How to get rid of bedbugs folk remedies
- 1 Features of the application of folk methods
- 2 Removal of bugs by mechanical action
- 3 Anti-bed bug vinegar
- 4 Folk remedies for bedbugs with turpentine
- 5 Kerosene against domestic bugs
- 6 Folk remedies with chemical solutions against insects
- 7 Plants against parasites
- 8 Critical temperatures against parasites
- 9 Reviews of folk remedies for bedbugs
- Bed bugs
- Scotch against bedbugs
- Vinegar for bedbugs
- Turpentine from bedbugs
- Kerosene from bedbugs
- Grass from bedbugs
Features of the application of folk methods
Folk remedies for domestic bugs on the spectrum of impact are divided into scaring and destroying. As a result of centuries of struggle with parasites have been well studied breeding patterns, behavior and identified their weaknesses:
- In a hungry state, individuals have a very flat body, as a result of which it is very difficult to crush them.
- In the daytime the bugs are hiding in secluded places, they go hunting only at night.
- Insects have 3 stages of development: egg, larva, adult individual. Eggs protected by a very dense shell through which chemicals do not penetrate. It is possible to destroy the egg-laying only by means of ovicidal action, which are highly toxic and have a strong odor, temperature or mechanical method, crushing each egg with fingers.
- Bedbugs have a well-developed sense of smell, and they are sensitive to odors.
- Insects are resistant to temperature fluctuations, they can be destroyed only with the help of very low and high temperature conditions. The bugs die at a temperature below 20 ° C and above 60 ° C.
Removal of bugs by mechanical action
The cheapest folk remedy, the effectiveness of which is in doubt. The essence of the process is reduced to the literal destruction of bloodsuckers. To do this, turn on the vacuum cleaner at maximum power, find a place of congestion parasites and eliminate them. It is recommended to burn the contents of the dust collector and wash the bag in boiling water.
The "slipper" technique is even simpler. Armed with a slipper, wait for the night and destroy the insects crawling out of shelters. The complexity of the process lies in the fact that bed bugs move very quickly, and small larvae are difficult to see.The procedure is performed when the light is on, since the light of electric lamps is not a deterrent factor for parasites. For bait insects used valerian, its smell attracts bloodsuckers. In this way, it is possible to slightly reduce the number of the klobina population, but, alas, it will not be possible to get rid of it completely.
On a note!
There is also a popular way to destroy parasites for the lazy. Along the perimeter of the bed, cabinets, along the baseboards, you need to attach double-sided tape and collect insects as they stick.
Anti-bed bug vinegar
Folk remedies for vinegar-based bed bugs are capable of scaring off annoying parasites for a while. Most often, this method is used for prophylactic purposes, to protect your apartment from the penetration of parasites from neighbors. Table Vinegar or essence it is necessary to process all baseboards, sills, door, window openings, ventilation grilles. To enhance the deterring effect of vinegar mixed with a decoction of wormwood.
To destroy the parasites prepare a mixture of the following components:
- vinegar;
- alcohol;
- naphthalene.
All ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. The resulting tool is treated with all surfaces in the room, furniture, floors. The remedy gives the greatest effect when it hits the insect directly and can be used as an alternative. aerosols. Merits vinegar applications boil down to the fact that with regular use, adults and larvae leave the apartment. But it has no effect on the eggs of bedbugs and the smell of vinegar disappears very quickly, so the infected room will have to be treated very often with this folk remedy.
Interesting fact. The degree of infection of the apartment can be judged by the pain of bites. If a bug bite causes instant pain, it means that the larva bites and the parasites live in the apartment for a long time, successfully breeding and laying eggs.
Folk remedies for bedbugs with turpentine
Turpentine - one of the most beloved components in folk remedies. There are many recipes for making mixtures with turpentine to destroy bedbugs using folk remedies. Cooking poison and disinfestation work must be carried out in rubber gloves. This technical fluid is very poisonous and is used to destroy the nests of parasites.
The most popular folk remedies with turpentine against bedbugs:
- 100 ml of water at room temperature, 10 ml of turpentine, 15 ml of kerosene, 100 ml of liquid soap should be mixed in the sprayer, the places of bedbugs and the surrounding space should be treated.
