Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs
- Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs
- Potent remedy
- Room treatment for bedbugs
- Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs
- The remedy has an unpleasant, pungent smell
"His Majesty" bed bug remains invincible in the XXI century. On the one hand, it is an incentive for scientific research and development of chemical technologies, and on the other - a big problem for the population of the planet.Over the long years of “living together,” people have gained a wealth of experience, allowing them to struggle with insidious parasites with varying degrees of success. Most effective modern insecticidal bugs.
One of the latest developments of domestic chemists is the drug Cucaracha, which allows fight bed bugs in the apartment. "Settling" of parasites in city apartments is not a rare phenomenon. They can go from neighbors through the slots, sockets, air ducts and other, one they know, ways. They can corny to bring home with the purchase of the guests or bring from a business trip. Irrelevant, why bedbugs get turned up in an apartment, most importantly in time to detect them and begin an effective struggle.
The process of destruction of synanthropic insects is laborious and sometimes very expensive, because it is not always possible to immediately find exactly the drug that fits in this particular case. therefore poison yourself bugs, without prior consultation with knowledgeable people, it is not always effective.Experts recommend to pay attention to the newest insecticide that appeared on the market recently, under the name Cucaracha. You can buy it in Moscow or other regions in special stores at an affordable price.
General characteristics of the remedy for bedbugs Kukaracha
Insecticidal drug has a wide spectrum of action. It can be used to destroy not only bugs, but also ticks, fleas, cockroaches and other insects. The tool has a powerful destructive-poisoning force, due to the fact that in its composition there are two substances that can destroy bloodsuckers. The poisonous substance is packaged in a 50 ml and 1 l capacity container. In appearance it is a bluish or light yellow emulsion with a very unpleasant odor. The drug Cucaracha from bedbugs is used to process:
- Residential and non-residential premises;
- Kindergartens, with the exception of playrooms and bedrooms;
- Sanatoriums and medical institutions, excluding wards for patients;
- Catering companies and other institutions.
Insecticide Cucaracha is rightly a potent drug, as it consists of:
- Cypermethrin (20%).It has a contact-intestinal action against bedbugs. Getting into the insect or into its digestive tract, the substance blocks the nerve impulses, causing its death. Having a low sensitivity to ultraviolet and high temperatures, cypermethrin retains its toxic properties for 20-30 days. Insects do not develop resistance to this chemical;
- Malathion (10%) is the second component of the Cucaracha cure for bed bugs. This substance has a neuroparalytic effect on insects, completely disabling their nervous system. It has a high volatility. Being in combination with cypermethrin, it enhances the effect of the latter, which leads to the death of all the bugs in the house.
Interesting! Malathion, entering the body of arthropod insects, turns into a much more toxic substance called malaksion. Its toxicity is higher than the root cause, resulting in the bugs die very quickly.
The use of malathion in its pure form can cause the insect's addiction to this drug. But using it in combination with cypermethrin, reviews of Cucaracha from bedbugs confirm this, eliminates this possibility.
Preparatory activities before processing
Working with any insecticide requires preliminary work on preparation of the room for processing. For this you need:
- Clothes, window curtains, bedspreads and other things should be reviewed, shaken out and hermetically packed or taken out of the house;
- Free kitchen cabinets from food by putting them in the fridge or take it outside the apartment;
- All residents and pets living in the apartment are temporarily removed from the house;
- Move all the furniture away from the walls;
- Remove all the paintings and posters;
- Tear off peeling wallpapers and baseboards.
- To conduct a thorough general cleaning of the room.
Working solution
Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs instructions for use attached to each package, you must dilute to the desired concentration, depending on the type of insects that have to be destroyed. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2.5 grams of the drug must be dissolved in one liter of water at room temperature with constant stirring.
Interesting! The effectiveness of the drug will increase if for the preparation of the working solution to use heated water. This contributes to an increase in the volatility of poisonous molecules that infect bugs.
The tool is very economical. One 50 milliliter bottle of Cucaracha will be enough to handle a 70-square-meter room. On average, 1 square. Approximately 50 ml of solution will be consumed. If there are objects in the room that are distinguished by high absorbing characteristics, then the consumption of funds will double. How to dilute the emulsion and then use it to achieve the maximum effect, you can learn from the instructions.
