Tetrix remedy for bedbugs

Tetriks from bedbugs many consumers find the most effective meanswhich fully complies with the requirements for insecticides from synanthropic blood-sicking insects. Reviews of Tetrix from bedbugs are only positive. Those who had to fight bedbugs with his help, they are delighted and argue that scientists from the Netherlands synthesized a panacea for the most unpleasant "neighbors" of man.

Composition and mechanism of action

The active substance of Tetrix is ​​a complex of two strong insecticides:

  • cypermethrin is a substance from the group of permethrins of the second generation, a complex consisting of cis and trans isomers, which has a damaging effect against blood-sicking insects;
  • Metaphos is an organic derivative of thiophosphoric acid, a very toxic substance that, when ingested, destroys blood hemoglobin. Can penetrate by air and transdermal route.

About the dangers of non-professional use of tools warns instructions for the use of Tetriks from bedbugs. On the label there is a warning sign - a red crossed out criss-cross diamond and the inscription below: “Dangerous”.

Tetriks from bedbugs
Tetriks from bedbugs


The drug was originally developed as a remedy. bed bugs destruction for professional pest control services. From here and the volumes of packaging intended for processing of the big areas. Such a precaution is due to the fact that the composition includes a metaphos relating to organophosphorus substances used not only in disinsection, but also in the production of chemical weapons.

Consider how the tool acts on bedbugs.Tetrix has a contact and intestinal effects on insects, blocks the work of the nervous system. Metaphos has lipophilic properties and is therefore rapidly absorbed through the surface of the body. bed bug and penetrates the tissues of the body. It blocks the function of acetylcholinesterase, which leads to the excitation and subsequent over-excitation of the nervous system of the parasite, as a result of which the insect dies due to the failure of the main systems of the body.

Similar, but weaker action has cypermethrin. Tetrix destroys the main forms of development of the insect - imago and larvae. The residual effect, which is 50-70 days due to cypermethrin, past deep cleaning. This prevents oxidation and degradation of the active substance.

Metaphos, striking an instant hit, disappears. During the validity of the means deferred by females eggs new larvae have time to hatch, which also die. So, the question whether the drug Tetrix helps bugs can be answered in the affirmative.

Form of packing and the price of the drug

Tetrix tool
Tetrix tool

Those consumers who decide to use for self-processing apartment from bloodsucking insects means Tetriks, you should immediately warn that the drug is more expensive than other insecticides. But its price matches the quality. Original means packaged:

  • glass bottles with a capacity of 250 ml - 2000 - 2500 r .;
  • a glass bottle of 500 ml - 4000-4500 p .;
  • plastic PET canister with two necks of 1 l each - 5600-6300 r .;
  • plastic canister 5 liters - 20600 - 28000 p .;
  • plastic cans of 20 liters each (from 1,10000 r) and 100 liters (from 450,000 r);
  • tin barrels 200 l - from 800 000 r.

In the free market the original tool is very difficult to meet. Order Tetrix can be in specialized stores, purchased in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Buying a tool from unverified sellers, there is a risk to give money for counterfeit goods of Russian or Chinese origin.


Due to the high cost of Tetriex products, the sale of counterfeit drugs has become more frequent. There are several schemes of fraud - the sale of aqueous solutions of the original means, prepared with non-compliance with the recommended concentration and forgery of unknown and extremely dangerous insecticides. According to reviews, such falsifications either do not give a result in the destruction of bugs, or lead to poisoning of the person who uses it.

The price of Tetriks from bedbugs on all online trading platforms is almost the same. Order delivered to the address in a short time. Do not buy the tool "for bottling", as the risk to buy a fake in this case increases. It is more profitable to buy a large capacity, therefore, to save money, apartment owners in a block of flats order a canister to use the solution for simultaneous processing of all rooms.

Breeding and handling rules

Means Tetriks-1
Tetrix tool

Before use, Tetrix anti-bed bug concentrate should be diluted in the right proportion, depending on the degree of contamination, the type of insect and the purpose (prevention or destruction). The instructions for the preparation indicate the concentration of the working suspension in a preparative form and the amount of the preparation required for preparation. To destroy bedbugs, 35 g of Tetrix should be diluted with 1 l of water to prepare a solution at a concentration of 3.5%. For prophylaxis the solution is prepared at the rate of 10 ml per 10 l of water.

