Bedbugs in the mattress and beds

One of the most common parasitic insects that settle in human habitation are bugs. The source of food for them is human blood, as a result of which small “torturers” prefer to settle in a bed or in a bedside area. That is why the parasites were given the name sofa, bed, mattress or bed bugs.

Insect features

In nature, there are a large number species of bedbugs. Recognizing bedbugs living in a bed is a snap. The lack of wings is their main feature. Due to this, transparent segments of the segments are clearly visible on the transparent insect shell.

Adult bedbug size can reach a length of up to 9 mm. In the hungry state, the abdomen has a rounded shape, after the hearty lunch, it is extended almost 2 times. It is possible to distinguish a saturated parasite by a dark color, hungry pests of a light reddish tint.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Another distinctive feature is the presence on the small triangular head of the bug of the long trunk, formed by the fused jaws. It is this hard and durable organ, divided into two channels, that it pierces human skin. According to one channel, the parasite consumes human blood, from the other it releases a special anesthetic substance. Due to this, the victim does not feel the bite. How the bed bug looks like can be seen in the photo below.

Unique in bedbugs is and breeding process. The male forcibly pierces the abdominal wall of the female with his sexual organ, fertilizing it. After that, the seed products of the male are stored in a special organ of the female andconsumed by it as necessary. On the day, the female individual lays up to 5-10 eggs, in its entire life - about 500 pieces. After 3-4 days of them appear maggots (nymphs), which molt every week, and after 1-1.5 months, become mature individuals.

Mattress bugs live for about a year. It is also surprising that in the presence of uncomfortable conditions for the existence of insects can fall into anabiosis. Parasites do not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Temperatures below -17 degrees and above +50 degrees are detrimental to them.

How bedbugs appear in housing

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

The appearance of bedbugs in the dwelling does not indicate the unsanitary condition of the room. Bloodsuckers settle in close proximity to the person. Waste and garbage, unlike cockroaches or Prusaks, they are not interested. Therefore, bugs can appear even in a new apartment, where the cleanest mistress lives.

Main ways of occurrence of bedbugs in the apartment:

  • Switched from neighbors. Especially if they started pest control, but not effectively enough;


    After the owners changed in the next apartment, they began to find cockroaches in their kitchen and bedbugs in the bed.The treatment was done more than once, trying to cope with pests, but the result was very short. From what the situation only aggravated. In addition, it turned out that this problem arose not only in our apartment. This went on until they gathered with their neighbors and called disinsection service for the destruction of bedbugs. But with the mattress still had to leave.

    Maria, Omsk

  • Find a bedbug in a bed can be in a cheap hotel, motel or train car. As a result, it is likely to settle such a “lodger” at home;


    Being on a business trip had to stay in a hotel. When I found the bug in bed, I understood the cause of the red itchy spots on my body. And looking under the mattress, I was horrified - the insects there were just infested. Had to look for another hotel. And on arrival home all things urgently rubbed, very afraid to bring bed bugs home.

    Valentina, Moscow

  • When buying books, clothes, paintings and other second-hand things. Also, buying furniture from your hands very often you can find bedbugs in a mattress or sofa.

Signs of the presence of bedbugs

It’s not always possible to see bedbugs in beds due to their small size. Insects go hunting only in the morning, when their future victim has the deepest sleep. Understand that in bed bugs, the following symptoms will help:

  • waste products - the presence of black crumbs (excrement) resembling ground pepper, as well as dry chitinous covers, discarded during the process of molting, indicate the presence of pests, more often they can be found in the seams of the mattress;
  • if the mattress is impregnated with a specific smell, reminiscent of soured raspberries;
  • blood stains on the bed after bed bugs bites;
  • bites on open skin areas - they can appear in different places, especially pests affect children's skin, as it is more tender;
  • yellow spots on the sheet indicate that bedbugs have settled in the bed.

Below are the bugs in the mattress in the photo.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Ways to fight

Finding signs of bedbugs in bed, you should immediately start a fight with them. The question of how to get rid of bedbugs in the mattress arises in anyone who has encountered such a problem. In this situation, you can use the services of the disinsection service and order professional treatment of the apartment or hound yourself, using chemical or folk remedies.

  1. With a strong infestation of the mattress bedbugs it is better to get rid of it. Since the persecution of the mass accumulation of insects is very expensive. To the parasites do not spread throughout the house, the mattress is wrapped in plastic and taken out in such a way on the street.
  2. With an insignificant degree of infestation of the mattress, bed linen is removed from the mattress, which is necessarily subjected to washing and heat treatment. Similarly, do with a mattress cover (if any).
  3. Using a vacuum cleaner with a mattress remove the bugs deposited egg laying
  4. If the sofa or bed have armrests, then it is better to unscrew them. So it will be possible to more carefully process the beloved ones. habitats of bloodsuckers.
  5. In the winter season, when it is freezing outside, the freezing method will help to free the mattress from the bugs (the air temperature should be no higher than -17 degrees).
  6. Treat the mattress from bedbugs can and using steam generator (heat is also harmful to insects).
    Steam generator
    Steam generator
  7. For the destruction of parasites, many use kerosene.It is mixed with water in a ratio of 2: 1, after which the soap is added to the resulting mixture and mixed thoroughly. It is better to process surfaces and hard-to-reach places with the obtained solution using a spray bottle. After a week, the treatment process should be repeated.
  8. You can get rid of bloodsuckers with the help of turpentine, phenol and salicylic acid. They are taken in a ratio of 40: 20: 3, respectively. The treatment is carried out in a similar way.
  9. If there is no result when using the methods described above, apply to the treatment of the bed and mattress effective chemicals. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product, as bugs quickly develop immunity to many insecticides. You should also consider the degree of infection, the presence of smell and the level of toxicity. The greatest demand from the consumer means Geth, Executioner, Fufanon or Cucaracha. They have a long residual life, which makes it possible to rely even on the death of the larvae that will hatch after treatment.
    Get Bedbug Remedy
    Get Bedbug Remedy
  10. After treatment with insecticidal preparations, the mattress is repeatedly vacuumed from already dead insects by vacuuming.
  11. It is recommended to replace the mattress in case of infestation by pests of a baby cot, while wooden parts should be washed with hot water. After this design is subject to processing antiparasitic agent. It is important that it is as safe as possible for the health of the child and does not have a specific smell. An example of this is Pyrethrum powder. If the treatment of the bed is highly toxic, the child is isolated from the room for several days.

Anyone can find a bedbug in his bed. In such situations it is important not to get lost and not to leave the situation to chance, but to urgently take control measures. Only timely processing will give a quick and effective result and will help get rid of bedbugs.

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Bed bugs

