Otpugivatel Pest Redzhekt from bugs

The Pest Reject bugs ultrasound device is actively advertised as a safe and effective deterrent for insects and rodents. The low cost of the device evokes thoughts of fraud and deception. But the majority of consumer reviews confirm the opposite - after acquiring the original scarer fight bedbugs You can forget, because after a short time they leave the apartment.

How does the device on parasites

According to the manufacturers' assurances, the Pest Reject bug repeller emits ultrasound and propagates electromagnetic impulses that negatively affect the nervous system of the parasite and create unbearable conditions for insects. The device starts to operate immediately after switching on to the grid: bed bug or another pest under the influence of radiation shows heightened anxiety, accompanied by disorientation in space, cannot determine the location of the power source, which ultimately causes it to leave its habitat, fleeing.

Pest reject
Pest reject

Pest Redzhekt from bedbugs is positioned as a tool that can scare all kinds of insects and rodents. Therefore, if there are guinea pigs and hamsters among pets, they should be moved to a room to which its effect will not apply.


The Pest Reject from bedbugs is a compact device with an original design. Powered by the network and consumes 5 watts.

On a note!

The radiation area of ​​the Pest Reject repeller is 200 square meters. m, which eliminates the need to buy multiple devices.

In comparison with other means, the device has several advantages:

  • no unpleasant odors;
  • the device does not need additional maintenance;
  • thanks to medium-sized dimensions, the repeller of bedbugs and insects can be taken along on business trips;
  • does not cause adaptation in pests;
  • The product is safe for people and pets (except rodents);
  • long range;
  • no need to remove dead insects;
  • does not affect the operation of electrical appliances in the house;
  • ease of use - you just need to turn on the device in the network;
  • quick action

How much does the Pest Reject repeller cost?

You can buy the Pest Reject repeller in specialized departments of shopping centers or in online stores. The price of the device is about 1400 rubles and depends on the price policy of the seller, the delivery conditions.

Given the increased demand for goods, a lot of fakes have appeared on the market. To protect yourself from the acquisition of counterfeit products, it is recommended to order a repeller on the official supplier's website. Instructions are always attached to the original device, the guarantee on the official website is possible for 1 year and the possibility of checking the operability of the device upon receipt.

Pest Reject-1
Pest reject

The effectiveness of the parasite scarer

Most wonder if Pest Redget helps off bedbugs. Opinions differ on this. Skeptics believe that once bugs, like mosquitoes, do not communicate through ultrasound, it does not affect them. Opponents are sure of the opposite, if the parasites do not use ultrasound for communication, this does not mean that it does not affect them and does not cause discomfort.

On a note!

The final point in the debate about the effectiveness or futility of the Pest Reject repeller could be scientific research. But so far there is no official data on this issue.

According to the producers, adults leave the premises after 1-3 days. To get rid of the entire population will need from 2 to 3 weeks. This is because the device does not have a detrimental effect on bedbug eggs. It takes 7-15 days for the younger generation to emerge from the embryos. Customer testimonials for Pest Reject from bedbugs confirm that insects disappear from the apartment a few days after continuous use of the device.


When the neighbors got bugs, she began to imagine with horror what threatens their penetration into our apartment. Financial opportunities are not allowed to order barrier protection in the sanitary service. I saw an ad for the Pest Reject repeater and decided to buy it. The purchase was delivered the next day, the courier with me checked that the device was working. The device coped with the assigned task - the bugs did not get into the apartment. In the summer I will test it on mosquitoes.

Olga, Moscow

A friend praised his new acquisition - the insect repeller Pest Reject. He used it against mosquitoes and was very pleased. When the bugs started up in the apartment (from where they came from, I still don’t mind) I decided not to immediately resort to chemical preparations, and try vaunted Pest Reject.

In the early days, it seemed that there was no effect, but somewhere after a week, my wife and I began to notice that bug bite marks no longer appear. So I am pleased with the result. True, the spouse later admitted that the purity of the experiment was violated and she, in my absence, poisoned for safety Dichlorvos.

Oleg, Volnovaha

I don’t know what I thought about when I bought the Pest Reject repeller. It seemed that the money was small, why not try, especially since colleagues praised him. In relation to bedbugs, this box is absolutely useless thing.For three days the device is turned on, and the result is zero - the bugs do not run away anywhere and continue to bite.

Oksana, Pavlovsk

I often have to wander around the cities and hotels come across different. The bosses are not very generous with the travel allowance and it is not necessary to stop at five-star hotels. In the provinces, hotels are predominantly of a soviet type and are not particularly comfortable. Special color adds all sorts of animals, crawling on the walls. I came across an advertisement with the Pest Reject repeller. The dimensions of the device make it possible to carry it everywhere, so I ordered it. He took the device with him to the next trip. A colleague still laughed at me, hinting at my gullibility and, to put it mildly, crassness. But the next day I was already laughing: my friend left the room all bitten, and I was not a single bite.

Arthur, Voronezh

Pest Reject repeller bought against mosquitoes. In relation to these squeaky insects, the device showed itself well and slept all summer with the windows open and without any fumigators. In winter, the son brought from the hostel bedbugs. They relied on the repeller, but alas, they could not help against these parasites.

Albina, Balashikha

Pest Reject was purchased to give.There are always enough insects, so they decided that it would be useful. Last year, more than ever, in the holiday village people began to complain about the appearance of bedbugs. This attack did not bypass us either - in the morning I noticed a characteristic chain of bites on my arm. I had to get a scarer. More incidents with bloodsuckers were not.

Elena Vladimirovna, Tolyatti

I bought Pest Reject specifically for bedbugs. The result was not achieved as quickly as we would like, but after 2 weeks of continuous operation of the device. But the fact is obvious - the bugs left the apartment. All the negative reviews, in my opinion, are specially written by firms that are engaged in disinsection. It is unprofitable for people to succeed. get rid of bedbugs yourself. In their opinion, a simple man in the street is not able to cope with insecticides, and thousands of people by their example prove the opposite. Everything new is always perceived with distrust. One has only to remember the first fumigator with plates of mosquitoes. Previously, they were perceived as a wonder, but now they are practically in every home.

Pavel Semenovich, Kaluga

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Bed bugs

