their merits and demerits will be discussed in this article.

Features microencapsulated funds

Microencapsulated bed bugs are a special form of insecticide. The active substance present in it is placed in microscopic capsules, the shells of which are made of synthetic or natural materials. The molecules of the active ingredient in tiny doses seep through the pores of this shell, which provides a long period of protection against parasites. In addition, the concentration of toxin increases when the adult individuals damage the capsule shell during movement. As a result, the particles of poison fall on the body and legs of the bug.

Domestic bugs
Domestic bugs

Microencapsulated insecticides against bedbugs are in great demand among consumers, as they have a lot of advantages:

  • Efficiency provides a long period of protection, which lasts for six months;
  • safety - if the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, such anti-parasite products will not harm human health;
  • the drug retains its active properties when applied to both solid and moisture absorbent surfaces;
  • Most microencapsulated products have a wide range of uses, they are effective against bedbugs, fleas, ticks, cockroaches and ants.

However, microencapsulated preparations for bedbugs have some disadvantages:

  • the insecticide does not begin to work immediately after application, but only after it has penetrated through the capsule shell - as a result of which the desired effect is observed after several days;
  • high price;
  • short shelf life;
  • compliance with the temperature during storage of the drug;
  • the possibility of getting used to the insecticide that develops in bedbugs over time.

Varieties of microencapsulated drugs

The chemical industry offers a wide range of microencapsulated drugs designed to combat bloodsuckers.


Get Solution Preparation
Get Solution Preparation

A geth is a microencapsulated suspension in which chlorpyrifos acts as the active ingredient. The drug is absolutely safe for humans and pets, is included in the group odorless products, economical enough: the contents of one bottle (100 ml) is enough to handle a three-room apartment of up to 100 square meters. The prolonged effect of the drug is maintained for six months. The cost of funds ranges from 750 rubles.

On a note!

The consequence of high demand for geth preparation became the production of falsified goods. The original differs from a fake by the presence in the title of one letter “t” in both the English and Russian variations.


To my amazement, I discovered in the morning bed bites. Did not bother to analyze versions why did the bugs start up in the apartment, because it was an urgent need to solve an unexpected problem. On the recommendation of a friend acquired a microencapsulated agent Geth. The result was impressive - only one treatment was enough to get rid of bedbugs.

Nikolay, Bataysk

Delta Zone

A drug of similar release form, created on the basis of pyrethroid deltamethrin. It also contains adjuvants in the form of emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives, solvent and fragrances. The principle of application of microencapsulated concentrate is similar to the previous tool. The drug for bedbugs Delta Zone Available in bottles of 50 ml worth about 650 rubles.

Remedy Delta Zone
Remedy Delta Zone

Suspension Delta Zone is odorless and does not stain the surface after application. The maximum effect is observed after 5-6 days from the moment of application. The manufacturer guarantees a long period of protection against bedbugs for two months.


Having moved to a rented apartment, it turned out that we are not the only inhabitants of it - the bugs were infested in it. I tried folk remediesbut the result is not impressed. After reading a lot of reviews, stopped at the drug Delta Zone. The first days after treatment, no effect was observed, which at first prompted me to think about another deception. The result became noticeable only at the end of the week. It turned out that microcapsule preparations for bedbugs have a long period of action, which must also be taken into account when purchasing funds and when cleaning after disinsection. Therefore, the fight against parasites, although it was long, but very effective - after 10 days the bugs did not bother us anymore.

Yana, Donetsk

Ksulat C 25

The means of Spanish production is a white viscous suspension, which has in its composition chlorpyrifos - a powerful insecticide.Microcapsules for bedbugs, which remain on the surface after processing the room, are also effective against other household pests. The protective properties of the tool are stored for six months. The cost of the drug with a capacity of 1 l is 4500 rubles.

Ksulat C25
Ksulat C25


We live in a communal apartment, so living creatures in the form of cockroaches or ants here are a very usual thing. But with the advent of bloodsuckers, living in a room became simply impossible. Gathered with neighbors, read reviews about effective preparations for bedbugs and they treated the whole apartment with the Ksulat C 25 product. The lack of smell, stains, and the fact that not only bugs, but even cockroaches and flies, were surprised.

Valentina, Rostov

Micros +

Micros + is a microencapsulated agent in the form of a viscous yellowish suspension. Bed bug capsules contain chlorpyrifos, which provides a wide range of protection and long-term residual effect of the agent. The drug is approved for use in children's, medical and food institutions.

Cycrhos + and Minap-22
Cycrhos + and Minap-22

Minap 22

Another microcapsule drug for the destruction of chloroprifos-based bloodsuckers, which is very popular with the consumer.Due to the low concentration of the insecticide agent does not constitute a danger to human health. High efficiency, long prolonged action, the absence of odor and requirements for storage conditions - its main advantages. The emulsion is available in canisters with a capacity of 1 l, the price of which varies depending on the region within the range of 1,500 rubles.

On a note!

Minap 22 is the only microcapsule preparation that does not require certain storage conditions. It retains its properties even after freezing.


Baiting bedbugs in the apartment carried out by means of Minap 22. The drug worked clearly - there were no parasites on the third day. Another big plus is the lack of smell. Recommend.

Svetlana, Moscow

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Bed bugs

