How to independently deal with bedbugs in the apartment

The most unpleasant inhabitants of modern apartments are bed bugs. In our age of high technology, the fight against bedbugs remains relevant and so far does not make it possible to get rid of them once and for all on a planetary scale. It is still possible to achieve certain results at the local level.

Fighting bedbugs in an apartment is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. Today it is not difficult to find out what an insect looks like, because videos and photos with them can be found on the Internet.

Bugs in the apartment
Bugs in the apartment

How to determine that in the house there were bugs

Very often, people are unaware that these terrible insects have started in their home. This is due primarily to the fact that bedbugs are nocturnal, as well, it seems that there are still not very many of them.

Causes of bedbugs There are a lot of houses in the houses, and the result is that there are bloodsuckers in the apartment, and you need to quickly decide where to start and what effective way to deal with bed bugs.

There are a number of signs that will accurately allow detect the presence of bedbugs in the apartment. If you find:

  • Blood stains on the bed;
  • Bedbug bites on the bodyresembling a kind of "track";
  • Spots or dark points on furniture, wallpaper, baseboards and other objects;
  • Very unpleasant odor near the upholstered furniture,

Be sure to fight bedbugs.

Before proceeding to the destruction of insects, you must install habitat bedbugs in the apartment. Since these are night parasites, then they should be looked for in dry, well protected from light places. There you can find insects of any stages, from eggs to adults, as well as their metabolic products. It is necessary to start fighting with them from these nests. The apartment should be carefully inspected, especially under the wallpaper and baseboards, near the doors and windows, as well as in all available crevices and holes.


In the most careful way it is necessary to examine the space near the beds and the beds themselves. After all, the main objects of attack for parasites are people. In some cases cats and dogs become victims of bedbugs, birds.

Bugs in the house
Bugs in the house

The most popular methods of dealing with bedbugs

Having found the habitats of bedbugs in the apartment, it is necessary to urgently begin the destruction of insects. How to deal with bedbugs in the apartment, everyone decides individually. The problem of their extermination does not concern a single apartment or house. This is a kind of planetary catastrophe.

The centuries-old history of fighting bugs has developed a number of techniques to get rid of blood-sucking insects at home. Among them are:

Before choosing one or another method, it is necessary to understand the essence of each of them and evaluate the possible risks of use in accordance with the criteria below:

  • The degree of effectiveness of the method used;
  • The safety of using the technique for the inhabitants of the apartment;
  • How simple and convenient is the bed bug control method;
  • What is the probability of damage to home furnishings;
  • Financial availability of the technique.

Folk recommendations

The long history of “living together” with bed bugs allowed to accumulate a huge number of effective and safe recipes to get rid of bed bugs. The main focus of these recommendations is on the absolute safety of all used means for humans.Popular wisdom says that in the fight against bedbugs will help:

  • Acetic Essence. Divorced in certain proportions, it is used to scare off bloodsuckers, because bugs are afraid of sharp odors;
  • A mixture of turpentine and kerosene is used for wiping or spraying in places of the most probable habitat of insects;
  • Naphthalene and green soap help eliminate parasites;
  • Valerian, tansy, rosemary, sagebrush, calamus and other plants with a specific smell are used in fresh or dry form. They are laid out in corners, under beds and mattresses and in other places.

    Folk remedies for bedbugs
    Folk remedies for bedbugs

Great amount folk recipes Based on these components today can be found on the Internet and successfully used to remove and destroy bedbugs. And it will not be expensive.

On a note!

Folk methods of insect control in the apartment do not always cope with the task. They are best used as preventive measures.

Physical or temperature method

As well as the previous one, this method is best used to prevent and prevent the infestation of a room by parasites.Physical methods of dealing with bedbugs are associated with certain difficulties and inconveniences. They involve the use of very high or extremely low temperatures, which create unfavorable conditions for life bugs. Despite this, there is no 100% guarantee of getting rid of bloodsuckers.

The process of destruction of parasites involves the following actions:

  • Thorough cleaning of the room and destruction of the available populations of bedbugs with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Steam generator treatment, boiling water, industrial hair dryer of things in the apartment, as well as baseboards, crevices, wooden furniture, frames, surfaces and other possible habitats of insects;
  • The destruction of heavily contaminated items by burning;
  • Freezing household items in an apartment using liquid nitrogen;
  • In non-residential premises it is possible to use gas burners for burning out the habitats of bedbugs.

    Fight against bedbugs
    Fight against bedbugs


The fight against bedbugs in an apartment on their own according to this method involves re-processing the room after a short period of time. To secure the effect, all personal items and upholstered furniture should be tightly packed for quite a long time.time. All slots, baseboards, joints and holes must be sealed with special materials.

Mechanical way to deal with bedbugs

Very labor-intensive, inefficient way to reduce the number of parasites for a short time. It is best used as an auxiliary tool for all other methods. This is explained by the fact that one cannot do without it, as it allows:

  • Detect bed bugs nests due to mechanical effects on interior items;
  • Destroy or collect runaway insects with the help of available materials or a vacuum cleaner.

