Do dog and cat bugs bite

Due to the peculiarities of the body structure bed bugsTheir proboscis are too thin and not suitable for piercing the thick skin of cats and dogs. Therefore, the main source of food for them is man. Sometimes, due to the long absence of people in the apartment, they bite bed bugs and domestic animals, but this is not always possible. If adults with great effort can drink the blood of a cat or dog, then small ones maggots for this not adapted.

The dog's thick coat prevents the insect from reaching the skin, and, having reached the goal, it simply cannot bite it. They lay in their wool the eggs, easily moved around the apartment and the street. Animals love to contact their relatives, including the homeless, so the dog can bring bedbugs to the apartment after a walk.

Cats are particularly sensitive, they quickly react to the presence of bedbugs in the apartment because of the smell emanating from them. But there are domestic animals that have the same thin skin as humans do, which parasites pierce without difficulty - they are rodents, parrots, therefore their cages need to be placed above the floor at night.

Who is the main source of food for bed bugs

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Domestic bugs are blood-sucking insects that feed exclusively on blood, they are not interested in food debris and skin particles. Only active at night. They crawl out from the nooks, crawl onto a person’s bed, find a pulsating vessel and pierce the skin with the help of a trunk. Moment bug bite not felt because the enzyme they produce blocks nerve endings.One insect, to be fully fed, can bite up to five times. He drinks enough blood for two weeks.

People are more interested in bedbugs than other warm-blooded animals. The fact is that a person has delicate and thin skin, and in animals it is too rough, besides a considerable obstacle for them is wool. Bedbugs live on cats because they often hunt mice, descend into damp cellars, where insects literally teem and then can bring them into the house.

Can cats and dogs be attacked by bed bugs

With the appearance of parasites in the apartment, house, pet owners are concerned about the issue of whether the bugs bite cats and dogs. There are no reasons for panic and special anxiety. Why bloodsuckers cannot satisfy their hunger by attacking cats and dogs:

  1. The main reason for the attack is hunger. Insect, plenty of drunk blood, goes without it for about two weeks. When a person leaves the premises for a long period, leaving the cat or dog, the bloodsuckers have no choice but to bite through their skin.
  2. Unable to overcome the coat of the animal, especially for some breeds that are distinguished by thick and dense coat.
    Dogs and cats
    Dogs and cats
  3. Whether dog bites bite, the answer to this question is unequivocal, because their skin is very tough, rough, only an adult, strong and very hungry individual can bite through it. The rest, even breaking the barrier of wool can not make a single bite.
  4. Cats are sensitive to the smell emitted by insects, moreover, are nocturnal, so with the slightest attempt to attack, they immediately react and try to prevent a bite.
  5. The bug finds a source of food thanks to the receptors, which are located on the tips of their antennae, they subtly capture the smell of skin, sweat, heat, carbon dioxide emitted from a person. Pets emanate completely different smells, and besides, cat or dog hair is a source of such a strong aroma that it easily interrupts the rest.

On a note!

To drink blood from a dog, the insect will have to put a lot of effort. It will look for a place where there is the least wool and the most delicate skin. This may be inguinal folds and armpits.


I have several cats living in my house, one of them is constantly scratching, fleas have recently been bred, and the animal still remains restless.He carefully examined the cat, found small red spots on his stomach. Went to the vet. He said that they were bugs and advised me to carefully examine all the furniture. On the old chair found small insects. The chair threw out and called for an exterminator for processing apartments from bedbugs. For several months, parasites have not seen.

Roman, Novokuznetsk

There are many species of bedbugs, some live in apartments, others on the ground, and still others in the water. A dog can bite water bugwhen she will swim in the lake and accidentally disturb him. Bedbugs do not pose a threat to animals, bite solely for self-defense.

Bedbugs predators
Bedbugs predators

What other pets can suffer from bedbugs

Answering the question whether the bugs bite other pets other than cats and dogs, you can answer in the affirmative. If there are pets in the apartment, which have more delicate skin than a cat and do not have such a thick coat like a dog, bugs will not disdain them. When there is no man at home, they will happily profit by the blood of rodents (rats, guinea pigs, hamsters) or parrots

Animals can not complain and say that they are worried.It is possible to suspect that a pet becomes a source of food for bloodsuckers on the following grounds:

  • during a bite, the insect secretes a special secret that blocks the sensitivity of nerve endings and prevents blood from clotting quickly, so neither the person nor the animal feels the moment of a puncture, but after a while burning, itching, discomfort, the pet begins to itch and restlessly behave;
  • loss of hair at the site of the bite;
  • if, upon careful examination of the animal’s body, we managed to see a path of five or more nearby red points, there is no doubt about that - it was stung by bugs.

The bite causes a strong allergic reaction or causes inflammation, because bugs are carriers of viruses and bacteria. It is advisable to lubricate the affected skin with such creams:

  • Unisan;
  • Doctor;
  • Ranosan
Bite preparations
Bite preparations

Noticing that the pet has become lethargic, refuses to eat, drinks poorly, you need to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Often the question arises whether the cat can bring bugs into the house. The answer is unequivocal - yes. Cats and dogs that constantly walk on the street can easily carry different parasites into the house: fleas, ants,bed bugs.


Special collars, drops, shampoos will save the animal from the attack of bloodsuckers.

Regular inspection and care of the animal will prevent it from insect bites and will not allow them to get into the house with wool.

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Bed bugs

