Vinegar against bedbugs in the apartment

Of all home-based anti-parasite products, bedbug vinegar is the most affordable and simplest. This food supplement is inexpensive, sold everywhere and, most importantly, safe for humans.

Vinegar and bedbugs

Selection of the optimal drug fight bedbugs in his home - a difficult household question, depending directly on their number. If there are not so many parasites, then it is quite possible to try the popular method of using vinegar against bedbugs that has been proven over the years.

Some nuances should be considered:

  • insect repellent is less effective than professional chemical treatment of the apartment, but with regular performance yields positive results;
  • The main effect of vinegar is not to destroy the pest, but to scare it off with its sharp smell;
  • to treat all the rooms in the house with vinegar - the occupation is rather troublesome and requires strict observance of all known rules.

On a note!

Acetic acid is capable kill bedbugs Only if you throw them directly into the bottle with this reagent.

Processing rules

Vinegar for bedbugs
Vinegar for bedbugs

Before you apply the vinegar from the bugs in the apartment, you need to know the secluded places, where parasites can hide:

  • bed, mattress and all linen;
  • baseboards around the perimeter of the room and sockets;
  • the lower part of the carpet, the floor under the furniture;
  • inside furniture on clothes;
  • in the cracks of the window frame and at the bottom of the window sill;
  • on the walls behind the paintings and at the joints of the wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

An important advantage of using this tool is the absence of a toxic and chemical reaction. Vinegar against bedbugs in the apartment is best used in a situation where it is impossible to use the house strong chemicals for several reasons:

  • live small children and pets;
  • people with severe allergies to chemical odors and substances;
  • there is no possibility to leave the apartment at the time of processing.

A significant advantage is the low price and availability of food supplements: the ability to buy it in large quantities in the store, without causing great damage to the family budget.

Disadvantages of vinegar treatment:

  • strong smell, which not every person will easily carry;
  • weak and short-lived effect.

Effect of acid on bedbugs

The question of whether the bugs are afraid of vinegar can be answered as follows: insects are afraid his smell, from which they are trying to escape away.

Acetic acid acts on insects with its specific aroma, which causes them to crawl out of secluded places and look for another place to live (to their neighbors). Therefore, the more means to use, the stronger will be the smell and the more effective the reaction of parasites.


On bedbug eggs vinegar treatment does not have a detrimental effect.

The disadvantage of this method is that getting rid of bloodsuckers is possible only for a certain time, as long as the strong odor holds on.Quickly remove bedbugs with vinegar at home will not succeed. Therefore, there is a high probability that the insects will return again in 10-14 days and will have to process the whole apartment again.

Bedbugs and eggs
Bedbugs and eggs

This method is often used for prophylaxis in a situation where it is known that neighbors will poison bugs: it can be used to protect your home from numerous invading pests.

Recommendations for use

Before you poison the bedbugs with vinegar, the room must be prepared:

  1. To clean the room, disassemble and inspect the bed.
  2. Bed linen and fabric products should be washed at high temperatures (or boiled).
  3. Furniture move away from the walls so that there is free access to the rear walls and baseboards around the perimeter.
  4. Pictures and photo frames from walls should be removed and inspected for insects;
  5. Inspect all the furniture and find colonies of parasites.
  6. Acid use is better than 9% concentration (a weaker essence from bedbugs does not help), use a spray bottle for irrigation.
  7. Spray carefully all sorts of places likely accumulations of insects, you can even pour them, plinth slush soaked in a solution with a brush.
  8. Although the vinegar is non-toxic, but from the strong smell will help wearing a gauze mask.

If the house has a bottle of acid undiluted (70%), then you need to know how to dilute the vinegar from bugs in a concentration of 9%, which is safe for humans. To do this, the mixture is made in a ratio of 12 ml of acid and 88 ml of water, which ultimately gives 100 ml of 9% acid concentration.

Application with other means

Vinegar for the destruction of bedbugs is better to use in a private house or in the country, where the parasites will die, most likely, running behind the walls of the house. Breeding insects in this way in the apartment will be short-lived, because after a while they can return.

Remedies for bedbugs
Remedies for bedbugs

Get rid of bedbugs with vinegar can be using solutions in equal proportions, which act stronger:

  • acetic acid and corvalol;
  • with turpentine;
  • mix with decoction wormwood;
  • Use a mixture of acetic acid, medical alcohol and naphthalene.


We had a struggle with these insects in the country: we poured boiling water, vinegar. The whole cottage, the furniture, and we breathed. It was not very pleasant, and most importantly, the bugs left at first, and returned 10 days later! So the vinegar works only temporarily. Now we will look for other ways to get rid of bedbugs.

Elena, Moscow

I found these parasites in my bed completely unexpectedly. Reread many folk ways to deal with bedbugs, I decided to try the cheapest at first - I poured vinegar in the apartment. The stench was incredible, I had to run away for the night to a friend. When he returned, the smell decreased, the parasites fled, and for two weeks did not appear. And then the invasion began again. I gave up and summoned the professionals, now everyone is exhausted for sure - he collected them himself and carried the bodies to the trash.

Vladimir, Kiev

To use vinegar from bed bugs - the event is very laborious and gives only temporary relief, because after a while the insects return to the apartment, again disturbing the rest and sleep of all residents.

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Bed bugs