All methods of dealing with bed bugs are good. The main thing is the result.

Chemical method

The most effective method of dealing with bedbugs in the apartment with the help of insecticidal drugs. The chemical industry offers a huge amount of drugs of different prices and quality. The effectiveness of these tools largely depends on the correct application and the degree of contamination of the room. Toxic chemicals are available in various forms. What kind chemicals choose and how to deal with bedbugs, each person decides for himself, or taking into account the opinions of others.

Working with insecticidal drugs requires mandatory compliance with safety measures.Their essence is that the treatment of infected areas should be carried out in special protective clothing - a mask, a suit, gloves. All living in the apartment, including pets, are removed from the premises. The form of the drug is determined by the specific circumstances that have developed in a particular room. Consider with the help of what drugs you can get rid of annoying parasites in the apartment.

Aerosol Insecticides

Fighting bedbugs in the house
Fighting bedbugs in the house

Ease of use of toxic substances in the form of aerosols is that they provide an opportunity to process hard-to-reach habitats of bedbugs and have a strictly directional effect. Due to this, the efficiency of their use increases. However, these drugs to combat bedbugs in the apartment have a very strong and persistent odor. After a certain time, the room must be ventilated and a thorough wet cleaning should be carried out. Rules for working with aerosol preparations and precautions are set out on each spray.

The most popular are:

However, it should be noted that some of these poisons are completely harmless to deferred bedbug eggs. You can purchase the required drug in the trade or pharmacy network of Moscow or other regions. Experienced consultants will tell you how to deal with bed bugs and help you decide on aerosol selection.


“When the bugs appeared, we noticed it very quickly. We decided to buy the Raptor, which helps from most insects. The bugs disappeared, but after some time they saw bites again. As we were told later, it is necessary to process the premises and furniture several times, since the eggs of the bugs may not die during the first treatment. ”

Irina, Perm

Highly concentrated liquid toxic substances

Very popular in the fight against insects in the apartment are concentrated preparations. They have high performance in dealing with them. The main advantages of poisons are

  • Efficiency;
  • The ability to handle large areas of the apartment and hard-to-reach places through the use of spray devices;
  • High probability of complete disposal of bloodsuckers due to the high concentration of the active substance.
Liquid toxic substances
Liquid toxic substances

After carrying out disinfecting measures, the apartment must be ventilated after a specific period of time and with the help of a soap-soda solution, rinse all treated surfaces. Their effectiveness in the "unequal" fight against bedbugs was confirmed by:


“In our apartment there were bugs. Oddly enough, with new furniture! They used the popular "Executioner" to fight and did not regret: after several treatments, the insects disappeared. "

Olga, Sevastopol

Microencapsulated insecticides

An effective way to deal with bedbugs involves the use of modern microencapsulated drugs. The activity of substances persists for six months or more after the treatment of the apartment. The smallest capsules, falling on the parasite, are spread by them, due to which large numbers of individuals are infected. This type of insecticide has a neuroparalytic and contact-intestinal effect, as a result of which insects and their populations are destroyed. Microcapsule drugs are completely harmless to humans. Geth, Ksulat C 25, Minap 22, Mikrofos +, Karate Zeon and other representatives of the latest poses are widely represented in a specialized network of stores. How many times it is necessary to carry out the treatment against room bugs depends on the level of contamination of the room and the correctly chosen control technique.


"In the fight against bedbugs, they used" Ksulat C 25 "on the advice of relatives who had previously encountered the same problem. For complete destruction it took only 3 treatments, and this despite the fact that both furniture and sockets were infected! ”

Denis, Moscow

Insecticide Powder Forms

Insecticide Powder Forms
Insecticide Powder Forms

The most popular powder preparations are Fas means, Ryanap, Doust, Phenaxine, Pure house, Pyrethrum, Karbofos, Mikrofos and other varieties of similar forms of toxic substances. They are highly effective in the fight against bedbugs in the apartment, cause minimal harm to a person, do not have a sharp unpleasant odor and are characterized by a long period of exposure. Powder preparations have a neuroparalytic effect, leading to the death of individuals.


"From the bedbugs helped" Clean Home ". Inexpensive and effective means.We did without specialized companies! ”

Ekaterina, St. Petersburg

Sanitary and epidemiological services

If the methods used to combat bedbugs at home do not bring the desired result, the most correct solution would be to turn to professionals. SES employees will hold processing apartment highly effective professional preparations of the last generation and will help to get rid of the blood suckers forever. They will recommend effective drugs for bedbug bites and will advise on how to prevent unwanted guests from entering the premises.

The cost of disinfection from parasites in Moscow or another city will depend on the area of ​​the premises, the degree of infection and the drugs used. It is more expensive than other methods, but faster and more efficiently.

Self-control of bedbugs will provide positive results if you use high-quality drugs, carry out the processing in time and have the necessary knowledge.

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Bed bugs

