How to independently find a nest of bedbugs in the apartment

For several decades, people believed that they got rid of bed bugs. But in recent years there has been a surge in the growth of the number of blood-sucking insects and the question of how to detect bedbugs in an apartment has become again relevant.

What does the bug look like

Before you start searching for the habitats of blood-sucking insects, it is worth exploring its appearance. Adults hungry individuals have a flattened wingless body from 3 to 4 mm. In the fat state, it can increase to 8 mm. The color of the insect also depends on the degree of satiety and varies from light brown to dark brown. Feeds bed parasite once every 7-10 days. In the absence of food, it can fall into a state of anabiosis and remain in it for up to a year. Live bugs up to 1.5 years.

The female lays eggs with enviable regularity. Ovipositions are usually found in hard-to-reach places in an apartment. Bedbug eggs in appearance they resemble rice, only they have a smaller size, no more than 1 mm. You can see them only with a magnifying glass. Bedpan eggs can be light colored, almost transparent or yellowish. The outer shell is very durable and contains a sticky substance, thanks to which the egg can be attached to any surface, be it vertical, horizontal or curved. As a result, they become difficult to detect. In one egg-laying is usually from 5 to 12 eggs. In order to ensure the survival of their offspring, the female bug places the egg-laying in different places. In the egg stage, the insect remains under favorable conditions for 5 days, with an unfavorable 25 days.

Bedbugs and eggs
Bedbugs and eggs

From eggs hatch larvawhich entomologists call the nymph. Its size depends on age and ranges from 0.5 mm to 2 mm. The shape of the body is the same as in adult bed bugs, only transparent. The photo shows the contents of the stomach of the larvae. As they grow older, the nymph sheds - drops the shell, which she becomes small. For the entire period the larva molts 5 times. The development of a nymph to a full-fledged adult lasts 25 - 40 days.

Parasites feed at night, the rest of the time they spend in shelters where they are difficult to detect. Clusters are usually called nests, although the structure in them is absent.

On a note!

Bedbug nests are a chaotic accumulation of eggs, chitinous membranes, which are left behind by nymphs, miniature feces with a specific cognac smell, the larvae and the bugs themselves.

Traces of bedbugs in the house
Traces of bedbugs in the house

Signs of bedbugs

Bedbugs in the apartment for a long time do not give out their presence, which makes it difficult to find them at an early stage of infection. You can find annoying guests by characteristic features:

  1. Specific bites - a clear sign of infection of the apartment by parasites. For bedbugs bites The linear location of the punctures on the body is typical - the tracks, each of which has from 3 to 6 wounds. The bite is a red spot, resembling a blister, with signs of swelling and a bump in the center. With careful examination in the middle of the wound can be seen the puncture.
  2. A well-fed domestic parasite is very vulnerable to mechanical stress, so it is easy to crush. Usually it happens by chance and in the morning you can find dark brown specks on the bed.
  3. Waste products - litter, different in dark color and similar to miniature poppy seeds, you can find them on the bed, wallpaper, in the habitat of bugs. The chitinous shells that the larva dumps can be found anywhere in the apartment where the insect moved.
  4. For apartments in which the bugs are firmly established, is inherent peculiar smell. Some give it the aroma of brandy, others feel in it the notes of fermented raspberries.
  5. If you suspect the presence of blood-sucking insects should use a simple way. Set the alarm for 3-4 o'clock at night, after the signal, immediately turn on the light and remove the blanket from yourself.With high probability on the body and bed will sit a few individuals. If the bugs did not have time to breed in large numbers, repeat the process of identifying parasites the next night to detect them. Simplify the "hunt" for parasites is a popular way. Tape around the perimeter of the bed with adhesive tape and check in the morning sticking insects.

    Scotch from bedbugs
    Scotch from bedbugs

Where to look for bedbugs

A universal way to detect bed bugs in an apartment is reduced to a scrupulous detailed examination of the room, as it is rarely possible to find them. Insects fall into apartments different ways. Transfer from neighbors through the ventilation shafts, penetrate through the cracks on the walls. To overcome a distance of several meters for them is not difficult. Bloodsuckers can be brought from business trips, traveling in luggage or getting into an apartment with purchased furniture. Often a person, unwittingly, brings to his home a couple of individuals on his clothesby visiting an infected apartment.

