Effective means of odorless bugs in the apartment
- Remedies for bedbugs
- Get Bedbug Remedy
- Remedy Delta Zone
- The raptor from bedbugs
- Combat MultiSprey
- Means Tsifoks
- Gektor vs bed bugs
Bed bugs - uninvited guests in any apartment. Cause a feeling of disgust, annoy their bites. Most people who have experienced this problem know that get rid of bedbugs not so easy. The situation is even more complicated if there is no possibility to move out of the apartment during processing.Therefore, when choosing an antiparasitic agent, it is necessary to take into account not only its effectiveness, but also safety for humans. There are many such drugs and most of them smell unpleasant. Whether there are effective remedies for odorless bugs, this article will tell.
Kinds of means
There is a claim that the destructive effect effective chemical agent for bedbugs it has a peculiar smell. In fact, such flavors have only a deterrent property, forcing adults to leave the room. On bedbug eggs the smell does not affect. Therefore, it is impossible to call it the main active factor of the insecticidal drug. After all, the majority of poisonous substances emit unpleasant-smelling fumes when in contact with air. But there are drugs for the odorless bugs. They come in various forms of release in the form:
- crayons and powders;
- aerosols;
- liquid emulsion.
On a note!
Often in the market can be found antiparasitic drugs in the form of bed bugs gel. Lack of smell is one of its main advantages. However, this form of chemical is effective only for cockroaches and ants.Gel from bugs without odor as such does not exist, because parasites attract only the smell of human blood.
Liquid emulsion - the best remedy for bugs, not having a specific smell. In second place are aerosol preparations, which include fragrances. Due to this, a pleasant aroma is preserved. Absolutely odorless, but less effective dust and chalk. And they certainly do not have any fragrances. ultrasonic bug bugsHowever, their effectiveness has not been proven.
Liquid insecticides
Preparations of liquid consistency are produced in the form of emulsions, containing insecticidal microcapsules. They have a contact effect, as a result of which poisonous components enter the body of bugs and infect their nervous system.
On a note!
Microencapsulated drugs used not only for the destruction of parasites, but also as protective barriers.
Drug geth is a microencapsulated suspension based on chlorpyrifos. High efficiency and safety for human health are the main advantages of the product.Get is available in small bottles of 100 ml, which is enough for processing a 100-square-meter room. Means Get has a long period of validity, which is maintained for six months.
Tried a lot of toxic chemicals to remove bedbugs in the apartment. However, each time the result was short-lived - after a few days the insects began to attack with a new force. A friend recommended getting Geth emulsion. Surprisingly, the drug was very effective. Parasites disappeared after the first treatment. Geth - the best way to fight bedbugs. Recommend.
Olga, Kislovodsk
Micros +
Another remedy for odorless bed bugs of similar composition. Due to this it has a wide spectrum of action and a long period of protection. Micros + is used for processing kindergartens and hospitals.
Acquired Mikrofos + on the recommendation of a neighbor. She said that they are periodically treated in the hospital where she works. The drug turned out to be very effective - the next day one could see the number of dead bloodsuckers, which made me very shocked.
Irina, Lipetsk
Delta Zone
A new and growing insecticidal drug, based on deltamethrin. This is a very effective microencapsulated poison from odorless bugs. The tool is available in bottles of 50 ml. The emulsion consumption is quite economical - 10 ml of suspension is needed for 1 l of water. After application, a thin layer of insecticide solution remains on the surface, which is easy to wash off with water.
Bought an apartment. When they began to make repairs in it, it turned out that this is a real breeding ground for bedbugs. Sister advised to treat her means means Delta Zonethat we did. The result was very impressed, the bugs began to fall the very next day. For their complete destruction took about 10 days. Good remedy. Recommend.
Anna, Kursk
In this list, you can also include drugs Xulat C25, Lambda Zone, Dobrokhim-FOS, Minap 22.
Relatively effective method of pest control are aerosols. However, many preparations against bedbugs in this group do not have fragrances, which should be considered when choosing a product. But there are those whose processing at home without odor is still possible.
It is a universal remedy to combat all crawling insects, including bedbugs. As an active ingredient in it acts cypermethrin - insecticide that affects the nervous system of parasites. The toxic effect of the toxin begins from the moment it hits the chitinous cover of the bloodsucker. After that, the insect becomes a distributor of poison among its relatives.
Aerosol has a floral fragrance, so that is in great demand among consumers. However, the use of personal protective equipment during the processing room Raptor still necessary.
Drug Kombat It is very popular among consumers, as it is effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other household pests. The active substances are pyrethroids, the smell of which is much weaker than the flavors that make up it. The aerosol ready for use has a pleasant lemon or mint aroma, but it has a neuroparalytic effect on parasites. In addition, the Combat has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which contributes to the improvement of housing.
It is enough to spray the infected surfaces with an aerosol and places of the greatest accumulation of bedbugs, then leave the apartment for a few hours. Upon return, you must do a wet cleaning. For maximum effect, the treatment should be repeated after 7-10 days.
This list can continue the aerosols of the company. Raid, Clean house or Dichlorvos Neo.
He was simply conquered by the result of the action of the Kombat aerosol - the bugs died out just after one treatment. Super remedy. Recommend.
Alexander, Moscow
Chalks and powder
Powder from odorless bugs as well as the product in the form of crayons has some drawbacks. The consequence of using a friable substance called dust, is the formation of dust deposited on all surfaces in the house. It is also important that the effect of the drug begins upon contact with it. And the likelihood that the bug will crawl in that place is small. As a result, the powder from bedbugs has a medium degree of effectiveness, therefore it is not suitable for use in an overly contaminated room.
Chemical characteristics in solid form (crayons) have similar characteristics.However, it is more effective to use them only as a barrier shield. The most famous representative of this group is crayon Masha.
With excessive contamination of the room with bedbugs, it is not necessary to focus your attention only on the smell of the product. It should immediately take advantage of the most effective drug. So, the most effective remedy is a professional grade concentrated emulsion: Digox, Cucaracha, Forsyth or Tetrix.
To be odorless in an apartment or without bedbugs is everyone’s choice.
GEKTOR against bed bugs
A special place among the bulk powders against bed bugs is Gektor tool, which went on sale at the end of 2017. The release of the drug is a Russian company. Among the advantages of Hector are the following:
- Lack of smell.
- Does not contain insecticidal components.
- Ease of use. No need to prepare working solutions.
Gektor helps to destroy even those individuals that have developed resistance to chemical components. The high effectiveness of the anti-bed bug is due to its innovative composition.The main component is hydrophilic silica. The powder has high moisture absorbing properties. The contact of the drug with a bedbug leads to dehydration of the insect's body and its subsequent death. The price varies in the range of 500-600 rubles.
Powder Hector is applied only in dry form. When diluted with water, it loses its qualities.
Recently moved to a new rented apartment, still rejoiced that the rent was inexpensive. After the housewarming, it was revealed that, apart from us, bedbugs lodge here. After seeing the advertisement GEKTOR, we decided to try a novelty. The drug was effective and without any smell.
Family Alekseev, Voronezh