
Tansy bedbugs


Bed bugs - these are small insects that feed on exclusively by human blood. They sleep during the day, and when it gets dark, they crawl out to hunt and sip human blood, leaving a number of small, red and itchy spots on the body. The owner of the apartment did not immediately succeed in establishing the cause of the spots, but, having found the parasite, with fierce zeal, he begins to look for all sorts of ways to get rid of bedbugs. If they are found in a quantity of several pieces,folk remedies will be able to cope with them: wormwood and tansy from bedbugs.

What effect does a plant have on bloodsuckers?


Tansy - unpretentious grass grows both in the forest and near roads, on the edges and in city parks. It has bright yellow small flowers that have a strong smell. Contains essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins. Essential oil leads to paralysis of parasites.

Flowers of tansy against bedbugs will help in such cases:

  • as an alternative means when you can’t or don’t want to use chemicals; disinsection solution;
  • in the presence of individual individuals of parasites;
  • succeeded detect nest and the exact location of the bloodsuckers is known.

In order for bedbug tansy to get rid of them, you need to put the grass in the closet, under the bed, the nightstand, in the corners of the room. The plant has a specific and repulsive aroma, effectively scares off bloodsuckers, but does not kill them and does not stop breeding process. When the parasite is too hungry, despite the smell, it doesn't care will bite person Therefore, wondering whether tansy helps from bedbugs, it should be understood that only pest control will help to get rid of a significant number of insects.

Tansy from bedbugs will work if the insect itself is poured with a decoction of grass so that it falls into his spiracle, but this is extremely problematic. Avoid bites You can rub the exposed skin of the plant with flowers, it is important that there are no allergies to it.

How to use tansy from bedbugs

Noticing in the room bedbugs, you want to find out in which secluded corner they settled. Having found them, prepare a special tool and process them all thoroughly. How to use tansy from bedbugs:

  1. Tincture. 50 g of tansy pour medical alcohol (200 ml). Insist 10 days. Strain, using the resulting tool, spray all corners, baseboards, beds, chairs, sofawhere insects were found and maggots.

  2. Decoction. One glass of grass pour five liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid, wait until cool. For processing use only freshly prepared product.
  3. Dry grass packaged in cloth bags and spread out around the apartment.


After processing, the bugs begin to actively leave their seats, after which it is worth using chemical agents: the sprays, microencapsulated drugsto exactly kill insects.

Tansy can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is better to stock up on it in the summer. Collect only in forests and in dry weather. It is worth paying attention that there are no bugs and pests on it, the plant must look healthy. Cut the stems and flowers, then spread out in the shade and wait until it dries. Store in a cardboard box or tissue bag.

Tansy will prevent the appearance of insects in the house

How to use the plant as prevention of the appearance of parasites:

  • cooked folk remedy from the grass, each time, add to the water for washing floors;
  • tincture handle ventilation, window frame, doorway;
  • put dry grass in the sofa and under it, periodically changing it.


Learned that the neighbors got bugs, and I often go to visit them. I decided to use folk remedies. Spread out a proven tool all over the apartment - tansy, two weeks passed, I haven’t met any insects yet.

Tatyana, Yaroslavl

In the summer house I found several dead bugs. I read on the Internet reviews about tansy from bedbugs, it is good that it grows in our garden. Narwhal and spread throughout the house. A few hours later I met living specimens. Immediately sprayed tested Dichlorvos. And so a few days. More did not see them.

Lyuba, Omsk

In the summer there were bedbugs. I woke up in the morning all bitten. I read that for fight bedbugs You can use tools made from herbs. I decided to check whether tansy helps from bedbugs. I made a decoction and processed it all. As they began to climb from everywhere, a nightmare. I decided not to risk it, I called the sanitary service destruction of bugs with a guarantee. I was later told that no grass would help from how many insects.

Irina, Moscow

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Bed bugs

