How to get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches

Of all the synanthropic insects in Moscow, bugs and cockroaches are the most annoying to humans. They get along well together in the same apartment, as their food sources are different. Combines parasites with the difficulty of hatching and rapid adaptation to chemical components.If you choose the wrong strategy, the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches can be delayed for several months. Therefore, in order to solve the problem in a matter of hours, days, people turn to health services.

Benefits of applying to public health services

When bugs and cockroaches start up in the apartment at the same time, you should not delude yourself that you will be able to destroy them with the same means. Despite the fact that the lifestyle of nighttime pests is mostly nocturnal, the way they eat is different. Effective home remedies - boric acid, gels, baits, traps will act on cockroaches, but it’s absolutely useless to get rid of bedbugs.

Boric acid
Boric acid

Blood-sucking parasites both in the adult and in the larval state feed on blood. Cockroaches prefer organic food. Prusaks in the absence of food supply may pay attention to bedbug eggs. But given their different habitats in the apartment, one cannot hope for the quick destruction of the offspring. It is also important that cockroaches for about 40 days can do without food at all. A more significant role for their vital functions is water.

On a note!

Adults bed bugs and maggots in the absence of food, they are able to fall into a state like hibernation. In it, they can stay up to a year.

The most reliable and effective way to get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches is the use of insecticides. Given the huge range of chemicals, the average consumer will take a lot of time just to study their actions, effectiveness, reviews. Buying insecticidal agents for the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches, there is no guarantee that they will have the proper effect. Self-testing of drugs is comparable to the lottery.

The cost of professional tools to combat parasites is several times higher than the price of household chemicals. Therefore, the disinsection carried out by the workers of health services, in this case, will cost almost the same amount as the acquisition of expensive insecticides.

Room treatment for bedbugs
Room treatment for bedbugs

The advantages of contacting a specialized service:

  • it is possible to bring out bugs and cockroaches in one procedure;
  • moderate cost;
  • saving your own time;
  • obtaining a guarantee for the work performed;
  • used means for the destruction of insects are safe for people and animals living in the apartment.


When tried get rid of cockroaches in the apartmentI tried to display them with all available means: gel, Dichlorvos, boric acid. They disappeared for a short time, and then returned again. With the advent of bedbugs hands dropped. Appealed to the health service, did hot mist treatment. Now I live and I can not rejoice - not a single crawling individual in the apartment is observed.

Angelina, Moscow

Professional methods of combating parasites

The destruction in Moscow is carried out by the same methods as in other cities. Previously, an expert assesses the situation, identifies the degree and extent of infection of the apartment. Then determined the method of eliminating bedbugs and cockroaches.

The most common methods of fighting insects:

  1. Hot mist. The procedure is carried out by means of a hot mist generator. Within seconds, the working solution is heated in the unit above 50 ° C, the components are split into tiny particles and fill the space in the room like a cloud. Insecticidal mixture is suspended for several hours. When deposited on the surface of the thinnest film is formed, which has a prolonged action.Contact of an insect with it leads to the death of the parasite. Most of the population, including eggs, dies instantly. This type of treatment is used for heavily infected apartments, houses.
    Hot and cold mist processing
    Hot and cold mist processing
  2. Cold mist treatment has a lot to do with hot. The only difference is that the mixture with the poison does not heat up, its temperature corresponds to the environment. The insecticidal cloud also hangs in the air for some time, penetrating into all the microcracks, crevices, shelters where the pests hide. Then envelops the surface, creating a protective and destroying barrier.
  3. Complex treatment of bugs and cockroaches by means of fine irrigation, a protective barrier and hot mist allows you to get rid of pests, mold, fungi, bacteria.

For the destruction of insects pest control use drugs from different price categories. The budget option is domestic chemicals that have a specific odor.

On a note!

Premium tools are microencapsulated drugs. Due to the fact that all chemical components are placed in microcapsules, they do not emit aromas.

The use of such insecticides is possible even in apartments where allergy sufferers, children, pregnant women live.


Having tried many drugs to kill cockroaches and having spent a lot of money and time, I decided to turn to SES. The result was satisfied. The procedure itself did not last long, there were no obvious smells, and all the Prussians were gone.

Sergey, Khimki

How much is the treatment of an apartment in Moscow

In the capital, there are several dozen companies, companies specializing in disinsection. The cost of the service is influenced by the following factors:

  • the area of ​​the processed apartment;
  • disinsection method;
  • remoteness from MKAD;
  • insecticide selection.

Throw cold bugs and cockroaches in Moscow in a one-room apartment will cost 1600 rubles, hot fog 4400 rubles. The cost of services in all services is approximately the same. The price difference is commensurate with 100-200 rubles.

Professional processing
Professional processing

On a note!

When drafting the contract should pay attention to the conditions of the guarantee. A number of companies charge for it a separate fee. Warranty may not apply if the ventilation holes are not protected by nets, if there are cracks in the walls.The complex epidemiological situation, the processing of one room in the apartment also become a reason for refusal to conduct a repeated free-of-charge disinsection.


Sanitary destruction service is directly involved in the extermination of parasites. Preparatory work and cleaning after the procedure is not their responsibility. Only some companies provide cleaning services for a fee.

Algorithm of actions before the arrival of the exterminator:

  • ensure the absence of households, cold-blooded and warm-blooded pets;
  • take out the aquarium if there is no such possibility - cover it with glass and turn off the compressor;
  • all things that will not be processed, pack in sealed bags, packages;
  • products, hygiene items removed from the treated area;
  • move the furniture away from the walls, if possible remove the carpets, the mattress from the bed, the side walls of the upholstered furniture (when processing from bedbugs);
  • carry out wet and dry cleaning.

The procedure for the destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Duration depends on the area of ​​the apartment, interior items. An observer is given a respirator. Should be strictly observed recommendations of specialists at the end of the disinsection. Ignoring instructions eliminates the efforts of the exterminators, which will directly affect the result:

  • after processing, close the windows, vents and leave the apartment for the period recommended by the health worker;
  • upon return, ventilate the room and process with soapy water only those surfaces and pieces of furniture that you have to contact daily;
  • High-quality wet cleaning is possible not earlier than 14 days after the insect extermination session.

Choosing a reliable company, following the recommendations of experts will allow you to forget about the existence of parasitic insects in an apartment for a long period.

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Bed bugs

