Destruction of bedbugs in the apartment with a guarantee

Having discovered in his house bed bugs and recovering from a shock, a person wonders how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment. In this situation, there are two options. The easiest and easiest way is to go to the disinsection service and place the problem on the shoulders of professionals. The second way is to try get rid of bedbugs by their own efforts. Disputes about which option is preferable, do not lose their relevance. Rating and analysis of all methods and means for the destruction of bedbugs will help to make the right choice.

How to destroy bed bugs

In order to understand how effective this or that tool will be, it is necessary to determine the factors that contribute to the destruction of an insect:

  1. Bed bugs, maggots, eggs die at temperatures below 20 ° C and above 50 ° C.

    The death of bedbugs
    The death of bedbugs
  2. Insecticides have a different effect on the parasites. Most of them can exterminate only adults and larvae and are not able to destroy the eggs. The use of such tools involves multiple repetitions.
  3. Bedbugs fear some odors, aromas can either scare them away for a while, or lure them, but not destroy them.
  4. A certain category of drugs is designed for contact with insects, for example, crayons, powders, dustytherefore, it’s not worth counting on the complete destruction of bedbugs in the apartment.
  5. Bed bugs adapt very quickly to chemicals and the tool that helped Aunt Glasha may be completely ineffective in your case.

To completely get rid of the blood suckers in your apartment, you must detect all places of bedbugs - nests. One remaining surviving female or several eggs is enough for the population to be revived within a few months.

Traces of bedbugs in the house
Traces of bedbugs in the house

How to destroy bedbugs in the apartment by professional means

When contacting specialized services, employees of the company assess the extent of infection, clarify whether a child, an invalid, a pet lives in an apartment, and ask questions about the presence of allergic reactions in all households. After that, based on the wishes, financial possibilities, the following types of treatment of the apartment are proposed:

  • chemical processing;
  • hot mist;
  • cold fog;
  • barrier protection.

What is hot fog

The destruction of bed bugs hot mist is recognized as the fastest and most effective way. To implement it, a thermal or thermomechanical hot mist generator is used. The insecticidal mixture is heated to a temperature above 50 ° C by means of a device, it is split into the smallest particles ranging in size from 3 to 20 microns and sprayed in the contaminated room.

The active substance is distributed throughout the room, including even the most inaccessible crevices for humans, which can hide bugs. After some time, the substance settles and covers all surfaces with a film, from contact with which the bloodsuckers die.

On a note!

Most of the parasites die instantly, since contact with the hot vapor of the aerosol liquid is deadly for them.

Hot mist from bedbugs
Hot mist from bedbugs

Professional generators heat the mixture to a temperature of 80-90 ° C, which provides instant destruction of nests, eggs, larvae. Due to the high temperature, the fog is held for a long time and allows you to destroy domestic bugs, which for several reasons did not die at the time of irrigation. The insecticidal cloud lasts from 3 to 6 hours,after settling, it is necessary to wait another 3-4 hours and only after that you can start the wet cleaning, after ventilating the room. In the first days it is impossible to wash the floors, baseboards, walls. For safety reasons, it is necessary to thoroughly wash those items with which the household has the most contact.

Despite the high penetrating power of the drug, it is necessary prepare the apartment for processing: move furniture away from walls, provide access to baseboards, close windows and air vents, remove bed linen. In the treated room should not be people and animals. Conduct independent hot mist treatment at home is irrational due to the high cost of the generator.


“Bedbugs started in the apartment a year ago. To quickly get rid of unwanted neighborhoods, turned to a specialized service. The staff advised us a hot fog. The procedure itself lasted about 1.5 hours. Since it is impossible to enter the room for 6 hours, they decided to spend the night at their parents. After returning home, they began to clean, but on the advice of the exterminators, the floors were not washed for 10 days.There were a lot of corpses on the floor, especially near the baseboards. After the disinsection, the bugs were no longer seen. ”

Elena, Saint Petersburg

The price of the service of destruction of bedbugs in Moscow by hot fog

Bed Bug Extermination Services1 room, rub.2 rooms, rub.3 rooms, rub.Additional data
Moscow disinfection420048006000There are discounts of 50%
Moscow Sanitary Service400044004700Bathroom, kitchen, toilet, kitchen 1 200 rub.
Sanitary epidemiological station 4 seasons2400270032003 year warranty, barrier protection as a gift
Mosklop400044004700Warranty 2 years, extra charge for extra bed 300 rubles.
Clean house310035003900Warranty 2 years, barrier protection as a gift

The price may differ from the price list depending on the distance of objects. In some companies, travel is included in the price of the service, in others it is paid additionally. Some companies consider how many beds are located in the room and charge for each one that does not fit into the limit.

