Cyclox remedy for bedbugs
- Means Tsifoks
- Means Tsifoks
- Means of protection
- Cyclox remedy for bedbugs
No one is immune from the appearance of insects in the apartment. Ants, fleas, cockroaches, and bed bugs. They cause a feeling of disgust, suffer diseasesbecome cause allergies. To ignore the presence of parasites in the house is absolutely impossible.Professional disinsectors use a proven tool from Zloks bugs. Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug. But before buying, it is necessary to find out, due to what substance the fast death of insects occurs, whether it is safe for children and animals, how to use it, or maybe there are some other pitfalls that you need to know about.
Composition and principle of operation of Cixox
Cyfox is a concentrated solution, the main active ingredient of which is cypermethrin. Consists of eight isomers, thereby destroying flying and crawling insects. Also included are solvents, fragrances and emulsifiers. The bug bed bug is sold in 50 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter bottles. A clear or slightly yellow liquid has a sharp and peculiar odor. The drug is resistant to acidic and ultraviolet rays. It is neutralized with an alkaline solution.
Cypermethrin is a potent insecticide derived from Persian chamomile alkaloids. After contact with the substance, the nerve impulses are blocked and the parasites quickly die.
Since it works only on adults and larvae, the complete destruction of the population occurs in 20-30 days. Due to the contact action, the chemical components kill those parasites that subsequently emerge from bedbugs eggs.
So that later, using the tool, it was equally effective, it is necessary to store it properly. The bottle should be tightly closed and stored in a dark place, not subject to direct sunlight. The drug is flammable, so it must be kept away from heating devices.
How much is the drug
The price of Tsifox from bedbugs depends on the volume and place of sale, approximately from 160 to 370 rubles. You can buy it in the online store or in specialized health services. Economical, one bottle is enough to handle two large apartments.
Preparation of the solution and disinsection
After adding the concentrated emulsion to water, the liquid becomes milky. In contact with oxygen, it quickly loses its properties, therefore, it is prepared immediately before processing. The mixture is stored for no longer than 8 hours.Before using it is necessary to read how to dilute Zifox depending on the contamination of the room.
Recommended ratios for preparing a solution for bedbugs:
- When the bugs have just appeared, it is enough to take a 0.01% solution, at the rate of 2 ml of the preparation for 5 l of water, for 1 l of water add 0.4 ml.
- If the room is highly contaminated, a 0.05% solution will be required. Dissolve 2 ml of the product in 1 l of water, 10 ml - for 5 l of water, 20 ml - for 10 l of water.
Before disinfection is necessary prepare the room. Digix anti-bed bug well stirred for several minutes, poured into a spray bottle or dispenser. The prepared solution is carefully processed favorite places insects:
- upholstered furniture, including mattresses, back, side and interior walls;
- carpets;
- plinths;
- wall-papers removed from the walls;
- window sills, especially the bottom surface;
- reverse side of wall paintings and other decor of the room;
- chairs, stools;
- electrical appliances;
- sockets and switches;
- ventilation.
The expense of means increases when it is necessary to process the surfaces which are well absorbing moisture - a tree, fabric, plywood.
Disinsection is carried out with the windows open, as Cyfox is highly toxic. After completing the work, leave the premises, opening all windows wide for at least 30 minutes. Wet cleaning is carried out after 12 hours. Despite the advantages and high efficiency, the tool Zifox has drawbacks:
- very toxic - better to processing apartment conducted by a specialist with the necessary skills and knowledge;
- It is necessary to use Zifoksom, observing safety rules, the neglect threatens with poisoning of the person who carries out processing;
- insects can get used to the main active ingredient;
- persistent, unpleasant smell, which is permanently stored in the room;
- effective only in relation to adults.
Processing nuances
The key to success fight bedbugs is compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Before you treat an apartment with a tool, you must make sure that all safety rules are followed. This will prevent the poison from entering the skin and mucous membranes. Instructions for use Cifox from bedbugs is on the insecticide bottle.
Children, pregnant women and allergies should not be in the room!
Security measures when using the tool Zifox:
- Before you start to dilute the drug, wear protective clothing, it must be water-repellent, as well as a respirator, goggles, gloves, high shoe covers, which are then recycled;
- it is forbidden to eat and eat indoors;
- the solution is prepared in a container, which is then discarded;
- It is forbidden to disinfect allergies;
- for the treatment of a child's room, choose a less toxic one odorless;
- after finishing work, take off your clothes and take a shower;
- air the room for 30–60 minutes;
- clean contact surfaces and clean floors after 12 hours.
Remove food before processing. Close the aquarium, remove the animals from the apartment.
Cleaning after disinsection also has its own nuances. When 12 hours have passed, wash the contact surfaces with a soap-soda solution; it neutralizes the effect of cypermethrin. Wipe the remaining surfaces with clean water. If you follow the simple rules, the tool will not have a harmful effect on the body.
First aid for poisoning with digox
It is worth paying attention if the following symptoms appear after the treatment with the agent:
- unpleasant taste in the mouth;
- nausea;
- increased salivation;
- tremor;
- vomiting;
- severe pain in the stomach or in the head.
If at least three signs of poisoning occur, call an ambulance. Before her arrival drink a sorbent, activated carbon per 10 kg - 1 tablet. Rinse your mouth with soda solution and wash your nose with it. Eyes drop by albumin. If the product is on the skin, wash it off with water and treat with soap or soda.
Zifoks - the most popular tool that helps get rid of bedbugs and other insects. If the parasites have developed resistance to the main active substance, its effectiveness decreases, which may require additional financial costs and call a specialist.
Numerous reviews of Cifox from bedbugs confirm the effectiveness of the tool, and its safety while observing simple rules.
In the house parasites started, every morning I realized that once again I became food for bedbugs. I read effective means review, I decided to order Sifox. After the first treatment, she found many dead insects.To fix the result, I used it two more times. More bloodsuckers not met.
Ksenia, Voronezh
Mothers in the country house got bugs. Tried to get rid of them with folk remedies, but the result is not pleased. On the advice of a friend, I bought the tool, Digox, the main thing is that the cost is low, although they ordered it online, I did not find it in the shops. Does it help me from bedbugs, I don’t know yet, we'll see in a few days, but the fleas are gone right away.
Margarita, Odessa
The appearance of parasites in the apartment was a surprise for me, why did the bugs start upI can not understand, because I live in Moscow, and not in the village. A friend gave Fyfoks, her husband handled everything. The smell in the apartment was terrible, along with the bugs and we ran away from home for two days. But now there are no nasty bugs. Now I pay more attention prevention of bedbugs.
Tamara, Moscow