Bedbugs living in an apartment prefer to dwell closer to their prey, and therefore most often do not bother themselves with a long search for “housing” and settle directly in the beds. Given the fact that most apartments can not boast an impressive number of square meters, almost any place in the house is located in close proximity to the power source of bedbugs. Therefore, armed with patience, a flashlight and protective gloves, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of all the details of the interior, the decor, in order to find the parasites, if they nevertheless settled in the apartment.

The most favorite places of clusters of domestic bugs:

  1. Starting the search is best out of bed. Usually bedbugs begin their settling in an apartment with mattresses, sofas, chairs with soft upholstery. They have all the conditions for a comfortable stay and breeding, and the "feeder" is literally a few centimeters, which allows you to quickly find food. It is necessary to carefully examine all the joints of the mattress, if brown or black feces on the surface look like tiny balls are found on it, you may have to rip the mattress. "Smoke out" the insect from the shelter, you can use the smell vinegarkerosene.
  2. Frame furniture: wardrobe, dressers, bedside tables. Carefully inspect the contents, the bug may even show up in underwear or hide in synthetic clothing.With the help of a flashlight, carefully examine the state of the joints, all kinds of mounts, shelves, pull-out drawers. The rear walls of frame furniture in an apartment enjoy particular love with bedbugs.
  3. The space under the floor and wall carpets. Wall carpets in the apartment - a symbol of prosperity in the era of the USSR, bugs make up quite often.
  4. Blood-sucking insects willingly inhabit all hard-to-reach places in the apartment. The walls behind the furniture, which is usually moved only during repairs, the space near the radiators, under the window sills, in the cavity of the eaves.
  5. All sorts of cracks in the walls, plinth. Bedbugs in the apartment are well acclimatized under the departed wallpaper, linoleum.
  6. The space behind the pictures, in the sockets, bookbinding, flower pots, children's soft toys, wall radio.
  7. The nest of modern bugs can be found in household and digital appliances.

    Habitats of bedbugs in the house
    Habitats of bedbugs in the house

How to detect bedbugs in bed

Before you detect bedbugs in bed, you should prepare yourself morally. The appearance of one bug causes disgust and disgust, and their nest - the picture is generally unflattering.Most of the impressionable people who find themselves in bedbug nests are afraid to stay in the apartment after that and suffer from lack of appetite for several days. If all the symptoms indicate the presence of parasites, it will not be an extra measure on hand. means for the destruction of bed bloodsuckers.

The search begins with the study of the mattress. All bedding, including mattress cover, should be removed. First, examine the surface of the mattress for the presence of excrement, chitinous shells. Every seam and hole is examined with particular scrupulousness. When the slightest sign of egg-laying is found, the mattress is usually ripped to reveal insects. Further actions depend on what you see. With a large accumulation of insect populations and infestation of the mattress, its fate in most cases ends in a trash can, especially if it is very old. In this case, it is easier to buy a new one than to spend a lot of time and money on its processing.

After the inspection of the mattress is completed, it is necessary to proceed to the study of the spring mechanism, the body of the bed, the attachment points.The bed must be moved so that it is possible to check the condition of the floor. There, too, can be found parasites. Needless to say, when detecting nests in a bed, it is undesirable to be near her at close range, usually no one has such a desire.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

How to detect bedbugs in the couch

Sofas in the apartment - no less a favorite place of settlement of bedbugs in the apartment than the bed. It is not known for what reasons, but the Soviet-era cloth sofas won a special love of bedbugs. Inspection of the sofa begins with armrests, the joints of parts of the sofa. You can use an unnecessary plastic card and use it to check all the grooves and gaps. The presence of black dots, balls, husks - characteristic signs of the activity of bugs.

On a note!

Find a nest of bedbugs in the apartment, most often possible directly under the upholstery of the sofa. It is also necessary to move it away and explore the back side and the space of adjacent walls. Behind the sofa, too, there is the likelihood of detecting parasites.

With a small infection get rid of bedbugs in the couch quite achievable.If there are too many parasites, then this piece of furniture is usually disposed of.

What to do if during the inspection found bugs

If in the process of inspecting the apartment at least one individual of a parasitizing insect was found, then the only thing that needs to be done is to take steps to destroy them. Bloodsuckers multiply at rapid speeds and the faster start fight bedbugsthe less time consuming and costly the process will be. By their own will, bloodsuckers will not leave their “settled” places. For bed bugs destruction you must contact the SES or make independent attempts and purchase the appropriate drugs for the extermination of insects that are on sale.

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Bed bugs

