What and how to process clothes and things from bedbugs
- Bed bugs
- Habitats of bedbugs in the house
- The death of bedbugs
Dull bugs got their name because of localization. They are also called linen, bedding, household, room. Despite the fact that the inconspicuous insects do not pose a mortal danger, their appearance in the apartment is comparable to a natural disaster. Remove bedbugs extremely difficult. Even if the entire population is destroyed, and one fertilized female will remain - in 30-45 days the colony will be restored.Therefore, the treatment of things and clothing from bedbugs - a mandatory item in the program to combat pests.
How do bedbugs get into an apartment, house
Bedbugs are small in size, their dimensions are predetermined by satiety and can vary between 3-8 mm. A hungry insect has a flattened shape of the body, which provides it with protection from mechanical stress. Bed bugs only human blood or warm-blooded animals are impressed.
On a note!
Reliably identify the cause of the occurrence of pests is not always possible. The myth that bloodsuckers choose a dwelling place with unsanitary conditions as their habitat has long been dispelled. Bugs with the same probability can be found in a luxurious mansion, and in a dilapidated hut.
There are several ways of penetration of pests in the house:
- moving from neighbors on engineering communications, cracks in the walls, floors;
- after visiting the places inhabited by parasites: dormitories, hotels, motels, bedbugs in things are not uncommon; several individuals may well choose their luggage and subsequently settle in the apartment;
- buying clothes, used furniture;
- bugs are carried in clothes and shoes - an insect does not have to get lost in folds, pockets, hoods, and the homeowner and his guests can bring bloodsuckers to the house in this way.
By the nature of their activities, I often have to drive around on business trips. Hotels come across different, in some traces of bloodsuckers are visible to the naked eye. The wife is worried that bed bugs on clothes will go home. Therefore, in order to prevent attempts to penetrate an insect into a suitcase, I always keep it closed. Upon arrival home all the things the spouse immediately shifts in a large hermetically sealed package and hangs them in the closet only after washing.
Vladislav, Moscow
Abode parasites
Once in the house, the insect is looking for a dark, secluded place to settle. Despite the fact that the bugs move very quickly - an adult individual overcomes 1 m per minute, parasites prefer to live closer to the power source. therefore favorite places of bloodsuckers become beds, sofas, armchairs, the area adjacent to the beds.
Disputes often arise about whether there can be bugs in clothing.If a wardrobe, a chest of drawers with things is located near the recreation area, then the probability of detecting pests in the wardrobe is quite high. Insect could get into the apartment on the clothes brought and settle directly on it, especially if the thing is not in daily demand.
The second option why bugs live in things is a large population. Rapid reproduction Forcing the younger generation to look for new habitats. Dark corners, joints between pieces of furniture become for them an ideal refuge.
Most often found bugs in clothing made of synthetic fabrics. For such material pest easier to move. Do not deprive them of their attention and natural fabrics. Sleeping accessories, pajamas with the smell of man are of the greatest interest.
On a note!
Bugs in clothes made of wool, in fur products do not linger. Their paws are not adapted for movement in a thick woolen cover and the insect is trying to quickly leave an uncomfortable place for it.
How to deal with bedbugs on clothes
Derive parasites from the apartment, the house should only complex measures, which include the disinsection of the room,cleaning and disinfecting things. There are several options than to process things and clothes from bedbugs at home:
- Temperature method. Insects and their the eggs instantly die at temperatures below minus 20 ° C and above + 50 ° C. Under appropriate weather conditions, all clothes can be hung on the street and after a few minutes all individuals will be destroyed. To get rid of parasites in this way, people began several centuries ago.
If in the summer time the thermometer does not reach the appropriate temperature a bit, the folk trick will help to kill the bugs in the clothes. Put the car under the scorching rays of the sun, after it is heated enough, put things in it in small plastic bags and leave them for 2-3 hours.
- Washing or ironing at high temperatures will help get rid of bedbugs on clothes. Synthetic, silk and other materials can be cleaned from bugs using steam generator. One procedure is enough to destroy all individuals at any stage of development.
- The freezer is a safe and reliable means for eliminating parasites on delicate tissues.Clothes should be placed in bags and frozen for 2-3 days.
When I noticed a chain of bites, I came into indescribable horror. So bite bugs, other insects do not leave tracks. With a sense of fear I began to look around the bed - if I had found a nest in it, I would have to say goodbye to the bed. To my joy, the parasites did not reveal there. Traces of the “hotbed” were seen near the bedside table. Very worried that insects could spread on clothes. Therefore, she scrupulously processed every little thing with a steam generator, and everything that could be washed at a temperature above 50 ° C was rubbed off. The treatment of the apartment itself is a mere trifle compared to the “big wash”. But the only way get rid of bedbugs.
Karina, Volgograd
Application aerosol chemical preparations not always advisable. Before you treat clothing and things from bedbugs with aerosol, you should carefully study the instructions. The drug may leave behind a stain, which will not be easy to remove. In addition, the aerosol does not destroy eggs, but affects only adults and larvae.