Means Karbofos from bedbugs

If an apartment or house appeared bed bugs, act immediately - get rid of them. There are various means against these bloodsuckers, but not all of them are effective. Among the wide variety of products offered by the industry, Karbofos for bedbugs has proven itself well.It is sold in stores, its price is available, so everyone can afford to buy it.

What is karbofos

It is a modern insecticide - a chemical drug used for bed bugs destruction. It contains malathion, which acts as a toxic substance. It is thanks to him that the desired effect is achieved. Many people doubt and wonder if Karbofos helps from bed bugs. When used correctly, you can quickly remove parasitic insects from the apartmenttherefore, no doubt. To do this, you must carefully read the instructions and perform actions in strict accordance with it.

The question of how karbofos acts on bedbugs interests many people. It has a strong effect on fight bedbugs. With it, you can not only poison the adults, as well as hatched maggots and pending the eggs. First he paralyzes, affecting the nervous system, which leads to a loss of viability. In larvae and eggs, the tool burns their protective shell, as a result, the pests die.

Karbofos from bedbugs
Karbofos from bedbugs

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Karbofos from bedbugs has an advantage over other means, they are as follows:

  • The high content of malathion in it (50%) allows you to destroy bed bugs in one processing room. 100% effect will be obtained only if you perform all actions strictly in accordance with the instructions. Re-processing is also needed, but it is done as a control.
  • The tool remains active for two months, making all this time the impact on pests.
  • Carbofos bugs can be destroyed unequivocally, but on other insects that have appeared in the apartment, such as cockroaches, ants, it also works well.
  • The drug is easy to use.

The lack of funds - a strong unpleasant odor. It should not be used in rooms where allergy sufferers live. Recommended for this category preparations for odorless bugs. In their reviews, people write that the specific aroma practically does not disappear from the upholstered furniture.

Many are interested in the question of how much karbofos costs. The price depends on the form of the drug. The industry releases it in the form of powder and emulsion. Cost is available unlike other insecticides.Packaging powder weighing 30 g will cost from 30 to 40 rubles, 60 g - from 60 to 80 rubles. Liquid Karbofos can be bought at a price of 150 rubles for 1 l.

On a note! The tool has the greatest degree of impact during primary processing. If it is used regularly, gene mutation occurs and bugs adapt to the drug, which reduces its effectiveness.

Drug form

Karbofos against bedbugs can be purchased online or in the shops of household chemicals. Available in two forms:

  • Liquid. Concentrated emulsion, packaged in 5 ml ampoules, vials - 100 ml, cans - 5l.
  • Powder. Packed in bags of 30 or 60 mg - 10% concentrate malatonin. It is dissolved in water, according to the instruction.

    Karbofos from bedbugs-1
    Karbofos from bedbugs
  • Malathion in diluted form. It just needs to be poured into the container and proceeds to the removal of bedbugs.

The lack of jerry cans is large because baiting of bedbugs in the apartment This amount is not needed.

Preparation of the room for processing

The drug should not have a negative effect on people and animals living in the apartment. Before processing should follow certain rules.

  • Before you process the apartment, you must prepare the room: take out personal belongings, food, dishes.If this is not possible, you should pack everything well and hide it.
  • During the day in the apartment should not be people and pets, except for the person who will be engaged in the treatment.
  • Furniture should be dismantled, move it away from the walls in order to handle hard-to-reach places. If possible, you need to remove the plinth - a favorite place for bedbugs.
  • Provide protection for the person who will handle the apartment. To do this, you must purchase a protective suit or wear clothing that covers all skin areas, respirator, goggles, gloves.

    Processing protection
    Processing protection
  • If the neighbors also have pests, you need to work together and handle the apartment at the same time. In case of their disagreement, it is recommended to close up the cracks between the apartments, so that the bugs could not re-enter.
  • Observe safety precautions and instructions in accordance with the instructions.

Old, unusable wooden objects should be thrown away. Processing should be carried out carefully, to ensure that the tool does not fall on the mucous membrane and the surface of the skin.If this happens, you should immediately wash the areas on which the solution got with the help of water and soap. Smokers need to forget about cigarettes for a while. For ventilation of the apartment it is recommended to open the doors and windows. After processing, clothing and protective equipment are destroyed.

How to use Malathion

On the packaging of the drug there is an instruction on the use of Karbofos, which should be read carefully and learn how to dilute a dry powder preparation or an emulsion. Before proceeding with the treatment, you should determine the degree of infection of the apartment or house. After that, you need to prepare a solution, its concentration should be greater if there are a lot of bugs in the room. If the degree of infection is medium, it is necessary to dilute from 1 to 5 ml of emulsion or 4-5 g in 1 liter of water. powder.

In prophylactic treatment, the concentration should be lowered. To destroy the pest nests, you need to prepare a highly concentrated solution. To prepare the solution is taken water at room temperature. After adding the powder or emulsion to it, the solution is thoroughly stirred, resulting in a homogeneous mass.

Tip! In order to evenly distribute the chemical, it is advisable to add a soap solution to it.

Before you prepare the solution karbofos, you need to prepare the container for the solution. Since it is sprayed over the entire surface, it is good to use a spray gun for this purpose. With it, you can handle hard-to-reach places: cracks, cracks, vents, voids between the wall and baseboard. It is important not to miss anything, special attention should be paid to unpainted wooden surfaces, where bedbugs love to live. We recommend polishing surfaces once.

Use a spray bottle
Use a spray bottle

The destruction of bedbugs with the help of Karbofos usually starts from the nests - the most infected places. After this, the agent is sprayed onto beds, baseboards, doors, windows, furniture, cabinets and other items. Bedbugs often live under the bathroom, dressers, cabinets, do not forget about it. After treatment with Karbofos, it is recommended not to be settled in an apartment for 3-4 days, as the smell remains very strong and disappears for a long time. Spray the room twice. After airing, you can start cleaning.If there are animals in the house, it is advisable not to wipe surfaces that they do not have access to. General cleaning after disinsection spend in 2 months.

The note! The finished solution can not be stored. The concentrate must be removed to a dry, ventilated place. It should not be accessible to children and animals.

For a one-time flat treatment, it is enough to buy 30 mg powder. Therefore, you need 2 packs of the product. It also helps to destroy fleas, cockroaches and other pests.

If after the procedure, the person felt bad, perhaps poisoning occurred. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, tachycardia, loose stools, high blood pressure suggest that you should immediately consult a doctor.


Reviews of karbofos from bedbugs indicate that this tool is well proven. It has proven its effectiveness, but you can suffer an unpleasant smell for some time in order to permanently get rid of these parasites.

Olga, St. Petersburg: I ​​was just in shock when I found it on my body bedbug bites. In addition to severe itching, there was also an allergy. Decided self get rid of bedbugs. Eyes scattered from the range means for the destruction of bloodsuckersoffered by the store. I chose Karbofos. Even with double processing, the price is quite reasonable. After the procedure, it turned out that even the cockroaches settled in my apartment. The tool is very effective.

Nadezhda, Omsk: After I found bugs in an apartment, I tried a lot folk remedies. As a result, bought karbofos. I learned from my own experience that his action was amazing. The bugs from him die instantly.

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Bed bugs

