What and how to poison bugs at home


If you understand that there are bedbugs in the apartment, then you need to quickly take action. After all, they feed on human blood and are capable to carry diseases. And it does not matter where the contaminated apartment is located: in Moscow, Ryazan or Novosibirsk, you need to start poisoning bedbugs immediately, and the sooner the better.

Bed bugs may appear in any apartment. They can be brought with books, furniture (even new), purchased things, brought from a business trip or brought from guests, or the bugs will pass from the neighbors. Therefore, a thorough inspection of the premises during the cleaning will never be superfluous. At the first detection it is necessary to take emergency measures.

Fighting bedbugs in the house
Fighting bedbugs in the house

There are many different methods that people resort to in such situations. People tend to start poisoning bedbugs first. folk methodsand if they do not give the desired effect, then go to the chemical drugs or contact the appropriate services. You should not buy the first available product and try to poison the blood suckers with it. In order to save money and time, it is advisable to do the following:

  • To consult the workers of the sanitary-epidemiological station, what means they can recommend to fight bed bugs at home;
  • Ask friends who are already familiar with this problem, what tool they used;
  • Ask the neighbors what they poisoned bedbugs and buy another drug, if the indicated one does not help.

After receiving and analyzing this information, you can go in search of an effective toxic chemical and begin to poison the blood suckers.

Preparatory activities before processing the premises

Before you begin the process of destruction of bedbugs, you must perform a number of actions preparation of the room for processing:

  • Revise things that can not be processed and in the absence of parasites on them tightly pack or take out of the apartment;
  • Remove from the room all pets;
  • Offer all those living in the apartment to leave it temporarily.

On a note!

Hope that you can not get rid of all the parasites in one treatment. This is only possible if they do not have time to breed. Quite often, this procedure, how to poison the bedbugs in the apartment, requires repetition. This can be explained by the fact that the chosen method is not entirely effective. After all, there is no one single universal remedy that can get rid of all synanthropic insects.The duration of the fight depends on the degree of contamination of the room, the insecticide chosen and the method of treatment.

The use of any poisonous substance, especially at home, requires compliance with safety measures. You must purchase a respirator or gauze bandage, rubber gloves, spray bottle and protective clothing. Preparing in this way, you can proceed to the destruction of bed bugs.

Detailed step-by-step instructions on how and how to poison bugs in an apartment can be obtained from videos posted on the corresponding Internet resources. But first you need to find places of the greatest congestion. This will help "kill the enemy in his lair." After cleaning the apartment with a vacuum cleaner, you should begin the process of disinsection. Selected methods determine the means that will have to poison the bugs.

Habitats of bedbugs in the house
Habitats of bedbugs in the house

The maximum effect in this fight can be achieved if you do the following:

  • If possible, find all places of insect mass accumulation and destroy them mechanically;
  • Provide access to the walls and baseboards, moving furniture away from them at a distance of at least 15-20 cm;
  • Carefully process sofa, all soft and wooden furniture, beds, mattresses, plinths, door frames, ventilation wells, walls behind carpets and paintings, all holes and crevices;
  • Bed linen should be washed at a high temperature, preferably 90 degrees, and pillows and blankets clean the dry cleaners.

Folk remedies for the destruction of bloodsuckers

Long-term coexistence has led to the fact that mankind has accumulated a lot of quite effective recipes, which make it possible to poison the bedbugs in the apartment. If bloodsuckers do not die, they will run away from this room. Folk remedies well help in the initial stages of the fight against parasites. People advise using:

  • Herbs have a strong odor, and they can be used both fresh and in dry form. Bedbugs do not tolerate sagebrush, rosemary, tansy, calamus, chamomile and other plants with a rich smell. This method allows you not to destroy the bugs, and give them the opportunity to leave. Reception is well used for preventive purposes. Means prepared on the basis of a decoction of herbs can be sprayed indoors and poison the bloodsuckers;

    Grass from bedbugs
    Grass from bedbugs
  • A mixture of kerosene with turpentine, diluted in boiling water, her bugs are afraid. Insects' habitats are poured with this solution in order to poison them there;
  • A tool made of naphthalene, kerosene and turpentine helps to destroy the parasites. It is applied to the possible places of accumulation of blood suckers;
  • Recipe for villagers, which includes denatured alcohol and naphthalene. They can successfully poison the bugs in the apartment.
  • Kerosene, turpentine, green soap, gas, vinegar, lube and other household chemicals help to poison insects.

There are many recipes based on the above components. They are mixed in certain proportions, brought to the desired consistency and then applied to the processing room. Some help better, others - worse, it all depends on the number of insects. To refuse categorically from these methods is not worth it, because folk remedies have a good deterrent and preventive effect, and they are also absolutely harmless to humans. This is the cheapest way to poison the bugs in the room. The right choice of toxic substances will help clean the home.

Chemical toxic substances

Fighting bedbugs in the house
Fighting bedbugs in the house

The chemical industry offers a large assortment of insecticidal preparations that effectively poison unwanted guests. These tools are quite aggressive towards parasites, but require caution, as they can cause discomfort to people. They are produced in the form of sprays, solutions, gels and dusts. What can poison the bedbugs in the apartment should be clarified with the SES professionals, or those who have coped with them on their own.