The destruction of bedbugs cold mist

Compared with traditional spray guns cold mist application has a greater effect on the destruction of bedbugs. In sprayers the particle size reaches 100 microns, and in cold fog this value varies from 30 to 80 microns. Using a mist generator, the insecticide mixture is sprayed indoors.Due to the small size of the active particles, the aerosol cloud does not settle for a long time, and chemicals penetrate into the smallest gaps and pores of materials. After the apartment has been treated with a cold fog, it is necessary to leave it for a few hours.

Cold fog from bedbugs
Cold fog from bedbugs

There are household generators of cold fog, with which you can fight insects on your own. Destruction of bedbugs will require certain skills and the acquisition of personal protective equipment. The cost of units starts from 25 000 rubles. Acquisition of the drug may be justified if you own a private boarding house, poultry house, etc. It should be understood that the result of the extermination of bedbugs also depends on the correctly chosen insecticides. Professional pest control agents use 3–4 degrees of toxicity, which are safe for humans and harmful to insects.


«Causes of bedbugs in the apartment could not figure out. There is an assumption that the bloodsucking individual was brought from a business trip. In our city, the choice of specialized services is small and therefore, in order to get rid of bedbugs as soon as possible, they decided to call specialists from a private company.On the recommendation of the staff chose cold mist treatment. By the time the process lasted about an hour. The disinsector left detailed instructions, what to do after the harassmentwhom I adhered to. The bugs disappeared, but the smell lasted for almost a month, so I advise everyone to clarify which drugs will be used to kill the parasites. ”

Oleg, Perm

The destruction of bed bugs in Moscow with the help of cold fog is carried out by many firms. Service cost in 2017:

Bed Bugs Service1 room, rub.2 rooms, rub.3 rooms, rub.Additional Information
Moskklop1800210024001 year warranty
Sanitary epidemiological station 4 seasons140020002200
Clean house1600200024001 year warranty
RossDez250028003000360 days warranty
Moscow Sanitary Service170020002300Kitchen, bath, corridor, toilet 1 200 rub.

Chemical processing

Services for the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment can offer a more budget option - chemical treatment of the room. The cost of services in Moscow starts from 1200 rubles for a one-room apartment. Depending on the choice of the client, a wide variety of insecticides are used for the disinfection of the apartment, which are strongly smelling and odorless.

Chemical Handling
Chemical Handling

Professional firms for the destruction of bedbugs, and not one-day firms, always give a guarantee. In the case of bedbugs after disinsection, the first re-treatment is free. Professionals do not use the same remedy twice, since, after the first baiting, the resistance of the surviving individuals is 30%, after the second - 50%, after the third - 70%, and after the fourth, the bug bug completely adapts to the product.


“After the strange chains of bites appeared on the body, I suspected that bed bugs appeared in the apartment. To dispel all doubts, I set an alarm for 5 am. After the call, I instantly woke up, turned on the light and abruptly pulled the blanket off. That feeling of disgust and horror, which I experienced at the sight of several creatures on my body, cannot be described in words. Therefore, without any hesitation, immediately appealed to a specialized service, in order to speed up the process, I went to private traders. The guys came the next day. They donned their overalls in the apartment in order not to provoke the extra interest of the neighbors. For the processing of 2-room apartment, I paid 1600 rubles. For a month, not a single bug bothered me.Then he accidentally saw a half-dead, barely crawling bug on the wall and again called the disinsection service. To my surprise, the second time poisoned bedbugs for free. After that, a year has passed, and the bugs no longer bother me. ”

Igor, Moscow

Barrier Protection

Barrier disinfection prevents the entry of insects from neighboring apartments, from the street through the balcony, that is, it creates a zone of alienation for migrating bugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes. This effect is achieved by irrigating the walls with special preparations containing repellents. When hit on the surface, they create an invisible film.

A kind of chemical circuit can reduce the chances of pests from neighboring apartments, but the possibility of infection cannot be completely ruled out. Concentration means may not be sufficient for the death of the bug.

On a note!

If the parasite lived in an apartment and has already managed to acquire offspring, barrier protection will not harm it. In this case, only comprehensive measures to control bloodsuckers are needed.

