Allergic reaction to bedbug bites
- Bedbug bites
- Bedbug bites
- Allergy to bedbug bites
- Allergy medications
Bed bugs - household pests, the appearance in the house which can bring big trouble. One of these problems is allergy to bedbug bites. It is nothing more than a hypertrophied reaction of the human immune system to a foreign body. The last in this case is the insect enzyme injected during the bite.
Why allergies occur?
Allergic reaction to bedbugs bites can occur far from everyone, as each body reacts to the pest's saliva in different ways. If a bug bite accompanied by unbearable itching, the immune system to combat the foreign substance begins to produce vigorously histamine - a substance that triggers the process of the immune response. The consequence of which is leukocytosis (inflammatory process). In this situation, biological substances contained in the insect's saliva act as allergens.
On a note!
More often, the bite of bed bugs can be allergic in children, since their delicate skin is more attractive and accessible to parasites. The risk group also includes people who do not follow the rules of hygiene. Those who are in contact with pigeons and rats can also be susceptible to attacks by parasites.
How does bed bug allergy develop?
Going in search of the victim, the pest prefers a sleeping person. Having chosen a place in the open area of the skin, the bloodsucker pierces it with her proboscis. This insect organ has two hollow channels.In one of them, human blood is being sucked out by the parasite; in the other, a special secret is inserted into the body of the victim, which has anesthetic properties. Due to this, the pest bite is not felt as a sleeping person. And the presence in the composition of the secret of special substances that prevent blood coagulation, does not limit the process of feeding the parasite.
With such an unpleasant phenomenon, like domestic bugs, and had to face our family when we were on vacation. Surprisingly, the wife and daughter suffered more from the parasites. Apparently my skin did not like the bloodsuckers at all. However, to understand why bedbugs don't bite everyone, there was no time. The situation became more complicated when an allergic reaction occurred to the child on the bites of parasites. The doctor prescribed the treatment in the form of pills and ointment and advised to leave the number infected by bugs. This is exactly what we did when we moved to another hotel. After a week, allergies did not seem to happen. That's how we rested.
Andrey, Moscow
Distinctive signs of a bite
Bed bug bites or food allergies have a lot in common, so not everyone can tell them apart.Paths of 3-4 adjacent redness indicate that the body was bitten by parasites. They pass in people after 1-2 weeks. Allergy, similar to bedbug bites, disappears much faster.
In a person with good health after the bite of a bug, practically no reaction occurs. A red spot or a small bump may be the only manifestations of a pest attack. For those who have a genetic predisposition for foreign bodies, symptoms of bed bug allergy may be as follows:
- swollen and reddened places of bite localization - every day they increase in size;
- blistering;
- slight itching.
This is how local manifestations of allergy are expressed, which do not pose a great danger to human health and disappear on their own after several days. Common allergic reactions to bedbug bites are accompanied by:
- severe tearing, runny nose, and sneezing;
- shortness of breath (bronchospasm), shortness of breath, or rapid heartbeat;
- swelling of the mucous membranes, a particular danger arises when the laryngeal edema, the consequence of which could be choking;
- in particularly difficult situations, even loss of consciousness is possible.
Below is a photo of an allergic reaction to bedbugs bites.
Allergy to bug bites in children is manifested in a brighter form than in an adult, due to the fact that their immune system is not yet fully formed. Therefore, in addition to the previously described symptoms, the child may have a fever, and in more serious cases, anaphylactic shock. The presence of such signs indicates the need for urgent measures to prevent the development of the disease.
How does an allergy in children can be seen in the photo above.
Are bedbug bites dangerous?
An allergic reaction is not the only threat the bugs are dangerous. The consequence of the parasite's desire to bite its prey can be not only anemia, but also the possibility of introducing various infections during scratching of the affected area.
How to treat a disease
Treatment of allergies will depend on the degree of development and course of the disease. In the absence of acute symptoms, self-medication with the use of antihistamines is possible. These are:
- Clarosens - An antihistamine drug that reduces signs of allergies and promotes rapid recovery of the human immune system. The tool is in the form of syrup and in the form of tablets.
- Desloratadine - antiallergic agent that can relieve unpleasant symptoms and swelling of varying degrees in a fairly short period of time. It is produced in tablets and in the form of a syrup. The latter option is often used to treat allergies in children.
- Advantan - hormonal drug intended for the treatment of serious forms of allergies. Due to the presence of a large amount of hormones in the composition of the product, it is not recommended for use in lactating and pregnant women.
A similar effect has Tsetrin, Parlazin, Ketotifen, Aleron and Zaditen.
You can also use the ointments, which include the weakening effects of bedbugs bite ingredients (Cetirizine or Loratadine). Acetic compress, soda lotions or applying to the inflamed area of cold will help relieve the sensation of itching.
Finding red spots on the body of her son in the morning, she decided that mosquitoes had bitten him.However, the next morning they increased not only in size but also in quantity. To which I was very surprised, because at night I turned on mosquito fumigator. The child began to disturb a strong itch. The fact that the house is infected with bedbugs, I learned only after consulting a doctor. It was he who showed me the “tracks”, which are the main sign of insect bites. After the prescribed treatment, the baby has become much easier. We took Aleron and put a mass of twisted dandelions to the bite sites. Yes, and I turned the whole house, processed all around anti-bed bug spray. Only this way we managed to overcome this problem.
Tatyana, Simferopol
It will help relieve the symptoms of itching and inflammation caused by bed bug allergy, slightly crushed cabbage leaves and juice. Plantain leaves and parsley have similar properties. Allergic swelling will decrease if you take a bath with a solution of the series.
Do not seek help from a doctor is possible only in the absence of serious signs of an allergic reaction or if serious infectious processes have not formed at the place of scratching. Common allergic reactions caused by bedbugs require immediate medical advice.
All the above methods will give an effective result only when processing the apartment. effective anti-bed bug. Without eliminating the main allergen (bugs), the disease can only be exacerbated. By the way, it is also possible allergy to the remedy for bugs. This nuance is especially important for a person suffering from allergic diseases.