It is necessary to prepare the solution and process the room in personal protective equipment. For disinsection using Tetrix should be prepared:

  • protective glasses;
  • respirator;
  • rubber gloves;
  • clothing that completely covers the body or chemical protection overalls;
  • change of clothes;
  • garden sprayer or spray gun.
Means of protection
Means of protection

Before processing is necessary prepare an apartment:

  • clean dishes and personal hygiene items;
  • hide food;
  • move flowers, birds from the apartment, remove pets;
  • cover the aquarium with glass and turn off the air supply;
  • furniture move to the center of the room;
  • textiles, bedding, clothes can be taken out, then washed in boiling water and ironed with a hot iron;
  • to carry out wet cleaning of the room.

After the preparatory activities can proceed to processing. In the apartment during dressing should be only the person directly processing the room. All other tenants must leave it before the means are completely weathered.

The treatment should be carried out with the windows and doors closed to prevent drafts. You should start from the wall opposite the exit, gradually moving towards the door. Carefully handle bedbugs and all nooks, cracks, crevices, where insects can hide. After processing is completed, the room should be left for 4-5 hours for pickling.


The person doing the treatment must remove the protective suit, take a bath, rinse the nose and throat, change into a change of clothes. The suit in which you worked with the solution must be soaked in a soap-soda solution and then washed thoroughly.

Before the tenants return to the apartment, it must be ventilated to remove insecticide fumes and odor. After returning to conduct a full wet cleaning with soap and soda solution.

Help with poisoning

Means Tetriks-2
Tetrix tool

On the forums you can find complaints of dizziness, nausea, bitterness in the mouth after applying Tetrix from bedbugs. To avoid poisoning, use protective equipment during processing. If the product gets on the skin, it is necessary to treat the center with ammonia solution, then with soda solution and wash the affected area with soap.

When symptoms of poisoning appear:

  • "Chemical" taste in the mouth;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • loss of orientation is necessary:
  • rinse your mouth with soda solution;
  • take 5-6 tablets of activated carbon and drink a large (at least 2-3 glasses) amount of water.


If the condition worsens, you need to seek medical help, taking a label from the facility with an indication of the composition.

Tetrix reviews from bedbugs indicate that the remedy is effective, but should be handled with care. Fight against bedbugs without compliance with safety rules can end in tears. It is better to provide treatment of the apartment to professionals who are guaranteed to rid the home of any kind of insects.


We live in a hostel with the guys. Recently, one, then the other began to appear red spots on the skin. At first they sinned on mosquitoes, but then they accidentally noticed that the tracks were somehow strangely located - in a line of 3-4 pieces. On the Internet, we found that such tracks are characteristic of bed bugs bites. Of the guys, no one had ever encountered them, and they did not know how to fight. The forum found tips and reviews on the drug Tetrix. Ordered a bottle of 250 ml. Lit the instructions, processed the entire room and still a lot. The bugs died after the first treatment.After such a success, Tetrix and the inhabitants of the neighboring rooms began to ask us. As it turned out, they were also plagued by bugs. Now we do not have these creatures on the floor.

Maxim, Ryazan

In our apartment, bedbugs started up after the neighbors began to do major repairs. An old woman used to live in this apartment. From her and inherited these bloodsuckers. The family council decided that it was better to call pest control or by slack off bugs. We agreed that we will try it ourselves, and if it does not work out, then we will turn for help. We decided to use the most reliable tool - Tetrix. About him a lot of good heard. The bugs disappeared from the first time. And not only here. Now we sleep well, and if something happens - Tetriks is still there, you can not be afraid of re-invasion.

Alexander, Saratov

The one who ordered disinsection in the apartment, knows that this pleasure is not the cheapest and there is no guarantee that an honest company will fall, which is guaranteed to get rid of insects. Therefore, when the bugs started up in the house, they decided to fight them on their own. In the clubhouse with my neighbors on the site bought a one-liter canister of Tetriks. He was advised to us by the brother of one of the neighbors - the disinsector.Processed all four apartments on the site in one day. The bugs disappeared, but we spent another time processing to be faithful. For a month now there are no bugs, and the cockroaches have disappeared with them, although the label did not indicate that Tetrix destroys them. Very good tool!

Olga Stepanovna, Bataysk

If someone had said earlier that bedbugs would “seize me”, they would not have believed it! I used to think that they are divorced only from dirt, and I really like cleanliness. But once, terrible "guests" also visited me. Why were bedbugs in the apartment - I do not know. Waking up in the morning, I noticed bites on my legs. Complained to her friend. She suggested the right tool - Tetrix and even cast a little. They have the drug remained after the treatment of the country house. She told a friend and how to poison the bugs. They disappeared after the first treatment, and now, I hope, forever.

Julia, Borovichi

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Bed bugs

