
The best sprays and sprays from bedbugs

Bed Spray
Executioner from bedbugs
Means of protection

Bed bugs sprays are the most popular means for instantly destroying insects. When you click on the spray chemical components under the pressure of the gas are sprayed, penetrate through the chitinous cover into the body of the parasite, ensuring its death.Aerosols and sprays are produced by many companies, each of them has its own distinctive features and composition.

What is the difference between aerosols and sprays?

There is a mistaken opinion that spray and aerosol are synonymous. However, this is incorrect and there are striking differences in the preparations; the main one is to extract the product from the bottle:

  • in an aerosol, chemicals are released outside under gas pressure;
  • in a spray, dispersed particles are larger and are fed by means of mechanical squeezing of a micropump, a good household example is a spray bottle.

The aerosol form provides a short-term effect and acts either by direct contact of an insect with an insecticide, or while the substances are in the air. The aerosols have the greatest effect during the first 3-4 hours, the residual effect lasts for several days.

Bed Spray
Bed Spray

After applying the spray on the treated surface remains a film with components of prolonged action, which retains the properties of insecticides for several months. However, regardless of the differences, in everyday life both names are applicable to aerosols.

Both forms of release of drugs show high efficiency against blood-sicking insects. Reviews of aerosols and bedbug sprays indicate the undoubted advantages of the products:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • affordable low price;
  • economical consumption;
  • instant decrease in population size;
  • rapid weathering odor.

On a note!

The main disadvantage of aerosols is the need to re-process, and with a strong infection in multiple.

How to use aerosol products

Before the start of the disinfection is necessary to preparatory activities, otherwise even the best aerosols from bedbugs will not bring the proper result:

  1. Remove bedding and textiles and heat them up: wash at a temperature above 50 ° C, iron a hot iron, steam generator.
  2. If possible, remove the mattress, provide access to all elements of the design of the bed, sofa.
  3. Move the furniture away from the walls so that there is an opportunity to process the most inaccessible places, to remove carpets.

Despite the fact that aerosols from bed bugs are considered safe for humans and warm-blooded animals, they contain toxic substances.When ingested, chemical components can cause intoxication of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to work with drugs in compliance with safety regulations:

  • wear a respirator, mask or cotton-gauze bandage, closed clothes, gloves during disinsection;

    Means of protection
    Means of protection
  • during the treatment in the room should not be people, pets;
  • spray the tool at arm's length 20-25 cm from the surface to be treated;
  • carefully handle all potential congestion sites and the movement of parasites: bed frame, rear walls of furniture, bedside tables, interior items;
  • close the windows in the apartment, house and leave the room for a few hours;
  • on returning home, ventilate the rooms and wash objects and surfaces with which daily contact occurs with soapy or soda water.

Aerosol rating

The most effective aerosols for bedbugs are those that are designed directly for the destruction of bed suckers. In comparison with universal means against all types of insects, they show the best result.

Bedbug raptor - professional destruction

Price 240 rubles

Raptor - one of the few aerosols, the formula of which is designed exclusively for breeding bed bugs. The composition of the aerosol consists of two powerful insecticide and auxiliary components:

  • Alpha-cypermethrin is a contact-intestinal substance, it retains its properties for a long time under the action of sunlight and high temperatures;
  • neopinamine forte - isomer of tetramethrin is included in the group of neurotropic drugs, has a destructive effect on the nervous system of the insect;
  • Piperonyl Butoxide Synergist - increases the effect of insecticides and accelerates the onset of paralysis and, accordingly, the death of the parasite.
The raptor from bedbugs
The raptor from bedbugs

According to the manufacturer, the effect of the use of funds comes within the first 15 minutes. Drops of aerosol get on the insect, penetrate through the chitinous cover inside, which leads to the imminent death of the bug. After spraying, the active substances are deposited on the surfaces, thereby ensuring long-term protection and elimination of the remaining population.


Aerosol Raptor allowed sofa treatment, armchairs, beds, folds and edges of the skin, but it is strictly forbidden to spray the product onto the bedding.

Instructions for use states that it is possible to enter the room 15 minutes after disinsection, and after thorough airing all items of upholstered furniture can be used.


When faced with such wildness as bugs, just confused. It’s good that a good consultant came to the store and helped me with my choice. effective means. I was planning to buy some kind of odorless bug for bedbugs, and the seller advised me to the well-known brand Raptor. The price is low and I bought 2 cans just in case. As for the smell, the consultant was somewhat mischievous - the stench was strong and the aroma eroded and then for a very long time. But the result was impressive - after the first treatment all the bugs disappeared. One bottle was enough to get rid of bedbugs. To be on the safe side, I once again poisoned it again in 2 weeks, especially since I purchased the product with a margin.

Veronica, Raisin

Dichlorvos - a means proven over the years

Price 90 rubles

Dichlorvos from bedbugs
Dichlorvos from bedbugs

From the old Soviet drug left only the name. Modern aerosols manufactured under this brand are distinguished by a new improved formula and a less pronounced specific aroma.Most manufacturers produce universal Dichlorvos for the destruction of all crawling and flying insects.

Dichlorvos Varan Forte Antiklop stands out among analogues. It is designed specifically for the elimination of annoying bed parasites. It consists of synthetic insecticides:

  • tetramethrin;
  • cypermethrin;
  • dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate.

The manufacturer claims a long-lasting effect of insecticides and low odor means. However, consumer reviews prove otherwise. When treated with an aerosol without a mask, it starts to tingle in the throat and a chemical scent is present. Of the benefits noted:

  • low cost;
  • the possibility of purchasing in any store of household chemicals;
  • not addictive in insects;
  • long action till 20 days;
  • does not leave marks and stains on furniture.

