How to determine if there are bugs at home

The problem of bedbugs in the apartment is faced not only by residents of private houses, but also high-rise buildings. They do not care about the condition of your home, clean or dirty, damp or dry, wet or cold - they appear everywhere. Sometimes they can start up even in apartments with European-quality repair and perfect cleanliness. It is necessary to answer the main questions: how to find out whether there are bugs in the apartment, why they appeared there, their favorite places and how to remove pests from the room.

Simple observations to help determine if there are bed bugs

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Home or bed bug is solely nocturnal. Since ancient times, he firmly settled in houses. The parasite can not flytherefore it moves quickly on small legs. Often there are disputes about what do bed bugs eat. They feed exclusively on the blood of humans and domestic animals, mainly at night, and during the day they hide in dark, secluded places.

If you suspect that the bugs have started, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the premises, guided by the following tips:

  1. The first sign that will help find out if there are bugs at home is an unpleasant smell. Specific aromawhich parasites secrete to attract females can be felt when they have reached a large number. Some owners say that the smell of fermented berries begins to soar in the room, others feel cognac notes.
  2. Bites on the body - Another symptom of the appearance of bloodsuckers. If you woke up in the morning, you wanted to scratch your arm or leg, and the cause of itching was a slight redness on the skin, it means that bedbugs were in bed. At the site of the bite, a swelling appears with a pronounced puncture point in the center.A distinctive feature of the klopinnyh attacks is characteristic linear chains. The bug does not bite in one place, but makes several punctures at a distance of 3-4 cm each other.
    Bedbug bites
    Bedbug bites
  3. Blood specks on sheets. After the insect drinks enough blood, bed bug size are increasing, and it becomes very vulnerable. Therefore, when turning a person in a dream, a well-fed individual is often crushed.
  4. Carefully examine all beds in the house: upholstered furniture, sofas, chairs and beds. Raise the mattress. Upholstery should be perfectly clean, without black dots. It is necessary to check bedbugs on furniture, especially on the back wall of cabinets. TO favorite habitats include interior items.
  5. In the period of growing up maggots they fade and periodically change their armor several times, therefore the characteristic sign that will help to recognize the bugs is black chitinous scales on the furniture, floor. Nymphs do not have a high speed of movement, therefore finds in the form of a discarded chitinous cover indicate that the ectoparasites accumulate close to each other.
  6. It is necessary to raise the carpets and carefully check all the places under the furniture, it is in dark corners that they hide and bed bugs breed.
Bugs in the house
Bugs in the house

Even the cleanest house or apartment is not insured against the penetration of parasites. They enter the apartment in several ways:


Before purchasing a furniture set, still in the store, carefully inspect your purchase. Need to check bedbugs in the couch, sometimes sellers themselves do not realize that pests can start on their premises.

What are the ways to help identify bedbugs

It so happens that it is very problematic to determine the presence of bedbugs in the apartment: there is no odor, and there are traces on the bed, only the places of the bites let you know about the presence of parasites. Identify bloodsuckers will help folk tricks.

Eight glasses

To check if there are insects in the house:

  • you must purchase eight plastic cups at the hardware store, four must be large and four a little smaller;
  • put one glass in another, process the edges with a piece of emery paper;
  • install them under the bed legs;
  • pour a little vegetable oil and sprinkle with talcum powder.

When the insect tries to get into the bed at night on the leg, it will fall into the prepared trap.


In the morning, she began to find small red spots on the body that itch. Detect bloodsuckers in the apartment did not work. I bought a special insect trap in the store, in the afternoon some little bug got into it, I thought a bug. I read how to recognize house bugs, but it turned out that it was not him. Found on the forum a way with glasses. She put them up for the night, and in the morning they found as many as seven bugs.

Julia, Rostov

Plate method

Plate method
Plate method

To grease the outer side of disposable plastic plates with oil or thick cream, pour talc inside. Put a plate near the bed. A bloodsucker, falling into talcum powder, cannot then get out of it.


Cleaning in the house, I noticed small, black scales, where they come from, did not immediately understand. Found a lot of information on the Internet, it turned out that these are signs of the appearance of bedbugs. I poured talcum on a plate, in the morning I counted about twenty. Now you have to do the processing throughout the house to get rid of bedbugs.

Elena, Moscow

Early rise

This method will help to find out if there are bedbugs in the bed.To do this, you need to make a bed with a white sheet and go to bed, after setting the alarm at four in the morning. Waking up on the alarm clock, carefully check the sheet for the presence of small bloody spots, if you are lucky, you can find a small number of insects.

Using the above methods, it is sometimes possible to find a single individual, which makes one wonder whether the bug can be alone in an apartment. To do this, you need to carefully examine it, identify the female or male. You can distinguish them according to the shape of the body, in females it is round and convex, which indicates the presence of eggs in her body. If a female is found, then it is likely that she is not the only representative of the “bloodthirsty” family.

By developing a strategy, how to remove parasites from the apartmentThe question arises whether bedbugs can only be in one room. Most often not, because insects with lightning speed obzhus the whole room, their goal is to produce as many offspring in favorable conditions.

Bedbugs in the bed and in the house - this is a real grief for the owners. Restless sleep, anxiety, a feeling that someone crawls all the time,It does not completely relax and rest after a hard day's work. It is very easy to identify a bed bug; it is enough to make only small observations. If the suspicions are confirmed, it is urgent to take steps to the destruction of bedbugs.

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Bed bugs

