Sinuzan remedy for bedbugs

Synanthropic insects, which include bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas and other dangerous and unpleasant parasites, cause a lot of trouble to people and pets. Numerous bites, unpleasant smell, damaged furniture, danger of getting infected An infectious disease is a small list of problems that are associated with these “neighbors”.Therefore, at the first signs of appearance unwanted inhabitants in an apartment or house, a person seeks to find an effective means to get rid of them once and for all. One of these drugs is Sinuzan for bedbugs.

Description of the insecticide and its features

The universal complex chemotherapy, which allows to cope with all the varieties of domestic insects, is produced by the company “Keminova A / S AGRO” Denmark. It has long been used by professional services that conduct disinsection work in various premises. The tool is classified as hazard class 3, which indicates its moderate harm to humans and other warm-blooded inhabitants of residential buildings. It is allowed for use in food, public, industrial, children's, medical and other institutions with a large crowd of people.

The composition of Sinuzana from bedbugs includes such components:

  • chlorpyrifos (48%);
  • stabilizer;
  • emulsifier;
  • solvent.
Sinuzan Remedy
Sinuzan Remedy

In appearance, the drug resembles a concentrated emulsion of a yellowish-brown hue. The manufacturer packs the insecticide in canisters with a volume of 5 to 20 liters.The tool is allowed for widespread use, so you can buy it in specialized stores in Moscow and other regions.


After numerous failed attempts get rid of bedbugs in the apartment, decided to use the recommendations of friends and to purchase the drug Sinuzan. The result exceeded all our expectations. A few days after the treatment, peace reigned in the apartment. For the past six months, we are not worried about this terrible parasites. Remarkable tool. I recommend to those who are looking for an effective preparation for the fight against insects.

Olga, Saratov

In order to understand how the Sinuzan remedy acts on bugs and other parasites, it is necessary to become familiar with the peculiarities of the main active ingredient - chlorpyrifos. The substance is a potent poison that has contact-intestinal effects on the synanthropic inhabitants of human dwellings. As a result of contact with a poison that suppresses the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, it immediately paralyzes the bugs, and they die. Unlike many widely used drugs, Sinusan is recommended to be used to combat not only living adults, maggotsbut also deferred eggs.

The product is highly economical. For the treatment of a large area, it is sufficient from 2.5 to 5 ml of the preparation, which must be diluted in the prescribed amount of water, the optimum temperature of which is room temperature. The working solution in color should match the shade of the emulsion.


The tool has a very unpleasant odor, dangerous to humans and pets. Instructions for use of Sinuzana from bedbugs warns about the need to use special means of protection when working with the drug. Follow these recommendations should be strictly in order to avoid negative consequences.

The advantages of insect repellent

Means Sinuzan-1
Sinuzan Remedy

Reviews of Sinuzane from bedbugs posted on the site confirm the high efficacy of the insecticidal drug. All its positive properties will be noticeable when properly diluted and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The main advantages of the Danish product include the following factors:

  1. Prolonged result. This means that after treatment, the active substance will contribute to the destruction of several generations of bloodsuckers and serve as a barrier to re-infection of the premises.
  2. Effective and instant destruction of bedbugs and other pests.
  3. High cost of insecticidal chemotherapy.
  4. The price of Sinusan Bugs is in the low segment, which allows buyers to buy it without much financial loss.
  5. Accessibility funds. It can be purchased at any specialized outlet or in the supermarkets of each settlement.
  6. Rapid weathering of the premises subjected to the disinsection procedure.
  7. The effect of the product is maintained for 4-5 months even with high contamination of the room. Re-treatment, if necessary, conducted in six months, will ensure the destruction of the parasites forever.
  8. The preparation allows to process local areas in the room where the immediate habitat of the bugs is found.

On a note!

The manufacturer took care of the consumers and supplied Sinuzan against the bugs with all the necessary tools that are sold with the product. With the help of a sprayer, it is possible to achieve an even distribution of the insecticide over the treated surfaces.

Do not forget thatthat the persistent smell of a toxic chemical is preserved for a long time on fabric items and upholstered furniture. To eliminate it, the room should be ventilated more often, and the laundry should be washed in the hottest water possible.

Basic rules for working with bedbug remedies

Before using Sinuzan, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions and prepare a special solution, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. The next stage of pest control is room preparation to the work being done. It includes such actions:

  • remove from the premises of domestic inhabitants and people living in it;
  • carefully pack or take out the dishes and food from the apartment;
  • move furniture away from the walls, remove carpets, curtains and disassemble soft furniture;
  • clean the room with a vacuum cleaner.
Means of protection
Means of protection

After that, you must dress in a special protective suit, wear a respirator, gloves and proceed to the destruction of bedbugs using a household spray bottle or other spray bottle. It should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out with the windows open, in order to avoid poisoning.Whether the Sinuzan remedy helps from bedbugs will be known after a short period of time after the work has been completed.

The plan of the event depends on the level of infection of the object. Regardless, you must carefully spray:

  • the rear walls of the furniture, which stands in beds and sofas;
  • plinths, walls, slots, door frames and places behind radiators;
  • wooden bed structures, sofas and chairs.

It is undesirable to process pillows, clothes and bedding. It is better to dry-clean them. Palaces and carpets can be disinfected from the wrong side. After completion of the procedure, you must immediately leave the room. Ventilation of the apartment is recommended not less than 2 hours after the end of work. Finishing wet cleaning using soap and soda solution should be carried out no earlier than a day after disinsection and no later than 2 hours before using the object for its intended purpose.

Order Sinuzan - insecticide broad-spectrum, you can have trusted suppliers through the Internet. This will protect consumers from counterfeiting and provide reliable protection from bedbugs.


Thanks to manufacturers for the best remedy for bedbugs Sinuzan. You just saved us, but you didn’t know how to cope with the misfortune that befell us. Recomend for everybody.

Svetlana, Mytishchi

Faced with the problem of bedbugs in the apartment. Delivered from friends with donated sofa. Tried a lot of tools - folk recipes, gels, Dichlorvos and other chemistry. Nothing helped. I found on the Internet reviews on the drug Sinuzan from bedbugs. It was necessary to process the room with glasses, a respirator and special clothing. The smell is not pleasant, but the insects disappeared without a trace.

Vsevolod, Kostroma

Sinusan from bedbugs advised neighbors on the floor. Bedbugs came to us after new tenants drove into one of the apartments. The tool coped with its task! But the smell has been eroding for a very long time. For us, this is a significant disadvantage, since we have two children. Therefore, in the event that insects appear again, you will have to pick the same effective drugbut without strong odors.

Irina, St. Petersburg

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Bed bugs

