Professional breeding bedbugs in the apartment
- Professional processing
- Special services
- Room treatment for bedbugs
- Tetrix tool
- Hot mist
According to statistics, over the past 10-20 years, infection bed bugs in the world has increased. Treatment for bedbugs has become less effective due to the generation of blood-sucking insects resistant to most insecticides. The economic downturn in the world led to the emergence of wealthy countries in Europe and the United Statesimmigrant workers.
Moscow did not escape this fate. Guest workers have to live in unsanitary conditions. Lack of adequate surveillance leads to the emergence of a huge number of synanthropic parasites - bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, lice. Despite the fact that in Moscow there are many large companies and tiny "little firms" involved in the destruction of insects, it is difficult to find serious professionals.
Who makes pest control
Before ordering the treatment of an apartment for bed bugs, you should “get acquainted” with the contracting company. Due to the huge number of companies offering paid services, disinsection for many more in the preparatory stage turned into a lottery. Treatment by bedbugs carried out by non-professionals using counterfeit or unlicensed insecticides will at best have a short-lived result. In the worst case - breeding bedbugs may result in the loss of a large amount and the health of the customer.
But in Moscow there are reputable companies with many years of experience and modern equipment, contacting which will give a guaranteed result,and the treatment of an apartment from bedbugs is not shocking at exorbitant prices.
According to reviews, companies that you can trust are:
- The Federal Disinsection Center “Geradez” has been providing disinfection services since 2007, and since 2012 it has become a federal network with 45 regional offices. To make the price of treatment for bedbugs competitive, Geradez uses domestic products that are cheaper than imported products, but no less effective. Disinsectors use tools such as Tetrix, Cucaracha, Diazinon. For creating barrier the penetration of bedbugs by specialists from Geradez will involve various traps.
- Company Clean City - accepts orders, mainly from legal entities for the processing of large premises - warehouses, hotels, shopping centers. Works sanitary service and with individuals. The firm does not provide a guarantee.
- Sanitary Service SanMarDez - processing services for the premises of bed bugs are provided to individuals and legal entities. Processing is carried out with a warranty period. The scope of activities covers Moscow in the region up to 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road. When signing the contract, processing of staircases, elevators, platforms is carried out. Issued a corresponding document.
- KlopStop - the company provides round-the-clock departure of experts on a call, issues all necessary documents and guarantees confidentiality.
- SES ECO-Capital - The company's warranty is 1-3 years. Processing is carried out against all insects in the apartment. SES guarantees the confidentiality of the treatment and the execution of the order on the day of the application.
- Moscow City Sanitary Service - round-the-clock acceptance of applications and departure to the apartment of the customer. The service ensures that the repeated treatment of premises from bedbugs will be free, provided that there are no insects from the neighbors.
On a note!
Existing disinsection companies in Moscow are not worse than those listed. Simply named SES have more positive reviews, an impressive client base and attractive deal conditions.
Prices for professional services
How much is the treatment of bedbugs in Moscow depends on many factors, among which are taken into account:
- the volume of the processed area;
- the degree of contamination of the premises;
- type of tool used;
- remoteness from the center of the capital and departure for the Moscow Ring Road;
- the possibility of processing additional beds (normally in each room should be 2 beds);
- availability of programs of discounts and benefits provided to a certain contingent of customers.
The cost of services of some companies is affected by the duration of the warranty provided (from 1 year to 6 years). Experts evaluate whether re-pest control is needed. In case of severe contamination, when repeated processing of the premises is required, this is also included in the final amount. Some companies for an additional charge clean the apartment and put the furniture in their places.
The price in Moscow as of 2017 fluctuated within the following limits:
- 1-bedroom apartment - 1500-2000 p;
- 2-room apartment - 1700-2200 r;
- 3-room apartment - 1900 - 2400 r;
- 4-room apartment - 2100-2800 p.
The lowest price was at “Geradez”, and the highest - at “KlopStop”.
Refine specific disinfection cost You can by phone, describing the artist all the nuances of the problem.
Used SES drugs
When choosing a company, it is necessary to specify what is used for housing and production facilities. For the treatment of premises from bed bugs, preparations that are safe for humans and pets should be used for the professional disinsection of residential and non-residential premises. Many of them are odorless.Processing of upholstered furniture produced sparing preparations that do not leave stains on the upholstery, as well as wallpaper, decorative fabrics.
Some companies provide the choice of the drug to the customer - domestic or imported, with or without the smell. Widely used microencapsulated funds. The owner of the apartment can order additional services - to poison insects in bathrooms, rooms in front of the apartment, to process the staircase.
On a note!
At the request of a specialist, one of the tenants may accompany them to follow the destruction of the bugs. Hire respirator included in the amount of the order.
Among the domestic means used by companies, it is worth mentioning:
Among imported products are Tetrix, Effective Ultra, Chloropyrivite, Difocarb, Geth.
Ways to pest control
All of the above mentioned deserts are well equipped with modern devices, with the help of which you can quickly carry out processing and destroy the entire colony. Sanitary treatment of bedbugs in the apartment is carried out through installations of hot and cold fog.
Hot treatment of bugs is performed using a special generator, which heats the solution to a temperature of 50-90 ° C. A special nozzle breaks the drops of the drug into tiny particles that hang for a long time in the air. The advantage of the fog method is that insecticidal substances hang in the room for several hours, evenly settling on the surface, penetrating into secluded places, where bugs are hiding. The settling time of the hot mist is longer than the cold due to the high temperature.
Hot mist It acts more effectively than the cold, having a damaging effect due to high temperature (bugs die by temperature above 45 ° C for 5-10 min) and the properties of the insecticide. It is possible to bring out all forms of insects - imago, larvae, the eggs. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to fully settle. Sometimes the customer can not return to the apartment during the day. Hot mist allows you to remove bedbugs at once and forever.
Order processing from bedbugs can be, leaving a request on the website of the company and the specialists will call back themselves, or discuss everything with the disinsector beforehand by calling the specified phone number.
On a note!
You can call the exterminator at home in many companies around the clock, which saves the customer time. Departure of a specialist occurs within 1-3 hours.
Preparing the room for the arrival of the exterminator
Processing the anti-bed bug room will take quite a bit of time if prepare an apartment by the arrival of a professional. To work effectively and achieve a good result, a specialist needs space and access to all corners of the apartment. Before calling the disinfector, you must:
- remove food and hygiene items;
- take out the flowers;
- clothes dry-cleaned or boiled, washed in hot water;
- curtains, tapestries, pictures removed;
- furniture move away from the walls.
To get rid of bedbugsYou should entrust the disinsection of a company with a solid reputation, all the relevant licenses, trained specialists with extensive experience and modern equipment. Destruction of bedbugs - A matter of highly qualified professional disinsectors. Worth noting scabby bite and you need to make an order, seek qualified help,so as not to aggravate the situation and not to bring housing to the parasites until mass. Timely started struggle guarantees success.