Means Raptor from bedbugs
- The raptor from bedbugs
- Aerosol Raptor
- Aerosol Raptor
- Akvafumigator Raptor
- Aquafumigator
Appearance in the house bed bugs always accompanied by great hassle and anxiety of the inhabitants of the home. After all vermin harm It is not only in the irritation of the skin. Consequence bedbugs bites can become a massive destruction of the body of harmful bacteria. Therefore, timely pest control in such situations is extremely important. The result is a question of choosing the most effective drug.Raptor for bedbugs is in great demand among consumers.
Many people have already been able to appreciate the excellent effect and simple way to use Raptor products. Products of various forms of release provides an opportunity to choose a drug that is convenient for use. Get rid of bed bugs very difficult. Insects do not fall into the trap, and the usual fumigator, which has scaring properties, is also inactive. A positive result in the fight against parasites can only aerosol products and concentrated emulsions. This is what the attention of the manufacturers of the Raptor company was focused on. To combat bedbugs, they created two types of products: in the form of an aerosol and aqua-fumigator.
Features aerosol means
Everyone who faces a choice effective drug, there are questions about how it works, and whether Raptor helps from bedbugs.
Aerosol Raptor from bedbugs has a wide range of actions, it is designed to kill flying, crawling and blood-sucking household pests. The drug is based on three insecticidal components: piperonylbutoxide, tetramethrin and cypermethrin. Neuroparalytic effect on insects poison has when hit on the legs or the body of parasites. The action of the active substances is manifested even in the event that the insect does not move on the sprayed surface: its infection is inevitable upon contact with other relatives.
Raptor comes from bugs in bottles of 225 ml, which, for ease of use, have sprayers. Removing the top cap allows the use of additional nozzles that are more convenient to use for processing crevices and other hard-to-reach places.
Subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, the tool can destroy the entire pest population. This could make sure many consumers, leaving positive reviews about the raptor from bedbugs. Indeed, in comparison with other analogues, the drug has several significant advantages:
- High effectiveness of the product is provided by its insecticidal composition. Since the drug acts very quickly, the death of some insects can be observed already 10-15 minutes after the end of treatment.
- Safety - due to the low concentration of poisonous components, the product is low toxic and practically safe for the human body.
- The residual period of action lasts for 2-3 weeks - the aerosol has a barrier effect, which helps prevent the penetration of other parasites into an already treated room.
- It has a light mint or jasmine aroma that does not cause discomfort when using the tool.
- Affordable value and the possibility of purchasing in any store.
- A simple way to use - Spray Raptor from bugs ready for use.
The products of the company Raptor very often used against mosquito repellents (he took the plates for the fumigator). This time he used the spray to fight bedbugs. Bought a couple of cylinders and you can say they poured over the entire apartment. Parasites, like hand bravely. For more than three months, we sleep well. Very effective remedy! Recommend.
Igor Nikolaevich, Moscow
Aerosol application rules
The principle of using this aerosol is very similar with the use of similar means. Instructions for the use of the Raptor from bedbugs placed on the back of the canister. To achieve a quality result is possible only with its observance.
- The balloon is thoroughly shaken to ensure that the fluid inside it has a uniform consistency.
- For the treatment of the premises is recommended the use of personal protective equipment.
- Apartment preparation: To avoid insecticides on food and dishes, they should be taken out of the room in advance. It is also unacceptable during the treatment of the presence in the room of children and pets. In the presence of a large aquarium, it is covered with glass and wrapped with plastic wrap.
- The tool is sprayed at a distance of 0.2 m from the treated surface. Spray should be kept in an outstretched hand and only in an upright position.
- All places are subject to aerosol treatment. where bugs live. Particular attention is paid to the sleeping area, as well as furniture located near it.
- In this state, the room is left for 30 minutes, and then ventilated for at least one hour.
On a note!
The end result depends on the correct application. The raptor from bed bugs should be applied with a continuous line, the intersection of which cannot be avoided by insects. After all, poor-quality processing explains the lack of effect.
Used aerosol Raptor from bugs, as written in the instructions. Parasites discovered In the bed, and processed it. However, the desired result was not received - the bloodsuckers moved to the closet.
Ksenia, Belgorod
You can purchase an aerosol product in almost any household or construction supermarket. The price of a raptor for bedbugs varies by region. On average, a bottle of Raptor 225 ml costs about 200 rubles.
Features of an aqua-disinfectant Raptor
Aquafumigator is another invention that can help in fight bedbugs. The manufacturer guarantees instant elimination of parasites.
The instant insect eradication system is a device that includes:
- a container filled with cyphenothrin-Japanese insecticide;
- bag with distilled water;
- plastic container.
The job description of the aqua-fumigator is very similar to professional pest control. The device is created on the formation of cold vapor, consisting of the smallest particles of moisture. It is in them that insecticidal molecules are contained, destructive for bedbugs.The free movement of particles has the ability to penetrate the most inaccessible places, which are sometimes impossible to process with other means.
Using the device is very simple:
- It is enough to open the package with the liquid that needs to be poured into the container. After that, a container with an insecticide is placed there.
- This construction should be installed in the central part of the room so that the released cold steam is evenly distributed over the entire area.
- After activating the device, the room should be left at least 3 hours.
- After this time, the room is thoroughly aired, the places of possible contact are washed using soap and soda solution.
Getting on the body of insects, poisonous substances kill them. However, the effect of poison does not apply to bedbug eggs. In this connection, after 15-20 days, it may be necessary to carry out re-treatment. That is how much time is needed for a new progeny to emerge from the eggs.
I tried to use the aqua-worm Raptor against bedbugs in the country. He powered the device according to the instructions and went fishing.I entered the house only in the evening: there was no longer any vapor in the air, but the smell still held. Airing took no more than an hour. My wife washed everywhere and went to bed. Bedbugs no longer bothered. But after all, I’ll re-process it, for it’s not for nothing that the manufacturer recommends it.
Boris, St. Petersburg