
Means to clean the house from bedbugs

Aerosol Clean House
Traces of bedbugs in the house
Spray Clean House Bugs



In the fast-moving age of innovative technologies, unique scientific discoveries, the question of the struggle with "companions of life", which are bed bugsIt looks very prosaic.Today, this problem continues to worry humanity. People struggling with them use different means, but not all of them are effective. Scientists have conducted research, in which they found out that insects react to the smell of concentrated volatile substances. Repel their undiluted extracts. Aroma repels bedbugswithout killing them. The chemical industry, given the increasing demand for insect control agents, offers consumers a wide range of effective drugs. New today is an insecticidal drug Clean house from bedbugs. The manufacturer supplies it in the form of powder and aerosols. The tool can help quickly get rid of synanthropic insects.

Aerosol Clean house from bedbugs

Insecticide of a new generation has been tested for safety, officially approved for use even in European countries. The concentrated emulsion in the form of spray the Pure house is convenient in application. In its composition there are such substances:

  • Cypermethrin. Concentration - 13%. It is a very strong nerve agent, highly effective in fight bedbugs. It affects the internal organs of the insect, the central nervous system, leads to muscle atrophy.
  • Tetramethrin. It leads to death, as it quickly penetrates into the body of the bug, paralyzing motor functions and transmission of nerve impulses. Permissible concentration - 2.5%.

Unlike Dichlorvos, bed bugs spray Clean house is much more efficient. This is achieved through the combined effects of these two components, which are in the same preparation.

On a note!

A clean house can be used for dressing upholstered furniture, all fabric items, including carpets. Getting on things, he leaves no stains and marks.

A clean house is very fast and has no residual activity on the treated surfaces. One bottle of 600 ml, can be processed to 80 square meters. m square premises.

Aerosol Clean House
Aerosol Clean House

Rules for working with aerosol

Work with toxic products. Clean house should be carefully following the instructions. Actions before processing from bedbugs and in the process of pest control are as follows:

  • In all rooms it is necessary to make a general cleaning, to ventilate them thoroughly.
  • Remove pets from the apartment.
  • To free the walls from the furniture, to disassemble it for careful processing, if there is such an opportunity. Provide access to baseboards and hard to reach places where bugs can dwell.
  • Bed Cleanser Clean House is toxic, so when working with him apply protective equipment, up to the gas mask.
  • Take special care when handling kitchen premises. Remove the dishes, food in a safe place.
  • Before use, the cylinder with the Spray Cleaner must be shaken thoroughly, and then an area equal to a square meter must be quickly processed. Spraying of the substance is allowed, but then people should be absent from the house for 2-3 days.

Properly performed pest control will certainly give their results. After processing it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the room. It involves the following activities:

  • Full ventilation of bedbugs treated at home for half an hour;
  • Cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner, it is also necessary to wash all surfaces;
  • Washing of all furniture, fabric coatings.

Wet cleaning at home involves the use of a soap-soda solution, which neutralizes the residual effects of the clean house spray. When in contact with air, its harmful constituents quickly decay, so after a few hours after airing there will be no trace of them.


To finally get rid of bedbugs in an apartment or houseIt is recommended to re-process.

Spray Clean House Bugs
Spray Clean House Bugs

Dust Clean House– an effective remedy for bedbugs

Means Clean House from bedbugs is available in powder form, which is called dust. It also has good insecticidal properties, is very popular among the population. By the concentration of active ingredients, it is inferior to the aerosol preparation, therefore, as a result, it will have to be purchased in large quantities. There is one more disadvantage - to use the dust Clean house is not very convenient, as it is not always possible to fill up all surfaces and hard-to-reach places where there may be bugs. You should also take special care when processing, so as not to accidentally inhale powder. It consists of the following active ingredients:

  • Tetrametrythrin. Concentration - 0.02%.
  • Cypermethrin. The percentage is 0.2%.
  • Piperonyl butoxide. This substance performs the function of prolongation of the action of the main active components of the dust. This reduces the frequency of room treatments. Its concentration is 10%.

