Do bed bugs jump

Bed bugs - domestic pests that live near the person and feed on his blood Almost everyone knows about their existence, but what an insect looks like is not everything. And once having met a parasite in his apartment, some residents of the megalopolis simply do not recognize him as a bloodsucker. There are many myths about hemiptera created on erroneous information. So according to one of them, parasites are able to fly and even jump. What in reality, bugs jump or crawl, this article will tell.

What does a pest look like?

Hemiptera are small insects up to 6 mm in length, having a flattened segmented body. Their dimensions increase almost 2 times when pests are saturated with blood. At such a moment, the body takes on a darker color. The insect has paws, antennae and piercing proboscis with which it pierces human skin.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

White slightly elongated bed bugs eggs They resemble rice grains, each of which has a peculiar cap. It is through her newborn larva and begins his life journey. Larvae, as well as adults, hunt at night, attacking a sleeping person.

Features of the movement of parasites

The question of whether bed bugs jump, those who once found a parasite that fell on a bed, are puzzled. Maybe it will calm someone, but the bugs can not jump at all, and all the more to fly. Their limbs are not adapted for jumping, like green grasshoppers or fleas. Moreover, the lack of domestic pests wings deprives them of the ability to fly. Bed bloodsuckers can only crawl - they can move at a speed of 1 m per minute.

Given the fact that bed bugs do not jump, you can protect your bed from parasites by building obstacles in the form of double-sided tape on the legs of the bed. It is also possible to restrict the access of pests by placing the bed legs in a container filled with water. But if a person will sleep, and a blanket or blanket will suddenly descend to the very floor, insects will easily climb on it. Moreover, there are cases when bed bugs they even climbed to the ceiling, swooping down from him onto the bed.

Scotch from bedbugs
Scotch from bedbugs

Signs of infection

Make sure in the presence of bloodsuckers in the apartment by the following featured:

  • red spots on the body - the result bedbug biteslocated side by side, they resemble the trajectory of the parasite;
  • characteristic blood stains on the sheet;
  • the presence of excrement on the furniture in the form of tiny dark brown balls;
  • peculiar smell - it is distinguished by a special insect gland.

Such signs indicate pests infecting the apartment and the need for urgent action. Only timely fight bedbugs will give a positive result, and then the question, bloodsuckers jump or not, you will not have.

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Bed bugs

