The cost of disinfection from bedbugs in the apartment

Appearance bed bugs in the house, apartment phenomenon is not uncommon. Unpleasant insects give people a lot of trouble. They bite, leave on the body bite marks, causing itching, irritation and even purulent wounds. Bed bugs can be carriers of infectious diseases, allergies. The place of their habitat, they choose mattresses, sofas, beds, wardrobe.Due to the flattened shape of the body, they are able to hide in hard to reach places, therefore detect bedbugs in the apartment very hard. Bloodsuckers show their activity at night, as they are afraid of light.

Get rid of bedbugs by yourself It is very difficult, so the best option is to turn to professionals for a procedure such as disinfecting an apartment from bedbugs. Folk remedies and the preparations will be able to scare away insects only for a while, but they are not able to save the apartment from their presence. That is why the disinfection of bedbugs in Moscow, other settlements - the best method of struggle. Conduct it with the help of special chemicals - insecticides. This is a reliable, versatile way that will save a house or apartment from "undesirable and hated neighbors."

Habitats of bedbugs in the house
Habitats of bedbugs in the house

On a note! Disinfection from bedbugs - work for the destruction of microorganisms, infectious diseases, toxins. Bed bugs do not belong to any of these categories. These bloodsuckers are insects, so the terminology should be correctly applied to them, namely, it is necessary to say, not disinfection, but disinsection from bugs.People prefer to pronounce the first option, so the article will also be used. Turning to a specialist on the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment, he will understand correctly, but the search engine will produce less desirable results.

Apartment preparation for disinfection

Disinfection from bedbugs in an apartment is a serious event requiring a special set of activities. It is necessary to get rid not only of bedbugs, but also eggs. An important role is played by the preparatory stage. It is correct preparation of the apartment for disinfection. The list of works will be provided by a specialist after the inspection of the object. Basically, disinfection of apartments from bedbugs in Moscow, as well as in other cities, should be carried out under certain conditions, for this it is necessary to prepare:

  • To do a wet cleaning of all the premises available in the apartment that will be treated. It should be done carefully, since after disinfection of the surface it is not recommended to wash for several days.
  • Products close in containers or packages, clean in a cold place. It is advisable to do this outside the home.Dishes, books, paintings and all the little things in the house should also be packed with cling film. For pets and flowers it is advisable to move to acceptable conditions for a few days.
  • Bed linen should be boiled, washed and also packed: bedbugs lay eggs in the folds of duvet covers and pillowcases.
  • The apartment is disconnected from the power supply: sockets that are very fond of bugs, are subject to disinfection.
  • If possible, the room should be freed from things. Furniture overturned legs up.

If the bloodsuckers appeared after the owners returned to the house, it means that they also went on a journey with their suitcases and things. Re-disinfection of bedbugs is necessary.

Stages of disinfection

As soon as the preparatory work in the apartment is completed, the contract for the provision of the service is concluded, the specialists proceed directly to the performance of their functional duties. Consider in stages how disinfection from bedbugs.

  • Preparatory. An ESS worker (unified sanitary service) arrives at the apartment, checks how ready she is for disinfection.If everything is in order, the exterminator prepares the groundwork for starting work.

    Processing Services
    Processing Services
  • The apartment is disinfected 2 times. First, each room is processed around the perimeter. After that, the specialist handles all things and items in detail. Time for disinfection depends on the area of ​​the apartment, the duration of the presence of parasites and the degree of infection. If the owners of the apartments found out the pests and immediately turned for help to a company such as the disinfection service for bedbugs, it would take not much time, about 3-4 hours.
  • Subsequent processing. The cost of the service provided includes the use of drugs and the installation of a "protective barrier". Disinfection of apartments from bedbugs in Moscow is carried out using various methods and techniques. The price of the service provided also depends on this. The arsenal of the ESS service includes such methods of bed bug control: cold or hot fog, barrier protection, and combinations thereof.

The question of how much disinfection costs is unequivocally impossible to answer and in many respects it depends on the methods chosen. Consider what they are.

Cold fog

To create a spray device is used. The chemical is heated to room temperature and the spraying process begins. At the exit, quite large drops are obtained, which, settling, immediately have a long-lasting effect on bugs. The disadvantage of this method is that large drops cannot penetrate into hard-to-reach places. It is necessary to make a second call to a specialist, and the price of disinfection from bedbugs will increase.


“We were advised to carry out hot disinfection. But the cost of its services is quite high. Therefore we ordered cold mist treatmentThe price for this service is 2 times less. The result is excellent, we sleep normally, the bugs do not bother us anymore. ”

Eugene, Perm

Hot mist

For disinfection of bugs in this way, the drug is heated to + 60 ° C. Because of the difference in temperature, the droplets on spraying are much smaller than with cold mist. They better penetrate cracks, cracks and re-disinfection is required. Hot mist treatment involves the use of expensive drugs, which leads to higher prices for the service.

Hot mist from bedbugs
Hot mist from bedbugs


“We ordered cold fog treatment from the ECC, but we could not get rid of the bloodsuckers in the apartment. I had to do the order again, but this time with the help of hot mist. The result was great. ”

Irina, Lipetsk

Barrier Protection

It is necessary so that the disinfection of rooms from bedbugs is not repeated. After the main treatment, the apartment is subjected to additional irrigation using special preparations containing repellent repellents. As a result of interaction with oxygen, a protective film is formed, which prevented the bugs from moving. Such protection is placed no more than once every 3-4 years. The ESS service works round the clock, guarantees its work.

You should know that after the professional treatment of the apartment pest control is not over. If you do not want to be again plagued by issues such as the cost of disinfection from bedbugs, the choice of method and the call of specialists to the house, you should always listen to the recommendations to follow the instructions:

  • Well ventilate the room, wash all small objects. Wet cleaning should be done at least 3 days after disinfection.Walls, ceiling, plinth should not be cleaned for a month.
  • Pets should be thoroughly cleaned with disinfectants. The plants need to wipe every leaf.
  • During the wet cleaning, special attention is paid to hard-to-reach places where eggs, larvae of bedbugs can remain.

When these conditions are met, you can be sure that the insects have left the apartment forever and will not return to it anymore.

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Bed bugs

