
Repeller Pest Repeller from bedbugs

Pest Repeller Repeller
Pest Repelling
Pest Repeller Repeller

Each caring hostess tries to make her home cozy, equipping it with beautiful modern furniture and appliances. However, all these efforts are reduced to almost zero when domestic pests appear in the apartment. No exception and bed bugs. Their presence violates the measured life of the household, depriving them of a peaceful sleep and rest. After all parasite bites in addition to the delivered discomfort, can cause infection by infectious bacteria.The most successful of most methods of pest control today is the repeller Pest Repeller for bedbugs.

Features of the device

Pest Repeller is one of the well-known ultrasonic devices designed to control domestic pests. It is a development of American inventors, which today are produced in many countries around the world.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the formation of high-frequency pulsed waves, forcing bugs to leave the limits of this room. When the device is connected to voltage, all electrical wiring is activated, becoming a powerful electromagnetic device for pests. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect, it is better to install such a repeller in the central part of the apartment.

Pest Repeller Repeller
Pest Repeller Repeller

To prevent insects from developing immunity to pulsed waves, the device periodically changes the frequency range.


Ultrasonic device Pest Repeller has gained great popularity among consumers, as it has a lot of advantages:

  • a wide range of actions - the device is effective not only against bugs, but also cockroaches, ants, mice and other household pests;
  • safe means of struggle - the repeller is completely harmless to human health and most pets, as it does not emit toxic fumes;
  • recommended by the manufacturer area of ​​the repeller is more than 200 square meters. m;
  • small dimensions and weight will not create problems when carrying the device to another room;
  • Pest Repeller does not affect the work of home appliances and appliances in the house;
  • has the possibility of long-term operation;
  • a simple method of application - just enough to turn on the device in the outlet.


The ultrasonic device Pest Repeller cannot be used if guinea pigs or hamsters live in the house, as the repeller is also effective against small rodents.

Rules of application

In order to activate the Pest Repeller device, it is simply necessary to connect it to a voltage, which will be indicated by a green indicator. A red light indicates the beginning of work. So based on digital technology, the microprocessor will begin to change the magnetic field.

If the indicators do not light up completely or immediately go out, this indicates a malfunction of the device.It is also not necessary to exclude the likelihood that you faced a fake product.

Pest Repeller-1 Repeller
Pest Repeller Repeller

On a note!

To protect yourself from such situations, you need to make a purchase in a specialized store where you can make sure you have a certificate of quality for these products.

What you need to know

Compliance with some rules when using the repeller Pest Repeller will help to achieve the desired result.

  1. To prevent the Pest Repeller device from bedbugs from burning out from voltage drops, it is preferable to turn it on via a stabilizer.
  2. For maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends using the Pest Repeller for bedbugs with the windows and doors closed to prevent re-entry of pests.
  3. If the device is used to repel cockroaches, they should not be allowed to come into contact with food. It is also necessary to clean up leftover food and crumbs in time.

Make sure that helps Pest Repeller from bedbugs can be almost immediately after the start of its use. Insects, like rodents, begin to panic, trying to quickly leave the room.Particularly vividly the effect of the repeller can be seen on the reaction of cockroaches - they begin to run quickly in search of a safe shelter.

The result becomes noticeable after the first week of operation of the device. Dates set by the manufacturer vary depending on the type of pest. In order for the rodents to leave the premises, the device must work for 3-4 weeks. Up to 3 months will need to escape domestic prusakov, bedbugs and ants.

Customer reviews about the Pest Repeller for bedbugs are not numerous, due to the fact that the device appeared relatively recently. Most of them are positive and note the long-term effect of the ultrasonic repeller.

Pest Repelling
Pest Repelling

However, there are negative statements about the operation of the device. Some complain about the unsuitability of the device almost immediately after switching on. Others that it quickly fails (burns during power surges). And still others want to see faster results. Such negative moments are explained either by a possible fake or non-compliance with the rules for using the device.

You can buy the Pest Repeller device in specialized stores in Moscow or order it online. Its average price is about 1,500 rubles.


The device Pest Repeller drove the mice out of the office. It took only a week for their tracks to disappear forever. And so that the rodents did not return again, they advised us not to turn off the device for some time.

Boris, Volgograd

Applied the Pest Repeller repeller as barrier protection against bedbugs, as the neighbor complained about the occurrence of parasites. To protect myself from such a problem, I purchased this device. Thanks to the device, my apartment did not attract bedbugs. Recommend.

Elena Vasilievna, Kaliningrad

The repeller Pest Repeller never produced a proper effect. Fought against bedbugs with it, more than 10 days have passed, and the bites on the body continue to appear. Price and quality in this device are completely incompatible concepts. All the same get rid of bedbugs can only be using insecticides.

Maria, Lyubertsy

Since at work one often has to wander on business trips, and hotels are of different levels, I save myself from bedbugs only with the help of Pest Repeller. My partner, with a grin, treated such a thing. However, I changed my mind when I left my room in the morning and began to scratch myself. On my body there was not a single bite. Recommend.

Vladimir, Norilsk

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Bed bugs

