How and what to starve bugs at home

Bed bugs - pests occupying leading positions in the list of parasites that poison human existence. And the view that bloodsuckers settle only in Khrushchev and hostels, is completely wrong. The habitat of bloodsuckers is very diverse, even the cleanest apartments are exposed to their invasion. The cause of bedbugs can be not only things brought from a business trip or travel, but also neighborsand even pets. Therefore, the question of how to kill bedbugs in an apartment becomes relevant for those who once discovered signs of the presence of parasites.

Signs of infection

Bites on the body, bloody stains on the bed, a peculiar smell, as well as waste products in the form of excrement and chitinous covers discarded during the molting indicate that the bugs were brought into the apartment. The ideal way out of this situation would be to contact the disinsection service. but bedbug disinfection cost not everyone can afford, so many people prefer to kill bedbugs at home on their own.

Bedbug bites
Bedbug bites

Processing methods

Anyone who has made such a decision will ask you how to independently kill bedbugs in an apartment. You can destroy the parasites by chemical and physical methods of exposure. Given that any chemical drug has a certain degree of toxicity, it’s still not worth arguing about the absolute safety of such a drug. After all, it is unlikely that inhalation of insecticidal vapors or prolonged contact with the skin surface will add health. Therefore, it is safer to kill the parasites in a physical way.The combination of these methods will help to achieve maximum results.


What is absolutely safe and affordable to free up bedbugs is freezing. This is the ideal treatment for bed linen, baby clothes and furniture. Also, it is better for them to use people with allergies. It is enough to take out the infected items or clothing in the cold. Air temperature below -20 degrees is detrimental for both adult parasites and their eggs. However, it takes some time to freeze mattresses or frame furniture because of their “thickness” and volume. Frost bloodsuckers need at least 24 hours.

On a note!

Much more time this method will require, if it is used to process the apartment itself. In order to avoid a rush of heating and drain pipes, they must be carefully wrapped with insulating materials.

Exposure to high temperatures

Steam generator
Steam generator

In the absence of severe frosts, you can kill bedbugs in an apartment using steam generator (steam cleaner). High temperatures above +45 degrees are also dangerous for bloodsuckers. Enough hot steam to walk on all surfaces, folds and seams of clothing, a mattress or furniture, to get rid of parasites.You can create such a temperature in the room with the help of fan heaters.

Regarding contaminated clothingthen it is recommended to “roast” on the glazed balcony on a hot summer day or wash it in hot water.

Both ways to destroy bedbugs are effective in infecting things or individual objects. For the treatment of large areas, it is preferable to use chemical preparations of insecticidal composition.


You can kill bedbugs in the apartment by yourself. chemicalswhich can be in the form of:

  • aerosols;
  • concentrates;
  • microencapsulated funds;
  • Dustov and crayons.


Bed bugs aerosol means - One of the very common methods of struggle. The composition of these drugs include insecticidal substances that have nerve effects in relation to insects. Aerosols can be purchased at any hardware store or Moscow market. High efficiency and ease of use are their main advantages. In addition, most of these tools have a pleasant smell and are low-hazard to human health.Especially in demand aerosols of the following brands: Clean house, Combat, Raptor or Dichlorvos.

Aerosol Clean House
Aerosol Clean House


Aerosol Raptor - just a universal remedy. Once it was used to harass cockroaches, it coped with bedbugs. Recommend.

Alexey, Krasnodar


Preparations of this type are a concentrated emulsion based on insecticides. It is diluted with water, according to the instructions and the resulting solution is sprayed with infected surfaces. The most popular means for staking bugs are: Forsyth, Tetrix, Fufanon or Malathion.

Microencapsulated drugs

Great effectiveness in the fight against bloodsuckers differ microencapsulated drugs. Usually the staining of bedbugs with such a tool does not require re-treatment. The preparations are based on insecticides, which are placed in special capsules. Due to this, the agent has a long protection period (up to 5-6 months). Particularly famous are microencapsulated preparations of the company. Geth, Delta Zone, Minap 22 or Lambda Zone.

Get Bedbug Remedy
Get Bedbug Remedy


He burned bloodsuckers at home alone means Geth.Only one treatment was enough to completely get rid of bedbugs. And the disinsectors are not needed, and saved money.

Nikolay, Ryazan

Dusts and crayons

Such means for the staining of bugs are ineffective, they are used more in prophylactic purposes.


Starve bugs small Masha - waste of time. The insect population will only increase during this time. Therefore, it is better to use more effective means.

Nina, Tagil

Chalk Masha-1
Chalk Masha

Processing rules

Having decided to kill the bugs themselves, it is necessary to examine the apartment for the presence of bloodsucker nests in it. More often parasites inhabit in the sleeping area. Therefore a bed or sofa should be disassembled into components, as for the most part it is the blood-suckers who settle in the places of attachment. Bed linen, curtains, and clothing should be washed in hot water and heat treated with an iron. If possible, use bleach.

The prepared insecticidal agent for the staining of bugs is used in accordance with the instructions. They are carefully treated bed, cabinets, tables, cabinets, bookshelves, window sills, plinths,as well as openings for electrical outlets. For the staining of bedbugs in the crib and baby things it is better to use a steam generator. They can also go through all carpet products.

If self-processing did not produce results, then it is better to call specialists to the house, because to bed bugs in Moscow with a guarantee can many pest control services.

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Bed bugs

