Poison for bedbugs at home

Bed bugs appear in absolutely any premises, it does not matter whether it is clean or dirty, the main thing is to have a source of food for insects. Having found them, a person begins to wonder what kind of poison from bedbugs is worth buying. All commercials are aimed at increasing sales, but whether they will help to cope with a serious problem, how they act, whether people are dangerous is worth understanding.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Types of drugs

Sold today from the poison bugs can be divided into two types:

  • effective insecticides are included in the composition, which destroy bugs due to their paralyzing effect and are practically harmless to humans;
  • chemical, after their use, bugs die almost instantly. These funds are dangerous to humans, because may burn skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

On a note!

Buying poison from bedbugs, you should specify to what type they belong.

Classification of funds:

  1. Aerosols or sprays - The most convenient method of disinsection. Sold in every store, easy to use. A respirator should be worn during processing in order not to inhale the chemical components.
  2. Concentrated solution. It is sold in plastic containers with a volume of from 50 to 1000 ml. To treat a one-room apartment, 50 or 100 ml is sufficient, which must be diluted with water, according to the instructions attached to the concentrate.
  3. Folk remedies. These include vinegar, turpentine, kerosene, bleach, denatured alcohol. A significant drawback: the poisoning of bedbugs occurs when the agent gets directly on the insect itself.Have a sharp and persistent odor.

To say what kind of poison from bedbugs is better is very difficult. Some populations of parasites produce resistance to a particular active substance, therefore, acquiring a means to get rid of bedbugsIt is impossible to predict whether it will work or not.

Types of aerosols for bedbugs

Unlike a concentrated solution, aerosols are sold in the markets and hardware stores, so a person will not have difficulty in acquiring it. List of the most popular and effective poison:

The raptor from bedbugs
The raptor from bedbugs

  1. Drug Raptor. Manufacturer Turkey. Good poison from bedbugs and cockroaches with the smell of mint. The composition includes three insecticides: piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, tetramethrin, so that insects can not adapt to this tool. It costs from 160 to 280 rubles. One cartridge is designed for an area from 50 to 60 m2.
  2. Clean house. The composition includes cypermethrin and tetramethrin. Universal poison for bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches.
  3. Drug Kombat produced in Korea. Efficiency is similar to Raptor, but the price is higher, about 250-300 rubles.
  4. Raid. It is recommended to use for local infection of furniture.After treatment, it kills insects for another two weeks.
    Aerosol Reid
    Aerosol Reid
  5. Dichlorvos - a completely new tool that took only one name from the old Dichlorvos. The main component is permethrin. Quickly destroys insects, at a completely low cost - 80 rubles.


I bought an expensive, new bed in a solid store. But after spending a few nights on it began to itch. Hand and foot went rash. At first I thought that I was allergic, but after two days I noticed at night bedbugs on the bed. I bought a Raptor and spat them all. More insects are not met. Probably hit by accident when transporting a bed in the car.

Inga, Tver

It is possible to use aerosols independently, without resorting to the help of experts. In order for the product to destroy all insects, it should treat the floors under the sofas, upholstered furniture, baseboards, and wardrobes. Aerosols are advisable to use if you know the exact localization of bedbugs and they did not have time to reach a significant number.


Aerosols affect only adults. Therefore, after two weeks, it is necessary to re-process in order to destroy eggs young parasites.

Concentrated Poison

Virtually all poisons should be used by health care workers who have special skills and experience in bed bug abuse. Concentrates are recommended for use in severe contamination of the apartment. Before you dilute the product, you should wear a robe, mask, goggles, gloves.

List of insect control concentrates:

  1. Clopoveron is the most effective poison from bedbugs. Find it difficult, not dangerous for humans. Sold in the form of a powder that is diluted in water before use. The price for 250 grams is 1850 rubles.
  2. Executioner - the strongest drug for household use. Sold in small bottles, the price is about 70 rubles. It has no toxic effect on people and pets. After application in the house there is no suffocating smell. Has established itself as a good poison from parasites.
    Cockroach executioner
    Cockroach executioner
  3. Tetrix - used only by exterminators. Sold in bottles or cans, diluted with water before use. Leaves a sharp smell. Severe poison, which is forbidden to use a person without the necessary skills to work with disinsection solutions.
  4. Sinusan It has no analogues in its composition, but acts similarly to Tetrix. Differs even more sharp smell.
  5. Malathion - the most effective poison from bedbugs in the apartment. The cost is low, sold in the form of a powder or a concentrated emulsion, has a sharp smell. Kills adult individuals larvae and eggs. If used improperly, it can cause adverse reactions in the person who performed the treatment.
    Karbofos from bedbugs
    Karbofos from bedbugs
  6. Get drug from bedbugs - insects die after direct contact with the treated surface. Acts until it is washed away from the surface. It has a slight odor.
  7. Ksulat C25 - a powerful tool against insects and bedbugs. Permitted to use for professional apartment disinsection, child care facilities, basements, hospitals, industrial premises. After treatment, the parasites immediately die, the effect lasts for six months.
  8. Delta Zone and Lambda - Zone, are analogues of Get. One bottle, with a volume of 50 ml, can handle an area of ​​100 m2.
    Remedy Delta Zone
    Remedy Delta Zone
  9. Neopin is a poisonous powder that is diluted with water before use. Virtually odorless.It is recommended to use as a prophylactic agent after processing the room with stronger solutions.


For a long time did not pay attention to the unpleasant smell in the apartment and rash on the body. Thought it was just an allergy. He took medications, but they did not help. In the morning I woke up every time with new blisters. I went to the doctor, and he asked if I had any parasites at home. Said that such stains remain after bedbugs bites. Arriving home began to move the sofas and furniture. I did not expect to see such a congestion of bloodsuckers behind the bed and the closet. I read on the Internet, with what and how to poison bedbugs, I bought a hangman. On the same day, everything worked out and went to sleep with a friend. A month after the poison treatment, the insects were gone.

Alexey, Ufa

Poison at home is diluted strictly according to the instructions in a separate container, which is then disposed of. The liquid is poured into a spray or spray, and then I process the entire apartment.


Before you poison the bedbugs with a solution, you need to get out of the room children, pregnant women, pets. Aquarium tightly closed lid.

After the destruction of bedbugs you need to leave the room for several hours, tightly closing the windows and doors. After two hours, the apartment is aired, opening all the windows wide open, wiping the surfaces with which daily contact occurs with soap and soda solution.

Bed Gel

In addition to aerosols and concentrates, there are also bed bugs gels, they are not so poisonous, but they also act for a long time. The most famous is gel Global. Death of the bug occurs a few hours after contact with the drug. During this time, he manages to infect his relatives. To avoid any stains from the poison, it can be applied to paper or cardboard.

Poison from bedbugs today sold a lot. When choosing, the degree of infection of the premises and the toxicity of the preparation should be taken into account. Do not forget to follow the safety rules when processing. When there is no strength and desire to poison the bugs on their own, it is better to call an exterminator who will treat the room and destroy all parasites.

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Bed bugs