One cylinder is enough to handle 30 square meters. Disinsection is carried out with the windows closed, after which the room is left for 15-20 minutes.


When they entered the rented apartment, they began to notice red blisters appearing after sleep. Comparing their own damage with photo of bedbug bites, came to the conclusion that these are the parasites - the causes of our troubles.They informed the owner of the apartment, but she began to deny the fact of contamination of the living space, and she also accused us of bringing bugs with us. Had to fight bedbugs on their own. On the shelf of the store drew a bottle Antiklop. Purchased several pieces at once. Carefully sprinkled the entire room, including the sofa. The instant disappearance of the insects was not noticed. In the first days after treatment, sluggishly moving individuals met quite often and they did not bite less. My wife even bought a body spray for bedbugs to sleep well and not to hide sweat marks from the bites under closed clothes. Distressed by such an insignificant result, they re-processed after three days. This time the effect was better. The number of bloodsuckers markedly diminished. Completely get rid of parasites, it was possible only after the third attempt.

Vadim, Volgograd

Kra- Killer - do not take prisoners

Price 90 rubles


Spray Kra from bedbugs - a universal preparation for the destruction of crawling insects. Company slogan: “Take no prisoners”. The composition is represented by permethrin and cypermethrinum. A characteristic feature of the aerosol is the absence of persistent odor,as evidenced by numerous reviews. Residual action against bedbugs lasts for 72 hours.


Originally bought Kra-Killer for os destruction on the balcony. The manufacturer did not deceive, and the aerosol does not really have an unpleasant smell. When the spouse brought the bedbugs off the watch, I had to think how to get rid of these bloodsuckers more quickly. I remembered my Killer's wand about my wand. Carefully handled all surfaces in the house, especially near the bed, along the baseboards. After the first treatment, occasionally met intoxicated individuals, and when processed everything again and disappeared altogether.

Julia, Alchevsk

The best anti-bed bug sprays

Spray against bedbugs - one of the most effective means for the destruction of blood-sucking insects. Most of the drugs are produced in the form of solutions that are diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. The use of sprays in the domestic environment is practically no different from the use of aerosols. The only difference is that before starting work it is necessary to prepare the solution and pour it into the spray bottle. At home for this purpose fits an empty container from under the wipers.

Get odorless spray

Price 780 rubles

Get Bedbug Remedy
Get Bedbug Remedy

Group representative microencapsulated drugs. An innovative tool for the destruction of parasites is produced on the basis of chlorpyrifos, enclosed in the smallest microcapsules. After spraying the spray, the active substances are deposited on the surfaces. Upon contact of a bug with a film, the particles of a deadly poison for it stick to the paws and gradually penetrate into the pest, which leads to its paralysis and death. In addition, the insect manages to bring poison on its body in the lair and infect other members of the population.

Like most drugs, get bed bugs spray no destructive effect on the eggs. But this disadvantage is compensated by the long-term action of microcapsules - up to 6 months. A hatched younger generation has no chance of survival.

For domestic use spray is available only in containers of 100 ml. The opaque bottle is protected by a Get-branded membrane located under the main cap. The working solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions and has a light citrus scent. One bottle is enough for processing 50-100 square meters. m square.


Klopov discovered in the apartment by accident — somehow she got up at night, turned on the light, and I saw that a dark dot was crawling along the wall. She tapped off her slipper reflexively, and a brown bloody speck appeared on the crushed place. I immediately had doubts crept in, and I began to carefully inspect the wall and the adjacent baseboards. Identified parasites under the retreated wallpaper. I really had no time for sleep and began to study means for the destruction of odorless bugs. Get interested, because he has no smell, and in many reviews praised him. Immediately ordered a spray, in the evening I was delivered. To breed it is a snap. Only 1.5 liters of water to be diluted with emulsion. Poured in a spray bottle for linen and processed everything that was possible. The bugs are gone - and this is the merit of the spray.

Oksana, Moscow

Executioner - a drug for the massacre of parasites

Price 70 rubles

Executioner from bedbugs
Executioner from bedbugs

Spray vs bedbugs Hangman - development of German manufacturers. The active ingredient is fenthion, its concentration reaches 25%. The tool is distinguished by a slightly pronounced smell of kerosene, due to which insects leave their shelters and are more amenable to the action of insecticidal substances.

With a weak contamination of the room re-treatment is not required, due to the prolonged action of the spray. On the total destruction of the entire population will need approximately 14 days.

One bottle is enough to handle 5 square meters. m or one sofa. Therefore, for the disinsection of the apartment will have to stock up on a set of 15-25 bubbles. Spray consumption is determined by the area of ​​the processed premises and the number of interior items.


Mom began to complain about the constant redness and itching in the back, hands. At first I blamed everything on allergies, but when the symptoms did not disappear within a month, I began to suspect that the reason lies elsewhere. The dermatologist immediately determined that bite bugs. Since this problem was encountered for the first time, I had to look for ways anti-blood sucking parasites. After 5 hours of monitoring the forums chose the Hangman. Ordered just in case 20 flakonchikov. We thought that it was better to let the extra spray remain, than later it would not be enough. After processing the apartment, my mother took me to the house for the night. When she returned home the next day, she came into indescribable horror — the floor was littered with a bunch of small insects.But for the first time in the last month, mother began to sleep and finally got rid of these parasites.

Elsa, Novomoskovsk

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Bed bugs

