Bed Raid Remedy
- Aerosol Reid
- Reid Remedy
- Processing protection
- Reid Remedy
Faced with the presence of bed bugs in the apartment, a person begins to actively seek means to get rid of them. Focuses on numerous commercials, broadcast on the Internet and on television. The mass of information is confusing and makes it difficult to choose the most effective drug. Most decide not to bother themselves and simply cause disinsector. And the few who decide to independently deal with the problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the Reid aerosol from bugs.
General information about Reid
The composition of most of the drugs line Reid includes insecticide - cypermethrin. The substance is of plant origin, it is obtained from chrysanthemum flowers and Persian chamomile, therefore it is safer than synthesized chemicals.
Unlike the synthesized components, cypermethrin bed bug not yet adapted. Raid against bedbugs begins to act after direct contact with the droplets of the funds. When an insect creeps on the treated surface, the smallest particles stick tightly to its paws and chitinous body shell, slowly being absorbed through it. Rapid death occurs only after the direct application of funds on the parasite.
You need to know how an insecticide works, which is part of the product. It is absorbed into the body, inhibit the activity and the production of enzymes that are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses from one cell to another.All vital processes slow down, stop, which leads to the death of the insect. With the direct impact of the bug dies in 20-40 minutes, and after contact - from 20 to 40 hours.
It cannot be argued that Raid is absolutely safe for animals and people. The transmission of impulses occurs, as in insects, but for the death of the bug, a hundredth part of the insecticide is needed, and for a person grams.
Allergy sufferers are more sensitive to active ingredients and even a small amount of them can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness. If the drug is ingested, signs of intoxication appear: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and pain in the eyes.
The effectiveness of Reid from bedbugs
Aerosol Reid is recommended to use against crawling insects. The composition includes special substances that help cypermethrin tightly to the treated surface, as a result of which the drug continues to kill bugs for a long time. The effectiveness of an aerosol can be judged by its residual effect, i.e. How long does the product linger on the treated surface?
The longer this period, the more effective the drug. After killing an adult, he can not penetrate the shell bedbug eggs, and after two weeks new bloodsuckers will begin to hatch - maggots. It is difficult to judge the effectiveness of the aerosol, it is advisable to read reviews about the Reid from bedbugs and make an independent conclusion.
The pros and cons of Raid aerosol
Deciding to order Raid, you need to take into account its positive and negative sides.
Advantages of aerosol means:
- ease of use, no need to independently prepare solutions, look for containers for spraying;
- effective against flying and crawling insects;
- subject to the basic rules of application, does not harm human and animal health;
- The optimal combination of active substances helps the composition to permanently fix on the surfaces treated in the house.
Disadvantages of Raid:
- the manufacturer on the drug indicates that the tool helps against all types of insects, and not specifically against bedbugs;
- with abundant accumulation of bloodsuckers there is a need for re-processing;
- a pronounced smell, despite the flavors that are part of it, does not disappear from the room for a long time;
- after application, an oil deposit remains, which can be disposed of with a solution of soap and soda.
The main thing is to comply with security measures.
Despite safety, it is necessary to use a raid for bedbugs very carefully, to observe elementary rules and protective measures. These include:
- wear gloves, a mask, goggles, clothing;
- carry out the destruction of insects with open windows;
- animals and people should not be in the room;
- put dishes in sealed bags, put food in the refrigerator;
- wash and rinse after treatment;
- It is forbidden to spray the product near the included gas stove.
Room preparation
In order for the tool to cope with its hopes, it is necessary to carefully study the recommendations indicated on the packaging and prepare the apartment for processing.
Plan of preparatory activities:
- complex cleaning of the whole house: wipe off dust, clean the floors, vacuum, paying special attention to the space under the bed, baseboards, corners;
- move furniture away from walls;
- remove the entire decor from the walls, behind the wall paintings are the eggs and larvae of bedbugs;
- bed linen washed in water from 60 ° C, as such temperature is fatal for bedbugs and their offspring, pillows, blankets to dry clean;
- favorite places of insects - these are beds, chairs, sofas, they must be disassembled and well treated with a disinfectant.
Properly using Reid
Use of the aerosol at its discretion is prohibited. Instructions for the use of Raid from bedbugs will facilitate the task and give useful recommendations on the treatment of the apartment. Only then the answer to the question of whether Reid helps the bugs will be positive. Rules of application:
- After wearing a mask and gloves, you need to shake the can well and start spraying the product.
- To process one square meter to spend at least five seconds.
- Liberally spray the solution on the upholstered furniture, the back surface of cabinets, shelves, cabinets.
- In order to combat insects was not in vain, to pay special attention to the baseboards, corners and places where the wallpaper began to depart.
Raid is an effective insect repellent, but will help when the bugs have not managed to reach a significant number. Otherwise, the aerosol will be useless, you will have to use pest control services or choose a stronger insecticide.
In the summer, they were at a dacha, and there were many bugs there, brought them to their apartment. Familiar advised starve bugs Raid I found it in the nearest supermarket, since the cost is low. I sprinkled everything, the smell was acrid - I had to spend the night with friends, but I got rid of bedbugs.
Valentina, Moscow
We in the house after the breakthrough of the pipe in the basement happened invasion of bedbugs. All tenants complained about nasty insects. Began to find them and myself. Neighbor recommended news fight bedbugs through raid. The price of Raid from bedbugs at that time was about 200 rubles. I had to buy. Sprayed wherever possible, steam generator treatment upholstered furniture and beds. The next day, I found a lot of dead bugs. I repeated the treatment of the apartment in two weeks to fix the result. More bugs at home did not see.
Miroslava, Sevastopol