For sale dust in packages of 50 grams. Its retail price is lower than the aerosol. Despite some inconvenience during anti-bed bug use, the powder preparation can be used to prophylaxisIt retains its properties longer than aerosol. It is undesirable to scatter it in apartments where there are children and pets.

The use of dust drug

Dust Clean House from bedbugs-1
Dust Clean House from bedbugs

Use the powder preparation Clean House should be with extreme caution, strictly observing safety measures. Before using the poison, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the room to be treated, remove all strangers for a while, remove food from the apartment, cover the dishes. The treatment of bed bugs requires the use of protective equipment such as a mask and gloves. The basic rules for working with this drug are as follows:

  • Pour the substance should be a uniform, thin layer without slides. All slots, openings, ventilation grilles, as well as spaces for linoleum and wallpaper behind are processed. In kitchens, you must pour the powder near the bin, and in the bedroom under the mattresses. If necessary, you can pour on the dressers, cabinets and tables.
  • After treatment, the powder remains on the surfaces for three to four hours. Then it should be removed and washed with all soap and soda solution.
  • On the basis of dust, it is possible to make an emulsion and, using a spraying device, to treat the required places from bugs. To prepare it in 10 liters of water dilute 10 g of powder.
  • For prolonged exposure, powder can be left in hard to reach places. It is important not to touch it where bedbugs most likely live or can get over from the neighbors.

On a note!

Should remember that remove bedbugs It is very difficult, because they have acquired resistance to many toxic substances. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient and to continue the struggle purposefully.

Advantages and disadvantages of drugs for bedbugs Clean House

Both considered remedies for bedbugs of the domestic producer have proved to be good, are popular in the fight against these hard-to-remove insects. Like any product, the drug has its positive and negative sides. The indisputable advantages of the Clean House are:

  • Rapid exposure, good results compared with similar drugs;
  • Reduced toxicity due to rapid degradation by air;
  • It is allowed to use in residential premises, on large areas;
  • The absence of stubborn stains when using the spray from bedbugs, traces on hard surfaces can easily be removed during wet cleaning;
  • Convenience and ease of use;
  • Dust left on surfaces has a prophylactic effect for a long time.

The cost of funds is available for a wide range of consumers, so anyone can buy it.

The disadvantages of the drug include:

  • Absolutely safe for deferred bedbug eggs, which increases the risk of new insects in a short time;
  • Sharp, unpleasant smell that can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, allergies;
  • Toxicity requiring removal of humans and animals for at least 12 hours;
  • Disinfection measures require the use of protective equipment.

There is another drawback - low efficiency. This can be attributed to the misuse of the poisonous substance, or the Clean House is not original. Therefore, the manufacturer strongly recommends that residents of Moscow and other regions of Russia buy Clean House products only from trusted, reliable sellers. After all, fake products do not allow to get rid of annoying parasites. Original remedies for bedbugs Clean house effective, easy to use. Customer reviews can be found on any website covering problems. destruction of synanthropic insects with the help of modern drugs.

Traces of bedbugs in the house
Traces of bedbugs in the house

Clean House Tool Reviews

Before you buy the funds Clean House, you can read numerous reviews and comments, which are shared by grateful buyers on the Internet.

My house was literally flooded with bugs. In the fight with them, I used ultrasonic repeller. He did not help, and then I decided to buy a clean house. These terrible bloodsuckers were smitten.After three treatments, not a single bug appeared in the apartment.

Svetlana Novikova

By chain bites on the body and the soaring scent in the apartment realized that they had chosen the bedroom bed bugs. I purchased a Clean House in aerosols. It is effective and easy to use. With its help it is easy to handle hard-to-reach places due to the presence of a special tube. I think this remedy is the most effective!

Sergey Avramov

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Bed bugs

