Where do bedbugs come from in the apartment and how to get rid of

For a long time bed bugs considered an attribute of poverty and poor sanitation. Therefore, having found the characteristic bite marks of blood-sucking insects, people involuntarily wonder where the bugs come from in the apartment, because the cleaning is done in a timely manner, and the furniture is updated and the repair is fresh.Parasites do not show special selectivity when choosing a habitat. For them, the main determining factors for the appearance are the presence of a power source and secluded places, and the status of apartment owners, their financial situation and attitude to cleanliness do not matter.

Bugs in the apartment
Bugs in the apartment

Bugs are parasites that feed on human blood, in rare cases, their victims are rodents and birds. Blood suckers go hunting at night when a person is fast asleep and prefer to dwell near him. For this reason they are called bedding. Also there are other names: underwear, furniture, home. All these insects belong to the same species, and the name reflects only their location.

The most common routes of entry

The body of the bug is very flat and differs in small size, much smaller than in the photo. To fly and insects can not jump, but are able to actively move on their 6 legs. An adult individual in one minute overcomes a distance of 1 meter, the larva is 25-30 cm. Bed bugs can live without food for a long period and, under constrained circumstances, they make excellent travelers.The parasites have a well-developed sense of smell, and therefore, by their smell, they find a person’s accommodation without much difficulty.

Bedbugs and eggs
Bedbugs and eggs

Migrant parasites

In the countryside and suburban area, one of the reasons why bedbugs come from may be the presence of nearby poultry houses. Human blood for insects is preferable to birds, and sensing the smell of the human body, they migrate to more comfortable conditions for themselves. But parasitic bloodsuckers on animals is a rare case, most often insects get into the house from other contaminated living quarters.

In apartment buildings there are all conditions for the expansion of blood-sucking insects, go from neighbors they are not difficult. If they appeared in at least one apartment, they can very quickly spread throughout the entire living space. Due to the small size and features of the geometric structure of the body, insects are able to crawl through microcracks, any slot, channels for electrical cable, air vents, door and window openings.

Neighbors usually do not advertise and bashfully hold back the fact that they have had bugs in the apartment. Well, if they were able to notice in time the appearance of parasites and take timely effective measures to destroy them.The ideal option that can protect the rest of the tenants from the appearance of an undesirable neighborhood is to contact specialized parasite baiting services. Professional pest control agents are used that can instantly kill insects and prevent them from scattering around neighboring rooms.

Processing Services
Processing Services

Much worse is the case when neighbors are trying to bring bed bugs by antiquated means. Waving a tansy broom, processing walls and baseboards vinegar, aerosol application - all these methods of struggle lead to the fact that crowds of "refugees" are forced to settle in other apartments. Illiterate pest control is the most common reason why bedbugs appear in an apartment.

Bloodsuckers travelers

Very often the appearance of bedbugs in the house unwittingly provoked by the owner of the house.

  1. The causes of bedbugs in the apartment can be associated with traveling to warm countries, working trips. Parasites in cheap hotel rooms, hostels are a commonplace phenomenon, so there is a very great chance to bring a live “souvenir”, which is quietly located in the folds of clothes, a backpack.People who are often guests of such institutions can easily determine where the bugs come from in the house. Most likely, the last place of wandering is the source of the appearance of parasitic insects. It is enough for one female to “get lost” in the contents of the baggage and after a few months the apartment will be swarming with blood-sucking and life-threatening insects.
  2. Insects, imported with furniture, another common version, where the bugs come from in the apartment. Parasites traveling in new furniture are rare, there are no conditions for furniture in furniture factories. Most often, bugs in the house appear due to the unsuccessful purchase of antique furniture or interior items from the secondary market. Beds, sofas, mattresses are favorite habitats of parasites, therefore, before buying old furniture, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of items. In some cases, you may appear in the apartment with new furniture, if the storage warehouse is infected.
  3. Bedbugs travel not only in baggage or interior items, but also on clothes, shoe. It is enough to stay in the contaminated room for a few minutes to let the insect move onto your clothes or take a seat in a pair of shoes.Synthetic fabrics are not a deterring factor for the parasite, it doesn’t matter to him what material the clothes are made of.
  4. Visiting markets, shopping centers - it is always a certain risk to get bed bleeding. It is especially increased when buying second-hand clothing, in which there can be, as well as adults, as well as the eggs.

    Bed bugs
    Bed bugs
  5. Bedbugs in the apartment appear with the technique. Insects make habitable laptops, speakers, tablets and other gadgets and home appliances.
  6. The appearance of bedbugs in the house is often associated with packages, gifts. The item may be infected at the warehouse or if it was in the same room with parasites. Once in the apartment, the insect will look around and choose a place to live. With high probability it will be a bed, sofa or chair. If it is an adult, then in the coming days, it is unlikely to bite and at first will not give out its presence. Larva can bite immediately after their appearance, so by this stage of development they need frequent feeding.

People - bedbugs

It may sound horrible, but bugs in an apartment can start after visiting, visiting guests, acquaintances, relatives, workers of public services, craftsmen, etc.People themselves may not suspect that they have bred at them, and unwittingly carry the parasites on their clothes, in bags.

Bugs in the house - the owners

Not always bugs come from somewhere, they can live in an apartment before you move in. A reasonable question arises: “How is that? I purchased a living space, lived for several months and had no bugs. ” The explanation lies in the physiological characteristics of bloodsuckers. In the absence of food, it is common for them to fall into a state close to anabiosis. Sensing the emergence of food sources, dormant insects wake up and continue their activities.

You can buy an apartment with bedbugs in the secondary housing market, as well as in new buildings. There are often cases when new apartments in Moscow were infected by builders - migrant workers. After the completion of construction, devoid of a power source, the bugs hibernated, and when the owners came and settled, they woke up and began to bite and spoil the lives of their victims with new forces.

Bugs in the house
Bugs in the house

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of parasites

The causes of bed bugs are very diverse and it is almost impossible to fully insure your apartment against their penetration. We are not going to check every visitor for bedbugs.But there are a number of measures that can minimize the chance of insects:

  • After traveling, business trips in case of suspicion of the presence of bedbugs during an overnight stay, pack things, bags, backpacks in airtight bags and take them to dry-cleaning.
  • Purchase an electric dryer for clothes and dry your clothes after visiting suspicious places. Bedbugs die at certain temperatures.. At a temperature range of 50 °, not only adult individuals die, but also their eggs.
  • To conduct additional isolation of sockets and sealing of cracks, baseboards.
  • To scare away the parasites of the neighborhood, in their apartment to process the ventilation openings, entrance and doorways with special preparations or lavender branches, wormwood, wild rosemary. Destroy the bloodsuckers fragrances of plants can not, but create protective barrier against bedbugs can

Specific black dots on the walls, brown bloody specks on the bed and nightwear, bite marksAlong the same lines are clear signs that the bugs have already firmly settled in the house. In this case, the question of why the bugs appeared in the apartment is secondary and measures must be taken to get rid of parasites.

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Bed bugs

