Where are bugs hiding in the apartment

Bed bugs unpretentious, so they live in places where they are suitable temperature and access to food. The main food for them is human blood. In rare cases, they bite pets, rodents, birds. Comfortable for them is the same temperature as for a person, so, first of all, they should be searched where the household sleeps. Let us consider in more detail where the bugs are hiding, how they can settle in the apartment.

Where in the apartment there are bedbugs

The favorite habitat for bedbugs is an apartment in which people live, who do not bother themselves with cleaning and restoring order. This does not mean that in a clean, well-kept house bugs do not live. Insects can simply settle down and hide in suitcases, they can be brought from a business trip, travel, brought from work, gym, sauna, purchased with antique furniture. They live in medical institutions, can move from neighbors, stay after previous owners. You can learn about the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment by the following features:

  • Unpleasant smell. It is quite specific, it is secreted by a special gland present on the body of the insect, therefore the bugs stink. You can clearly hear it, where the parasite's nest is located, you can see how it looks in the photo. It is inhabited by parasites, they differ in sizeby age. Next to them are the eggsexcrement. Sometimes it is very hard to find a nest. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that bugs love secluded corners, well protected from light, since during the day they sit motionless, in no way betraying their presence in the house.If there is an unpleasant smell in the room, similar to fermented raspberries or poor-quality cognac, you need to look for where bloodsuckers can live.
Bugs in the apartment
Bugs in the apartment
  • Traces. Insects leave behind traces in the form of feces, which may be near the most crowded places. They look like small black dots that resemble ground pepper. Plus - a peculiar smell. If such points in the form of blood are on the bed, it is immediately clear where the bugs live. The reason for the appearance of blood marks may be his "murder" during that like a bug bites, a person automatically tries to throw him off, under the weight of his weight saturated with a bloodsucker, you can just crush. As a result, blood flows from it onto the bed. Insects have no glands secreting secretion, through which blood clotting occurs. Therefore, in the place of bites are tiny droplets. Check whether there are bugs in the house at night using a white sheet after the treatment. Spreading it and turning on the light can immediately detect insects.
  • Bites. They will also help to find out if there are bed bugs in the apartment. On the skin in place bedbugs bites blisters appear, swelling near them, and little drops of blood on top. Itching also occurs, sometimes severe pain is felt. Next to the human body can be about 3-7 bites, which are located close to each other.
    Bedbug bites
    Bedbug bites

If such signs are not visible, it means that there are still few parasites. To find where they may be hiding, you should “go” reconnaissance at night. Since the activity of the appearance of bedbugs manifests itself in the region of 3-5 o'clock in the morning, it is this time that you need to choose for inspection and to find out where bugs can live.

The note! Bedbugs breed quicklywhat is the main reason for their appearance. Once in the new habitat, they instantly spread throughout the premises. The fight will be much more effective if fight bedbugs joint efforts with neighbors.

Where to look for bed bugs

If we are talking about bedbugs, then from the very name you can understand where they like to live, but bloodsuckers live in other places, so consider this issue more widely and find out where the bugs still live.

  • Mattresses. They are the most dangerous. Bed bugs love to live in them, it is here that they live, from there they move to the bed. Therefore, you should start looking for them with mattresses.Carefully check the seams, folds on the bed, holes in the sheets. Parasites live closer to the person - the source of food. The favorable environment for them is heat and humidity, the mattresses are an ideal refuge for them, so they live there. They also love to live in pillowcases of pillows, since they also create suitable conditions: warmth, closeness of a person and humidity. Insofar as bugs do not like lights, blankets and sheets are not the things where bed bugs can be found. But the duvet cover must be inspected carefully. For a long time they do not linger in it, as it is subject to washing. An extreme case when bedding in the house is rarely washed.
    Bed bugs
    Bed bugs
  • Furniture in the bedroom. Parasites get up in the sofas or bedding. Often in folding products the frame is made of wood. Over time, cracks form in it, cracks - those habitats that love bugs. Especially they "respect" upholstery, in which there are folds, seams, fleecy surface. At the bed frames should also pay attention, especially at the head.
  • Room furniture. Bedbugs love to be found in closets. They can hide in chips, cracks, in the joints of the shelves.Finding them there is much easier than in mattresses or pillows.
  • Curtains, curtains, clothes. Knowing that the apartment has bed bugs, clothes, the curtains must be checked. If there are many insects, they can definitely colonize them. Unlike linen, curtains and curtains are much less likely to be washed, and bedbugs seem to know this and are happy to hide in their folds.
  • Plinths, indoor slits, doors, windows, paintings, wall and floor carpets, laminate flooring. If the population of bloodsuckers has increased dramatically, the bugs necessarily live in these places. Looking into them, you can easily find them. These may be individual individuals or whole nests.
    Habitats of bedbugs in the house
    Habitats of bedbugs in the house

Interesting! Bedbugs live where they can touch their back and belly simultaneously. It makes them feel safe. The apartment is a plinth, slit, pages of books. They calmly penetrate there because of their flat body shape.

What actions need to be taken

If the above factors are present in the apartment, it is necessary to deal with urgent destruction of bedbugs. Get rid of them using folk remedies, will not work.It is necessary to fight them with special strong preparations. You must immediately go to the shops of Moscow or the city where you live and purchase potent remedies for bedbugs and begin to process the apartment. Which drugs to buy, the store manager will tell. You can pre-read reviews of people on the Internet, who have already encountered such a problem and were able to forever get rid of bedbugs. To live in an apartment in which they live is unacceptable. After their bites remain wounds, appears allergic reaction, infection can be carried into the body. Especially quickly should get rid of them, if the house live small children. They suffer much more than adults, because they have delicate thin skin, a still weak immune system, so the probability of infection is much higher.

During the treatment of the room, special attention should be paid to wardrobes, where they like to hang around. Sometimes individuals can choose clothes for their habitat, they can live in them maggots. If, after processing, even a small number of bedbugs remain, after a short period of time they will again breed.

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Bed bugs