Barrier disinfection preparations do not emit odors. The active scent can be felt within a few hours after barrier disinsection.Cost of barrier protection against bedbugs varies from 700 to 900 rubles for a one-room apartment. Many companies provide a service as a bonus or in combination with the rest for the destruction of pests.

Overview of specialized firms in Moscow

Professional destruction of bedbugs in Moscow with a guarantee - almost all advertisements of Moscow services, which position themselves as disinsection, begin with this phrase. It is extremely difficult to make a choice among many enterprises.

State SES - the most durable company whose activities are related to the removal of pests, mold, disinsection and disinfection. One of the advantages is an inexpensive price for services and high quality of work. The big drawback is bureaucratic red tape. If you believe the reviews, to call the master and wait for the arrival of a specialist, you will need to have remarkable patience and beat the thresholds of the reception. You can speed up the process when submitting a collective application, especially if it contains complaints about bug bite allergy.

Processing Services
Processing Services

In addition to the state SES, there are many commercial organizations that specialize in the destruction and breeding of bed bugs and other pests. The advantages of private firms:

  • confidentiality;
  • quick response to applications;
  • departure of experts to any district of the city;
  • in the presence of appropriate licenses, the company can acquire effective insecticides that are not available in retail trade for the public;
  • the ability to handle hard-to-reach places, thanks to professional equipment.

The destruction of bedbugs in Moscow is guaranteed by a number of companies.

Destruction of bedbugs in Moscow

Company NameYear of discoveryWorking hoursAdditional InformationContact phone numbers
Moscow City Council2005around the clockWarranty up to 3 years8 (495) 741-93-98

8 (926) 040-30-70
Mosklop1997around the clockWarranty from 1 to 5 years, the inspection of the object is free8 (499) 343-40-61

8 (925) 814-59-36
Sanitary epidemic 4 Seasons1999around the clockWarranty 6 months to 3 years8 (495) 364-58-82
Martin-York LLC2012Round the clock, after 21-00 the cost of disinsection is 20% cheaperWarranty card from 6 months to 2 years8 (495) 642-49-22

8 (926) 694-42-54
Clean house2008Acceptance of applications and the work of masters around the clockA guarantee of 12 months, constant discounts for pensioners, disabled people8 (495) 641-63-20

8 (926) 815-29-32
RossDezNo dataAcceptance of applications around the clock, disinsection of premises from 7-00 to 20-00360 days warranty8 800 100-52-82
Disinfection Center Geradez2007No dataAdditional services for relocation of furniture and cleaning of the room after disinsection, warranty service for 1 year, the implementation of remote visits8 (495) 777-55-17
Sanitary epidemic 242003around the clockDiscount system when processing 2 or more apartments8 (499) 347-70-74
Moscow-Sanitary Service2007around the clockWarranty up to 3 years, discounts up to 40% during promotions8 (978) 212-50-73

8 (495) 740-98-96
Moscow DisinfectionNo dataaround the clockGuarantee 1 year, departure of the master for MKAD is paid according to the tariff8 (495) 532-60-87
Bedbug 24No dataaround the clockLong-term guarantee of extermination of parasites8 (916) 316-10-40

How to independently destroy bedbugs in the apartment and whether to do it

The most popular effective ways to destroy bedbugs:

  • the use of high and low temperatures;
  • the use of chemicals;
  • folk remedies.

Destruction of bedbugs with the help of folk methods is ineffective. Herbal remedies wormwood, wild rosemary tansy can only scare off pests for a short time, as well as vinegar solution, essential oils. A mixture of turpentine, gasoline, ethyl alcohol and other flammable, strongly smelling liquids can not guarantee complete disposal of bloodsuckers,since their action is based on direct contact with the pest. In addition, to handle the entire apartment with these mixtures is not possible.

The destruction of bedbugs on their own with the use of temperature regimes is fraught with certain difficulties. Freezing urban apartments can lead to the destruction of the heating system, and temperatures above 50 ° C are not typical of the European climate.

Remedies for bedbugs
Remedies for bedbugs

The most effective destruction of bedbugs in any apartment is the use of industrial insecticides. With the right concentration and low room contamination, self-harassment can be very effective. In this method, there is one major drawback - the adaptation of parasites to chemicals. There is a high probability that homebugs will have to taste more than one remedy before there is an effective one.

Destruction of bedbugs on their own can aggravate the situation. Incorrect chemical dosage, illiterate destruction strategy, ineffective drugs will lead to the fact that the bugs will continue multiply actively, occupy the apartment and in the end, you still have to call specialists.

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Bed bugs