Aerosol Insecticides

This form of toxic drugs is in great demand. Reasonable price and ease of processing - their distinctive features. One barrel is enough for a one-room apartment. The drug acts instantly and at 100% through direct contact with bedbugs. Getting into the respiratory tract and the body of insects, the poison has a neuroparalytic effect, which leads to their death. After 10 to a maximum of 20 days, it is necessary to re-disinsect to fix the result. Aerosol preparations It is advisable to use in a not very contaminated room and take precautions when working with them. Baiting bedbugs involves the use of one of the following tools:

  • Dichlorvos - the most common and frequently used insecticide. Distinctive features - availability, efficiency and economy. It is sprayed directly on insects and allows to poison them, both on firm, and on soft surfaces and fabrics. The drug has a sharp, unpleasant and poorly weathered odor. It has a high degree of toxicity;

    Remedies for bedbugs
    Remedies for bedbugs
  • Aerosol Raptor from bedbugs - sprayed in places where insects accumulate. The poison infects the nervous system, and the parasite dies within 24 hours, infecting its relatives;
  • Combat - highly effective aerosol preparation. Thanks to special nozzles, it allows processing and poisoning of bugs in hard-to-reach places. Citrus flavors create the effect of stealth. The disadvantage is the high cost of the drug;
  • Spray Raidhaving a long duration of action. Harassment of bugs with this tool involves the treatment of insects, as well as the places of their accumulation and movement. It is undesirable to use on upholstered furniture and fabrics, as it leaves an oily film on surfaces;
  • Clean house - an effective drug with a high concentration of toxic substances. Spray is toxic to humans and pets. Complex processing of the room allows you to get rid of living individuals. The disadvantage of the drug is its safety for deferred bedbug eggs, therefore, re-disinfection of the room will be required.

On a note!

The use of all these toxic substances will bring a certain result. Than to poison the bedbugs in the apartment, everyone decides for himself, but for maximum effect it is recommended to alternate several types of aerosol preparations.

Powdered Insecticides and Chalks

Powders, dusty and crayons are often used for fight bedbugs. A good result in baiting bugs is given by means containing poison of contact action, which acts on the principle of the virus. Scattered powder and surfaces treated with crayons will prevent the spread of the parasites and poison them. The effect of their use persists for four to five weeks.

  • The powder Neopin and Chlorofos is used for the preparation of poisoning solutions, which are used to treat the places of accumulation of blood suckers.
  • An inexpensive dust Clean House, Phenaxine. The drug crumbles in hard to reach places and can serve as a prophylactic agent.
  • The tool Ryolan showed an excellent result in the fight against bloodsuckers, but the frequency of treatment can reach three or more times.
  • Means Fas represented by dust and powder for the preparation of an insecticidal solution.

How to poison bugs with the help of powder insecticides can be found in the instructions attached to them.

Chlorofos from bedbugs
Chlorofos from bedbugs

Highly effective liquid preparations

The most popular tools that are developed and widely used for bedbug destruction by professionals and at home, are:

  • Executioner - the development of German scientists. The tool is manufactured under license in Russia. The active ingredient fenthion violates the passage of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of the insect. It is necessary to breed and process the room strictly according to the instructions. The tool is in high demand among the population due to the affordable price and the ability to effectively poison the parasites. How much is the drug can be specified in specialized points of sale;


    “As soon as we found bugs, they immediately called the sanitary epidemiological station. We did not fit disinfection cost, so we decided to get a hangman. They poured the sofa, removed it to the balcony, the bugs crawled under the carpet, but the “executioner” and found them there. Great tool! ”

    Alexandra, Krasnodar

  • Insecticide - According to experts, this is the best remedy for bed bugs of domestic production. It has a neuroparalytic effect, leading to the death of the insect. During the work with a preparation it is necessary to observe precautionary measures and strictly follow the instructions stated in the instruction;

    Means Insecticide
    Means Insecticide
  • Geth. Harassment bugs effective microcapsule remedy allows you to get rid of them very quickly. Drug from the group odorless products, does not leave marks and low toxicity for people. Blood suckers spread the drug on their body and infect entire populations, leading them to complete destruction. In the lineup microencapsulated insecticides there are still Ksulat 25, Minap 22 and others.
  • Tetrix. The use of this poison does not leave even the slightest chance for parasites to stay alive and allows them to be removed forever.Professionally disinsectors consider it one of the best among those drugs, than poison bugs. The disadvantage is the high cost and complexity of the acquisition. Feedback on the Internet about the results of the application confirms its high efficiency. The remedy is toxic, therefore it is necessary to poison bugs, observing the precautionary measures.


“They called home service, paid 4,000 rubles. The smell was incredible, but, true, the bugs disappeared. It turned out that the means that poisoned insects - Tetrix. It could be done on their own. "

Lyuba, Omsk

In the chemical products market, besides the above-mentioned toxic substances, a large number of modern effective insecticidal drugs. The quality guarantee of the events depends on the use of original insecticides only.

If all attempts to get rid of annoying and tenacious bloodsuckers on their own have not been crowned with success, then it is worth contacting special services. An experienced disinfector will hold processing apartments from bedbugs professional preparation of the new generation, to which the parasites have not developed habituation and immunity.It will tell you how to poison domestic bugs in case of re-infection and how to protect yourself from "uninvited" guests.

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Bed bugs