- Combine turpentine and ethyl alcohol in equal proportions, 5 g camphor.
- Mix 100 ml of turpentine, 10 ml of kerosene and 15 g of naphthalene.
- 80 ml of turpentine, 40 g of phenol, 6 g of salicylic acid.
On a note!
Considering that bed bugs love to settle under the upholstery couch, mattress, the use of folk remedies for bed bugs with turpentine is not always rational. These products after use leave stains, which will be very difficult to remove. It is best to use them to destroy the nests under the linoleum, wallpaper.
Kerosene against domestic bugs
Kerosene in folk remedies plays the role of a repeller and liquidator of harmful insects. Under the influence of kerosene vapor, the parasites and their larvae die.To get rid of the blood suckers, you must repeat the procedure several times. Ingredients for the preparation of folk remedies:
- kerosene 100 ml;
- Creosol 50 ml;
- naphthalene 5 g
Use of kerosene requires precautions:
- Disinsection carried out in rubber gloves, a protective suit in a ventilated room.
- The apartment should not be people and pets.
- Kerosene is a combustible substance, therefore it is necessary to follow the rules of fire safety.
- If you feel unwell, go out into the fresh air.
- After processing, close the room for several hours.
Folk remedies with chemical solutions against insects
To get rid of folk remedies from homebugs, you can use technical fluids that are commercially available. The disadvantage of this method in the high toxicity of the components and the specific smell.
- Denatured alcohol is effective for the destruction of adult bugs, larvae, eggs. They don’t have to treat the apartment, they pour water directly on the parasites with pure denaturation. The substance is very combustible.
- Ammonia is poured into containers that are installed near the accumulations of bloodsuckers. The second way to use the product is to add liquid to the floor washing water. After treating the floor with ammonia, not only bedbugs scatter, but also cockroaches.
- Aviation liquid is treated with nests of parasites.
Plants against parasites
Most of the folk remedies for bedbugs in a plant-based apartment are safe. Their effectiveness can only be assessed in terms of prophylaxis, because they perform a deterrent function. The most commonly used dry plants. Herbariums are hung on the walls, near the window, doorways, near the beds. They also prepare decoctions from plants and process possible places of penetration of insects. You can add to herbal poisons. essential oils of these plants or cedar oil.
Chamomile, calamus, peppermint, wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary - all these herbs are used to scare away bedbugs with folk remedies.
Sagebrush, tansy, wild rosemary are poisonous plants, so if there are children in the house, pets, it is necessary to make sure that weeds are out of their reach.
Critical temperatures against parasites
The most effective folk remedies for bedbugs in an apartment are freezing and heating. Bedbugs are not so sensitive to temperature extremes, but at a certain temperature they die.
To get rid of bedbugs, their eggs and larvae air temperature should be minus 20 centigrade. Freezing an apartment to such a state can be dangerous. This method is good for the elimination of insects in cushions, in clothes and those items that can be put out on the street.
High temperatures
You can save the living space with folk remedies for homebugs at high temperatures. At + 50, the parasite and its offspring perish. In the course are artificial heaters, irons, boiling water, but the most convenient steam generator treatment.
On a note!
The most savvy on a hot day put the car in the sun, the car becomes hot, the temperature in the cabin reaches the desired level and the camera for the destruction of blood-sucking insects is ready. In the car, put the clothes, pillows, everything that can fit into it.
Reviews of folk remedies for bedbugs
When bedbugs appear, people first of all start to collect information about the parasite, compare its appearance with a photo on the Internet, visit forums where you can read reviews about who and how you managed to get rid of them. About the folk remedies for bedbugs there is no consensus. One they help, others do not. To make your own conclusion about the effectiveness of folk methods can only be based on personal experience.
I believe that specialists should take out bugs and other parasites. Folk remedies in our case did not help.
Galina, Moscow
In our city there are no firms engaged in destruction of bedbugs. So I had to do this on my own. Kerosene helped (according to our friends, the best folk remedy for bedbugs). Sacked the apartment and left for 2 days to live with their parents. More bugs are not seen.
Ulyana, Kuibyshev