Treatment of contaminated premises and its subsequent cleaning
Means Cucaracha has a third class of danger, so working with it involves the presence of personal protective equipment. These may be a mask or respirator, gloves, glasses and special clothing that can be subsequently thrown away. Before using the solution directly, mix it again with a plastic stick and pour it into the spray bottle. Disinsection with Kukaracha should start with places most clusters of bedbugs. It is recommended to carefully treat the poison:
- Mattresses and lower surfaces of the bed;
- Sofas, chairs, sideboards, various cabinets and their rear walls;
- All the cracks and holes in the floor and walls, as well as skirting, door and window blocks;
- Hanging objects on the walls to handle on both sides;
- The perimeter of the apartment, including the ceiling and walls.
Clean up after processing drug Cucaracha recommended no earlier than a day. But before that, the apartment must be ventilated for three to four hours. After that, they remove all dead parasites with a broom or vacuum cleaner and, if possible, destroy them. All solid surfaces are washed with soap and soda solution, and fabric items are sent to the wash. The tool has a prolonged action. Poison is powerless to destroy bedbug eggstherefore, in order to fix the effect, it is necessary to repeat the treatment after 10-15 days. In this case, 100% disposal of bedbugs is guaranteed. You can make sure that the Cucaracha tool helps or not only after all the activities carried out.
If the drug is not available in specialized stores, then you can place an order on the Internet and deliver it to the specified address. The average price of Cucaracha is within 170 rubles per 50 ml.
Advantages and disadvantages of the remedy for bedbugs Kukaracha
Means Cucaracha, judging by customer reviews, is very popular. It helps to get rid not only of bugs, but also from other insects. Like any product, the remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha has its positive and negative quality characteristics. Indisputable advantages of the drug are:
- Affordable price that allows you to use the tool Cucaracha, if necessary. It can be purchased on a free market or ordered from online stores;
- Efficiency. One small bottle will allow you to get rid of bugs in a private house or an average apartment;
- The average class of hazard allows the use of Cukaracha in residential premises. The drug is safe for people and animals;
- High efficiency and speed of an insecticide;
- Convenience when processing due to use of the sprays allowing to process the infected surfaces carefully;
- The long residual life of the Cucaracha product, lasting from 10 to 30 days, creates the conditions under which newborn bugs die. Therefore, re-processing can be waived.
Despite the large number of advantages, the Cucaracha cure for bed bugs, being a highly toxic chemical, still has some drawbacks:
- Not deadly, but rather high toxicity of the drug, which requires caution in handling it. It can be used only with the observance of safety measures;
- Very unpleasant, sharp smell;
- Means Cucaracha is a concentrated emulsion, from which it is necessary to prepare the working solution, observing the exact recipe;
- Since the drug does kill larvaebut safe for bed bugs eggs, prophylactic re-treatment of the room will be required;
- The room after the event, you can visit no earlier than a day.
Reviews of a remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha
Sergey, Samara: “We never thought that we would face the problem of domestic bugs. Folk methods they did not help us, probably because they did not immediately notice the parasites. They decided to try Kukarachu - and they did it! We made 3 treatments and do not remember more about bedbugs. ”
Lyudmila, Nizhny Novgorod: “They brought bugs from relatives from the Krasnodar Territory.On the advice of my acquaintances, we purchased the Cucaracha tool and twice processed the apartment. The result is amazing - for 2 years now everything is fine. The drug is super! Recommended. The only drawback is a sharp aroma, so I would advise allergies to use remedies for odorless bugs».
Igor, Omsk: “In connection with a long business trip I had to live in a rented apartment. And there was an unpleasant surprise - a lot of bed bugs! Fortunately, a colleague advised them to Kukarac. I managed on my own, did not have to call sanitary services for the destruction of bedbugswhich would have cost significantly more. Insects after the first treatment did not disappear, but after a few succeeded get rid of bedbugs».
Taking into account the positive and negative sides, the Cucaracha cure for bedbugs, as well as consumer reviews and expert opinion, it can be concluded that this is exactly the drug that today can help effectively fight bloodsuckers. Enthusiastic user reviews confirm its effectiveness and amazing ability to completely exterminate bedbugs. But it must be remembered that a positive result can only be achieved in the event thatif all points of the instruction are strictly observed.